

The sound of breaking glass echoed through the small apartment. Luke jolted awake, his hand instinctively reaching for his gun as he sat up in bed. He listened intently for any other noises, but the apartment was silent. He got up, putting on his robe and quietly made his way to the living room. As he rounded the corner, Luke's heart dropped. His grandmother, who he had lived with for years, lay on the ground in front of the shattered window. Blood pooled around her head and her eyes were closed. Luke ran to her side, his hands shaking as he felt for a pulse. It was too late. She was gone.

DaoistuNP3JZ · realistisch
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12 Chs

Chapter 10: The Truth Unfolds

The next day, Luke went to Stella's house. He needed answers, and he knew she was the only one who could give them to him.

He knocked on the door, and Stella answered it. Her eyes were red and swollen, and she looked like she hadn't slept all night. "Luke," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm so sorry."

"What happened, Stella?" Luke asked, stepping inside her house.

"I killed my mother," Stella said, her voice cracking. "I couldn't take it anymore. She was always pushing me, always trying to control me. And when she found out about my past, she threatened to ruin my career."

Luke's heart sank. He couldn't believe it. The woman he loved had committed murder. "Why didn't you tell me, Stella?" he asked.

"I was scared," she said, tears streaming down her face. "I didn't know how you'd react. I didn't want to lose you."

"I'm a police officer, Stella," Luke said, his voice stern. "I have to do what's right. You know that."

"I know," she said, wiping away her tears. "I'll turn myself in. I'll do whatever it takes to make it right."

Luke sighed. He knew he had to do his job, but he couldn't bear the thought of losing Stella. "I'll help you, Stella," he said. "I'll make sure you get a fair trial."

Stella looked at him, hope in her eyes. "Thank you, Luke," she said.

Luke held her tightly, not wanting to let go. He didn't know what the future held, but he knew one thing for sure: he loved Stella, and he would do whatever it took to help her.

The next few weeks were a blur for Luke. He worked tirelessly to build a case for Stella, while also dealing with the aftermath of his grandmother's death. The investigation into her murder was ongoing, but Luke had a feeling that it was somehow connected to Stella's case.

Finally, the day of Stella's trial arrived. Luke sat in the courtroom, his heart pounding in his chest. He watched as Stella took the stand, telling her story of why she killed her mother. Luke couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as she spoke. He knew that she was taking responsibility for her actions, and that she was genuinely remorseful.

The jury deliberated for hours, and finally, they came back with a verdict. Luke held his breath as the judge read it aloud. "We find the defendant, Stella Johnson, not guilty of the charge of first-degree murder."

Luke felt a wave of relief wash over him. Stella was free, and they could finally move on with their lives. He took her hand, leading her out of the courtroom.

As they walked out of the building, Luke couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness. Despite everything they had been through, he and Stella had come out the other side stronger. They had faced their demons and come out victorious.

Luke turned to Stella, taking her in his arms. "I love you," he said, kissing her deeply.

"I love you too," she replied, smiling through her tears.

Luke knew that there would be more challenges in their future, but he also knew that they could face anything together. As long as they had each other, they could conquer anything.