
Mark in military record

Cain retrieved his Ego Wave the next second and tilted his head. Before he would even open his mouth, the other Vice-Captains spoke.

"Vice-Captain Uriel, you should be careful with your accusations. No one is controlling me. I simply can not allow you to act in such an unruly way against the Hunt Leader, and I think my friends feel the same."

Horal, the second strongest member of their group, spoke. He was nearly two meters tall, and the point of his spear was touching Uriel's neck.

"I think the same as Vice-Captain Harol."

"So do I."

"That makes four of us."

Uriel's heart was full of disbelief. The way the four reacted was similar to someone hypnotized, but he had no way to prove it. Things grew even more weird when the four retracted their weapons and turned toward Cain.

"Hunt Leader. We remember your words from before about choosing a bad leader. I hope we can speak a little more."