
The Ex-Husband Returns: A Second Chance At Love.

After a totally disastrous marriage, she has decided to keep her heart locked away for the rest of her life from the most hurtful things that can ever come to her. To be precise, men. She has finally realised that it’s so stupid to rely on any man or bid her own happiness on them. Even if it can be tough to be a bread earner and a single mom at the same time, even if she feels lonely at times, she will never ever enter any romantic relationship anymore. There’ll only be one person she will love with her whole heart, her babies. She can do this, and she must do this, because she is an independent strong woman who is the owner of her own fate. However what happens when the man she has solely voted to be away from comes to her aid? He comes back and asks her to be his wife? “Marry me ex-wife” on his knees, he begs. “Sorry, ex-husband, I can’t.”

Raven_Writer · Urban
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101 Chs

Chapter 10

Just as Carmela was starting to feel a little more at ease, her phone rang. 

It was the police station, calling to tell her that she needed to come in right away. Her heart sank as she hung up the phone. "I'm sorry, but I have to go," she said to George. "The police need to talk to me."

George looked worried. "I hope everything is all right," he said. "If you need anything, please let me know."

Carmela nodded and left the room, feeling a mix of fear and confusion.

As Carmela pulled up to the police station, her heart was pounding in her chest. She had no idea what was going on, but she had a feeling that it wasn't good. She took a deep breath and walked into the station, her hands shaking.

The officer at the front desk greeted her with a smile. "You must be Carmela," she said. "Follow me, the chief wants to speak with you."