
The Red King (I)

Cain saw that lightning claw coming toward him and knew what it meant. He could not back down now since the red ring's self-destruction could not be stopped, but if he carried on with his attack, there was no way he could survive.

Time froze for Cain at that moment as he faced that decision. He would have to pay the ultimate price if he wanted to kill the Atrox and save his friends.

A smile formed on Cain's face as he pushed forward and connected his left fist to the Atrox's chest, right on top of this one's heart. The second he did that, blood splattered all over his face. 

Cain's eyes widened as he felt that blood because it was not his. A sense of utter dread overflowed his heart as he looked to the side and saw a scene that would be forever engraved in his soul.

Beelze used her body to stop the Atrox's claw. The lightning blade pierced her chest, leaving what one could only assume to be a lethal wound. 

