
The Eternal Phoenix

AbsVK_Gaming · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Farewell in the Forest

The following weeks saw Li Tian and Xu Yao continuing their tireless quest for knowledge, seeking ways to heal his shattered cultivation core. Despite the whispers and the shadow of doubt that hung over them, they remained resolute. The academy, with its ancient halls and hidden libraries, held secrets that they hoped would guide them to a solution.

One evening, Xu Yao returned from the archives with a dusty tome, her eyes alight with hope. "Li Tian, I found something," she said, excitement tinged with urgency in her voice. "There is an ancient method, a ritual that might restore your cultivation."

Li Tian looked up, his interest piqued. "Tell me more."

Xu Yao explained the ritual, detailing the intricate steps and the rare ingredients required. It was a long shot, but it was their best hope. Determined, they set out to gather the necessary components, their resolve unwavering despite the daunting task ahead.

As they ventured deeper into the surrounding forests and mountains, their bond grew stronger. Each step of the journey was fraught with peril, but their shared determination kept them moving forward. They faced wild beasts, treacherous terrain, and the ever-present threat of Zhao Min and Wang Lei's interference.

Finally, they collected the last of the ingredients and prepared to perform the ritual. They chose a secluded glade, bathed in the soft light of the full moon, its tranquility a stark contrast to the turmoil in their hearts. Xu Yao carefully arranged the components, her hands steady despite the gravity of the task.

As they began the ritual, the air around them crackled with energy. Xu Yao chanted the ancient incantations, her voice steady and clear. Li Tian felt a surge of power coursing through him, a glimmer of hope igniting within his heart. But as the ritual reached its climax, a shadow fell over the glade.

Zhao Min and Wang Lei emerged from the darkness, their eyes filled with malice. "Did you really think you could escape us?" Zhao Min sneered. "We won't let you regain your power, Li Tian."

Xu Yao stood protectively in front of Li Tian, her staff at the ready. "You will not harm him again," she declared, her voice unwavering.

The battle that ensued was fierce and brutal. Xu Yao fought with all her might, her movements a blur of grace and power. But the odds were against them. Mei Ling, who had been lurking in the shadows, joined the fray, her face a mask of guilt and determination.

"Mei Ling, why?" Xu Yao cried, her voice filled with anguish as she defended against her friend's attacks.

Mei Ling's eyes shimmered with unshed tears. "I'm sorry, Xu Yao. I have no choice."

Despite her internal conflict, Mei Ling fought with deadly precision. Xu Yao, torn between protecting Li Tian and confronting her friend, was soon overwhelmed. In a final, desperate move, Zhao Min and Wang Lei struck Xu Yao down, their combined attack too powerful for her to withstand.

As Xu Yao fell to the ground, mortally wounded, Li Tian's scream echoed through the glade. Crawling to her side, he cradled her in his arms, tears streaming down his face. "Xu Yao, please stay with me," he whispered, his voice breaking.

Xu Yao's hand gently cupped his cheek, her touch as soft as a feather. "Li Tian, I... I love you," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "You must... continue... our fight."

With those final words, Xu Yao's eyes fluttered shut, and her hand slipped from his face. Li Tian held her close, his heart shattering into a million pieces. The world around him seemed to collapse, the weight of his loss almost unbearable.

Zhao Min and Wang Lei watched with cold satisfaction, their victory complete. But Mei Ling stood apart, her eyes filled with regret and sorrow. She had lost more than she had gained, her loyalty to Zhao Min and Wang Lei costing her dearly.

As the dawn broke, casting a pale light over the glade, Li Tian made a vow. He would honor Xu Yao's sacrifice, he would find a way to restore his cultivation, and he would bring Zhao Min and Wang Lei to justice. His path was clear, his resolve stronger than ever. He would rise from the ashes of his loss and fight for justice.