
The Evolution Of A God-Type Threat

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12 Chs

The Tale Of Three Swords/Shiva vs Shindo...Round 2

When Shindo awoke, he found himself hanging upside down inside Raitaro's cabin. "Umm, you mind explaining what's going on?" he asked as he tried to reach his tied up ankles. "I punched you a bit too hard, your punctured lungs filled with swamp water, I carried you back here, hung you up to dry and now we're talking," Raitaro explained while sitting in a meditating position. "Well do you mind letting me down?" Shindo requested. "In a moment. I first have to finish repairing the barrier," Raitaro responded while maintaining his position. "What barrier?" Shindo asked sounding confused. "The big dome around the cabin. It's a portion of a three part barrier meant to keep myself undetected from everyone. Literally everyone. As in humans and those big oafs who think they own the universe," Raitaro explained, sounding a little aggressive towards the end.

"Big oafs? I'll take it that refers to Shiva and the like?" Shindo asked as he spun around still hanging. "Exactly kid. I hate all of them," Raitaro said. "Even Amaterasu?" Kami-gatta chimed in from inside Shindo's head. "Yes father. Even your sister," Raitaro confirmed. "So are you gonna let me down or what? Cause I can feel the blood rushing to my brain now," Shindo pointed out. With a flick of his hand, the chain loosened causing Shindo to drop to the floor. Raitaro rose up before walking past Shindo towards the fireplace. "I'm fine. Thanks for asking," Shindo said out loud. "It's a level three corruption," Raitaro said as he stared at the fire. "Level three? What does that mean?" Shindo asked as he rubbed the top of his head. "It means that there are only two options left at this point. You either die by my hand or learn to control it with my help," Raitaro said still looking intently at the fire.

Shindo stood silently while looking at the floor. "I remember something now," he said. "Which is?" Raitaro asked in response. "You made a sword appear and said something about not wanting to use it," Shindo answered. "I did do that. The sword I used was rather special compared to most," Raitaro said as he turned to face his guest. "How special is 'special'?" Shindo inquired. "Let's just say that the sword can spoil your day in a very, very, very bad way," Raitaro stated before taking a seat on the nearest sofa. "If I ask you to explain, is this going to turn into a history lesson?" Shindo asked. "Also, any spare clothes?"

Raitaro pointed at the staircase. "Second door to your left. Find whatever suits you and put it on," he said, now in full sloth mode. "Thank you very much," Shindo said before disappearing upstairs. After thirty minutes, he came back down in a black no-sleeved turtleneck, white cargo trousers and black high tops. "What do you think?" he asked as he spread his arms. "The fact that we share the same fashion sense scares me," Raitaro said as he stared at Shindo. "It happens. Anyway, let's start the history lesson," Shindo said as he sat on the floor with his legs crossed.

"Right, this is the tale of the three greatest weapons ever wielded by mortals," Raitaro began, "So as you already know by now, Hakai no O started a war against his siblings. But even he knew it would be practically impossible to win without some sort of advantage. So just before the war was meant to begin, he crafted and gave swords to his three commanders. These three were the strongest mortal beings known to man. Although their names have been long forgotten, the names of their blades have lived on."

Shindo stood up after that explanation and walked silently into the kitchen. He walked back out with a pineapple in one hand and a knife in the other. Raitaro stared at him in confusion. "What? I'm hungry," Shindo stated before sitting back down. "Didn't say anything," Raitaro responded. "So you were saying something about sword names," Shindo reminded him as he began peeling his fruit. "Right. The swords were given names based on a trait they were meant to bring out. The first sword, 'The Scattered Ash of Destruction' was meant to bring out the user's chaos energy, a driving force that gives immeasurable strength. The second sword, 'The Bloodstained Snow of Peace' gave it's user speed beyond all limitations. And the third sword, 'The Infinite Shadow of Darkness' was feared as the sharpest edged sword in the cosmos. It was believed to be able to cut mountains in half. And if you're lucky enough, you could become the next wielder of two of those swords," Raitaro explained.

Shindo froze after hearing the last part. "Something wrong, kid?" Raitaro asked while tapping Shindo's forehead. Shindo slapped his hand away while staring at the knife in his hand. "It's nothing really," he said at last. "I'm just surprised by how much my life has changed so suddenly. I literally went from having absolutely no powers whatsoever to being with in reach of two swords which are that strong," Shindo explained. "Listen Shindo, there's still the possibility of you ending up dead if you fail to control your corrupted form. So dont look so nostalgic," Raitaro pointed out. Shindo gave him a confused stare. "I dont know whether that's you version of encouragement or you just really want to kill me," he said. Before Raitaro could respond a sound that was way too familiar to Shindo came from outside.

"Go upstairs and hide. I'll be right back," Raitaro said suddenly as he walked slowly towards the door. Shindo did as he was told but stopped at a place where he could remain hidden and still listen to what was going on downstairs. "Open up already!" Shiva shouted from the other side of the door. Oh come on!, Shindo thought to himself. "Calm down Shiva. We didn't exactly get an invite first so we cant rush him. Isn't that right Anu?" a female voice said in response to Shiva's voice. The door opened before Anubis could say anything. There were several hurried footsteps before they all came to a stop. Shindo peeked and true enough, Shiva was there along with Anubis and a woman he did not recognize.

"I assume you have a purpose for coming here unannounced," Raitaro said looking stiffer in his seat now. "Well yes actually. How do I say it without sounding disrespectful?" the woman answered. "We want you to join the war. Also why does it look like a warzone outside?" Anubis spoke up before his female associate could speak. "There's no way I'm joining you buffoons for a childish battle. Also it looks like that because I got a little artistic," Raitaro responded. "This isn't a request. It's a demand buddy. We'll drag you back to Valhalla if we have to," Shiva said aggressively.  "That's a load of bull. You couldn't do that even if I was asleep," Raitaro contradicted. "Really? Let's test that theory," Shiva responded. "No need to get violent, you two," the woman said.

"Amaterasu is right. There's no need for unnecessary fighting over such a trivial thing. Raitaro, all we ask is that you help us in this battle against Hakai," Anubis added. "I already told you that my answer is no. Now would you please leave me in peace?" Raitaro asked as he gestured towards the door. "Sure. But let me fight the brat you're hiding first," Shiva requested. "Sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about Shiva," Raitaro responded calmly. "Dont play dumb with me you weakling," Shiva replied. "Shiva, there's no proper reason for you to fight the boy. And if what you said last time is true then he's going to be a force to be reckoned with if he has my brother's blessing," the woman, apparently Amaterasu responded.

"Force to be reckoned with? Ha! He couldn't beat me even if I let him," Shiva stated sounding high and mighty. "Then let's prove it you stupid hypocrite!" Shindo yelled before stepping out into view. "Hakumo?" Amaterasu asked looking confused. "Wait, you know my brother?" Shindo asked back. "Sure I do. I didn't know that he was your brother though," Amaterasu responded. "Can we talk about this after I destroy the kid?" Shiva protested. "Sure, why not? Let's go," Shindo said before intentionally bumping into Shiva on his way to the door. "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy killing you," Shiva said before throwing off his jacket and summoning his trident. "Anubis, I ask you this as a friend...Tell Shiva to stop," Raitaro said as he followed everyone else outside.

Shindo and Shiva were already standing at opposite sides of the mountain when the other three came outside. "Am I the only one who think Shiva looks kind of hot when he's aggressive?" Amaterasu asked while blushing. "Amaterasu, you're married. Have some dignity," Anubis instructed as he stood with his arms folded. "Come on Anu. You're pretty hot too but Shiva, he's just... wow," Amaterasu replied. "What the heck is wrong with you?" Raitaro asked in disgust. Amaterasu simply giggled before gesturing towards the imminent showdown.

"Hey kid, remember how I almost killed you last time? Well I'm gonna do it again, without the "almost" this time," Shiva said menacingly as he pointed his weapon at Shindo. Shindo smiled back, but didn't have a response. He let out a deep breath before his power exploded out of him, forming a green aura as it shot up. Shiva responded by letting his own power do likewise. "So this is the only way to get him to use it? Never expected that," Raitaro said out loud. "To get who to use what?" Anubis asked back. "You know that old prophecy about a corrupted warrior?" Raitaro responded. "Yes. The one about a mortal said to have power rivaling that of a Destruction Major," Amaterasu said. Raitaro pointed at Shindo and said, "That kid's the mortal." As if confirming the statement, Shindo let out another 'boom' sound. He was still charging up despite already showing signs of being in his corrupted state.

"This isn't good. He's gone past the limit," Raitaro said sounding terrified. "What's wrong, Raitaro?" Amaterasu asked sympathetically. "Though it's true that Shindo is the all-powerful warrior, he's still out of control. You should have seen the trouble he gave me. But now, I'd estimate he's pushing far beyond his limit," Raitaro explained. "Sssshhhh, it's about to begin," Anubis ordered. Soon after, Shindo and Shiva ceased from their display of power.

"Shiva, answer this for me while you still can. Have you ever fought Raitaro?" Shindo asked, speaking in multiple voices. "Sure I have. His full power nearly scales as an equal to mine," Shiva boasted. Shindo vanished and reappeared behind Shiva holding his scythe at his neck. "Seventy percent buddy boy," Shindo said before slicing Shiva's throat. Everyone looked on as Shiva's motionless body fell towards the ground, stained with ichor. "Look who's useless trash now," Shindo stated as he walked away from the supposed corpse. "Wait for it," Anubis instructed as Amaterasu and Raitaro stared in shock.

"Hey brat! I'm not done yet!" Shiva yelled in a loud voice. Shindo slowly turned while cracking a smile. "Now then, let's get out of the collateral damage zone," Shindo said. "No need!" Shiva said as he charged at Shindo. He went for a stab to his chest but slid past him before stabbing him in the back and lifting him off the ground. "And here I thought you had a forgiving heart," Shindo said sarcastically as if giving his current situation no concern. "I'm surprised that Raijin gave you this much to play with. I thought humans couldn't last before burning up into ash. Tell me Shindo, is it burning?!" Shiva replied before kicking Shindo off the trident and stabbing him, in the chest this time. Shindo spat blood onto Shiva's face. "Burns like hell!" he answered with a smile.

Shiva responded to his grotesque remark by slamming him into the ground before removing the impaled trident. "You're weak Shindo. That's all you've been and ever will be. The thought of seeing you as an equal disgusts me," Shiva stated, kneeling down next to Shindo. He patted Shindo on the cheek before standing and walking back to the spectators. "Force to be reckoned with!? That is your force to be reckoned with!? He was path-" he said before a chain wrapped around his neck and threw him into a tree. "I'm okay with you acting all powerful and all. I'm okay with you thinking you're stronger from landing a couple of cheap shots, on a kid by the way! But never, ever call me weak!" Shindo yelled furiously. "Or what?!" Shiva yelled from his landing spot. Shindo moved so fast that the spectators barely saw what happened. He appeared to have gone through Shiva and returned to his position in a split second.

He held an arm, apparently Shiva's arm, towards him before crushing it. Shiva stared in disbelief at what he had just seen. He then looked down at his right and saw that his entire arm had been cleanly amputated. "And I'll go for the other one next if you don't apologise Shiva. Now!" Shindo announced as he pointed his scythe at Shiva. "Umm Shindo, I think you've done enough. Just stop before you begin crumbling," Kami-gatta advised sounding nervous. "Zip it Kami-gatta," Shindo muttered. He blitzed towards Shiva at the same speed as before but halfway through the slice of Shiva's other arm, he slowed down to normal speed before hearing a chain clatter in his head. As Shiva lifted his knee towards Shindo's midsection, the only thought in Shindo's mind was, I'm going to kill that man when I pass out.

Just before Shindo was supposed to be hit, he found himself away from Shiva with Raitaro standing in front of him with his arms out. "Raitaro, do you mind explaining what you just did?" Shiva asked, sounding annoyed. "Well if you must know...It's because you almost killed a defenseless child," Raitaro responded. "Defenseless? Well that defenseless kid just chopped off and crushed my arm. And was about to do it to my other one," Shiva pointed out. "That person and the person behind me are two separate entities. It was the corrupted form of Shindo that did that to you," Raitaro explained. "Then let me beat the hell out of him instead," Shiva suggested sarcastically. "That's not going to happen. We all heard the chain snap. Shindo no longer has any power. This battle is over," Raitaro stated.

Shiva looked infuriated by the statement. "That is the biggest load of bull I've ever heard," he said as he walked towards Raitaro and Shindo. Raitaro let out a quick whistle before quickly summoning a different katana from the one Shindo had seen earlier. This sword had a white blade with a red hilt with a small snowflake ornament hanging from a little chain. Shindo deduced that he was looking at the 'Bloodstained snow of peace', one of the three swords that Raitaro had talked about earlier. Before he could say anything, a lightning bolt rushed down followed by Raiju's arrival. The wolf looked straight forward before letting out a growl. Shindo shifted back before running to the only peaceful people around: Amaterasu and Anubis.

"Aren't one of you going to stop this?" Shindo asked the remaining spectators. They both just stared at Shindo blankly. Finally, Anubis let out a sigh and said, "I think I'm the best person to handle this." With a flash  he vanished before reappearing behind Shiva with his hand on his shoulder. "It's time we called a stop to this and returned, you three eyed crack head," he said calmly as he slowly tightened his grip on Shiva's shoulder. Shiva complied and let his weapon vanish. "Much better. Now apologise to Raitaro and Shindo like a good deity," Anubis instructed, clearly enjoying the moment. "And if I don't?" Shiva asked, having clearly forgotten the state of his remaining arm. Anubis responded by readjisting his grip until he heard a snap. "That will happen," he said in a kind tone. "I wonder how we're still friends," Shiva said. "Raitaro, I'm sorry for causing a commotion. It was uncalled for," he said, sounding as humble as he could. He then turned towards Shindo slowly. "Shindo, I'm sorry for foul-mouthing your capabilities," he said, still forcing the humility out of himself. "And?" Anubis said as if reminding Shiva about something. "There's an 'and'?!" Shiva asked in confusion. "Nope. I'm just kidding," Anubis said as he held back a laugh. As soon as Anubis loosened his grip, Shiva turned and began chasing him while screaming, "I'll kill you, you long-nosed pain in the neck!" Shindo gazed in confusion as Shiva chases Anubis. "What the heck is up with those two?" he asked, addressing Amaterasu.

"Oh, Shiva and Anubis? They're the definition of best friends. But forget that. You wanted to know about Hakumo?" Amaterasu said looking back at Shindo with the most heartwarming smile he'd seen in a very long time. It reminded him of his mother's smile. "Yeah. How do you know my brother?" Shindo finally asked after reminiscing. "I found him dying on a deserted island for some reason so I saved him and began training him," she responded casually.

"Training? Training for what?" Shindo inquired. Amaterasu remained silent. Shindo held her arm and asked his question again. Amaterasu looked at Shindo as if he had threatened her. "Listen carefully Shindo Nakajima," she began, sounding annoyed, "You have been declared a threat to humans and Deities alike based on your recent actions. However, you have been pardoned for your errors and given a place within our army. Now release your hold on me before I make your body feel a whole lot lighter." Shindo didn't realise that he hadn't been breathing until after Amaterasu's threat. The pressure of the Goddess' power made Shindo feel nauseous and weak. His vision got blurry as he fell down onto the cold stone ground. "You are nothing more than a simple powerless human for the time being. Regain and harness your powers. Afterwards, seek me out if you wish to reunite with your brother," Amaterasu instructed. Shindo stretched his arm out towards her before passing out.

"That was unnecessary Aunty Rasu," Raitaro said as he came to pick up Shindo. "He's so much like Raijin that it's disturbing," Amaterasu replied. Raitaro chuckled as he heaved Shindo's body onto his shoulder. "Train him well. He'll be an excellent asset in battle. And give it some more thought about joining as well," Amaterasu said as Raitaro walked towards his cabin. He put Shindo on a couch before going back out to see off his guests.

Anubis shook Raitaro's hand before bowing and disappearing with a boom, leaving Shiva and Amaterasu with Raitaro. "Punctual much," Shiva said. "So sorry about the arm by the way," Raitaro said to him. "It's nothing. It'll be back in an hour tops. Plus I still have three left. Honestly, I never expected that much power from him," Shiva replied. He laughed and shook Raitaro's hand before turning to leave. "He's got potential, that one. Mould him well so that he makes a fine successor for me," he said just before leaving with a similar boom. Amaterasu had nothing to say so she simply turned and left as well. Raitaro  turned around and walked back to his cabin with Raiju by his side. "On second thought, I think a war might give me the cardio I need," he muttered as he walked inside. Raiju altered his size becoming the size of a standard adult dog before running into the cabin as well.