
The Everything Gazing Up To Mimic The Reason

A Normal Will Soon Be A Mystery While The Mystery Will Soon Become Normal.

Furil · sci-fi
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2 Chs

The Lost One

Everything happen so fast he couldn't speak he couldn't move he couldn't think of anything but only fear

"Who- No What are you" with a fear in his voice.

Its graduation, some children are happy some are disappointed and some are scared because they failed.

After they called out the most outstanding student the ceremony ended.

Leizues and his family goes and celebrate his graduation

"School is hard but if you quit there's a big chance you'll lose in life" Said by his dad

"Yeah but there's still a chance I will be successful"

"Well I can't disagree with that" his dad said and they both laugh

"Well I disagree with that, not the chance of being successful but dropping out of school"

"Yeah mom, my reytal isn't even good so I probably can't go to hunt those pesky monster in the hole"

After they got back in their house they couldn't open the lights the pitch black sight is making the children scared.

Everything happen so fast for a few milliseconds

(A man, Dad, Mom, my sister, my brother, dark, colors, scared,killed) leizues can only think of this and nothing more

"Give me back G-Dad"

"And why?"

"I'll kill you!"

It became morning

Leizues wakes up and opens the television

"The sun is about to blow up"

He woke up again

"There's a virus that is spreading rapidly when you stare at people"

He woke up

Woke up

Woke up

Woke up

Woke up

Woke up

And Woke up again

Everything that he see in the news happen instantly

Leizues is scared and confuse

"Well sorry to break it to you but it's reality" everything goes back at the night when a man appeared

His ability to think shattered as soon as he heard his words

"I can forward time and control what's happening in the future of this world and revert it back again"

The man then open a portal and grab leizues through it

"The person I'm trying to get back who is h-"

He then fell unconscious