
What if we refuse to fight?

The awe in the hearts of the Patriarchs of the Ten Great Bloodlines kept rising as Cain unleashed a battle power that was simply incredible. It reached its peak as they saw the Nine Void Suns Battle Form and how the young man's power skyrocketed, almost taking the life of one of the Humanoids of Dark Sky before he was forced to flee due to the arrival of a gargantuan figure.

Although the video perfectly showed Cain's power, it also revealed how wounded he was after the battle against the Humanoids of Dark Sky, making the cost of fighting those things clear.

"Divided, we will be slaughtered. Together, we could fight, but we will lose and die."

The words of Cain to the powerhouses of the Godslayer Humankind Empire and the Inferno Daemon Empire echoed in the mind of the Patriarch of the Ten Great Bloodlines of the Deus Behemoth Empire.

"Luckily, there are more than just two Sacred Races in Aether."