
The Epic Tale: A Illustrious Daedric Debacle

A man dies and is then mysteriously transmigrated and given more power than any one being should realistically possess. He then sets out on a epic journey across landscapes he previously thought only as ink on a page or pixels on a screen. A totally overplayed cliche concept that has been overused a million times before but we both know this shall not stop you from reading it now or in the future. Let's at the very least hope that the author's updates remain semi-regular. The only thing I can promise is that I do NOT own the cover art or anything else shown here besides my OC's. Well, that and that I will attempt to make it a slightly readable story that I shall update when feel inspired to do so. Disclaimer: I'm the type who can only write if it's a one and done type of deal. To me writing fanfics is just a light hobby for when I'm bored and I treat it as such. You're basically going to be reading the mostly unedited first draft, that I'm altering as I go. So... don't be surprised if there's a lot of grammatical or punctuation errors and blatanty obvious typos. There might also be scenes/jokes that appear seemingly out of nowhere as if someone changed their mind midway and erased a massive chunk of context. Also, beware erratic pacing that goes from mind bogglingly slow to neckbreak speeds and your general run of the mill bad writing. I don't even bother rereading it to make sure everything checks out. There's also going to be plenty of Gary Stu shenanigans so read at your own discretion. Though do try to be nice... or don't... IDRC. I'm not your daddy so I'm not going to parent you. So don't even try and ask me for an allowance... or even a favor for that matter. You've been warned. First World: -The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

IlliterateOne · Videospiele
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7 Chs

A Devilish Meetup

I arrive in front of Jutta's home.

Most of the villagers are inside of their homes cozying away from the cold Skellige night climate. Looking around I notice that even the rowdy men that were causing a ruckus earlier on in the day were nowhere to be seen. Only a couple of drunk stragglers in sight.

In a swift movement I abruptly open the door to Jutta's home.

"I have mead." I loudly announce in jovial tone after entering her house while holding a bottle in my hand.

Jutta looks at me while lazily laying in her bed that's covered by a few animal pelts. Her eyes slightly widen and a small smile creeps into her face, "I started to think you changed your mind." She says in a sultry tone.

"I wouldn't miss a chance like this for the world." I say while coming close to her.

"I don't know if I'll make engaging company. In truth, I rarely talk to men." She says.

I grab the empty cups near her bedside and pour some mead for the both of us and take a drink sitting next to her.

"Oh, I'm sure well find lots to talk about." I say, amused at the humorous situation only I can understand, "Then again we don't really need to talk if you don't want to. I can think of a myriad of more pleasurable things we could do instead."

"Well, well, and here I thought Freya played a trick on me. I swore before her I would only marry a man who could defeat me in combat. You could tell my surprise when she sent me a witcher. Cruel irony wouldn't you say." She adds

"A witcher?" I say while confusion begins to paint my face.

My moment of confusion was clearly not missed as she then tries to further clarify her statement.

"Did I guess incorrectly? I have never faced anyone with such uncanny reaction time, stamina or strength. I could tell you weren't remotely tired by the end of our duel. You're definitely way beyond any human I've faced before." She says while one of her hands cups her chin.

"There also the unrecognizable pendant hanging from your neck and the fact I've never seen another human with weird captivating eyes like yours. The only thing I felt was throwing me off a bit was the fact that you only possessed and iron sword and lacked a silver one." She points out one by one.

She's surprisingly got an extremely acute eye for these types of details.

Now, the pendant part I understand. I'm wearing the amulet of articulation. It has a pretty unique and unusual design.

Obliviously I doubt anyone would be able to recognize or tie it to any witcher school obscure or not but it is unique enough that I won't fault her. My body is also indeed beyond the realm of ordinary men or mortals for that matter. The real question arises when considering the comment about my eyes.

I stay still for a moment trying to figure out the situation.

The realization hit me almost as if being struck by lightning. When I created this character I was playing around with an eye retexture mod. One really weeby one in particular as it was focused around anime. I had chosen to give this character the mystic eyes of death perception as I felt it matched with the whole daedric lord setting I was going for. I wonder if they are functional to any degree?

Yet another thing to further investigate later on.

For now I focus my attention back to Jutta who is at this point intently looking at my face, "I'm not a witcher. I guess you could say I have a bit of divine blood flowing through my veins. These eyes are just just those exotic aspects letting themselves be known. Is that a deal breaker?" I say with a chuckle allowing as much humor to lace my voice as possible.

"Then are you capable of siring children?" She straightforwardly asks of me. Surprisingly with even more enthusiasm seemingly not minding the details.

"Yes, I should have no problem in that department." I clarify.

"Then as far as I can see there's no problem. If anything I think we understand each other perfectly."

Truly, there is nothing more attractive than a woman who is up front and honest about her needs, wants and opinions.

After saying that I tackled her into the bed and steal her lips. She then licks her lips tasting the lingering mead on mine.

"Delicious." We say in unison though probably not for the same reason.

After that... well... what we did is not suitable to recount for your pure ears to hear my dear reader.


I wake up to an unfamiliar roof. (A/N: Help!!! I couldn't physically stop myself from writing this line!)

As I feel an arm tightly wrapped around my torso I look down to find Jutta peacefully nuzzled against my chest.

I start considering whether to abruptly wake her up or to let her sleep the previous day's activities away; and trust me when I say that she really need it.

If I hadn't known before hand about her vow towards Freya I would of been surprised to realize she had still been a maiden. Especially considering with how stubborn she is in bed. She seems to have a penchant for biting and scratching to the point where it would've definitely drawn blood from a normal man.

Luckily I'm built from sturdier material and thus am immune to any punishment she tried to dish out.

It seems that she took the confirmation of my inhuman stamina as a challenge and tried her absolute best to keep up with me.

All of that while ignoring the fact that I do not only have bottomless reserves of endurance but also experience compared to her. Though In her defense she was able to stay conscious for about an hour and a half before passing out due to a combination of exhaustion and pleasure.

As I'm reminiscing about the previous night I feel her beginning to stir awake.

She opens her eyes and looks at me eye half open as she runs one of them.

"Good morning." She says.

"Good morning." I reply.

"If you had slept for a bit more I could've started to cook you the best breakfast meal of your entire life." I say to her with a smile on my face.

She looks at me like I've grown a third head for a moment. I look back at her with an inquisitive look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing, it's just rare to see and hear a man outside of an innkeeper talk so merrily about cooking for a woman... or in general."

I had for a moment forgotten that I currently find myself within the fantasy equivalent of the high middle ages.

As a man with a modern soul on the inside, I'm pretty used to giving women post hanky panky treatment. Especially since if you liked the woman and actually wished to see more of her it could upgrade your situation from a one night stand to a regular meetup. It had completely slipped my mind for a moment.

Well, I'm not going to change who I am regardless of what time period I find myself in for the most part.

"Well, I do. I'm pretty good at it as well. Not to brag but I'm also a good smith, builder, tailor, hunter, fisherman and many other callings you could probably come up with." I chuckle a my smile turns into a smile.

"Show me then." She says while sharing a similar look.

I stand up not even bothering to get dressed properly and I approach the fire pit in the middle of the room.

I searched my inventory and take out the ingredients for the recipe that I'm going to cook.

I instantly notice that there is a clear difference between the ingredients in my inventory and those I saw here and there throughout the village. The vegetables look more fresh, big and overall healthy compared even to those found in my original world.

I can also feel faint amounts of magika dwelling within them but I'll focus on that another time.

For now I'm planning on making the skyrim survival mode warrior build's best friend... hot vegetable soup.

It helps regenerate a bunch of health and stamina. It also has a warming effect due to the recipe requiring fire salts. It's really perfect when taking into account the chilly Skellige morning air.

I also notice that Jutta is still calmly observing me despite the clear display of magic which is good. I guess I shouldn't be surprised as she didn't bat an eye when I hinted at my divine status.

Although skelligers are somewhat more accepting of magic it wouldn't be weird to see a reaction akin to what happened to the mages in Redania. So it's reassuring to see her lazily laying in bed while lightly covering her nude body with a bear pelt.

I really can't stress enough how much her demeanor seemingly differs from most people of this time period or otherwise.

I quickly finish dicing/preparing the vegetables and add them into a small pot filled with water and seasonings. After a little while the soup is done and I begin to pour it into small bowls. As a small treat I even take some garlic bread from my inventory along with it and serve it as a small side dish. I love garlic bread too much to not consume it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

And, yes, the irony of loving garlic bread as a vampire doesn't escape me.

I hand her the plate and wait to see her reaction. Although it's a simple recipe the aroma emanating from it is mouthwatering. Probably due to the fact that the ingredients for it are being sourced from my inventory. Which is is good as the only thing better than lying together with a beautiful woman is sharing a great meal after the fact.

Jutta can't take her eyes off of the plate, audibly gulping as it comes near her.

As soon as the plate touches her hand she ravenously starts attacking it.

"THIS IS FUCKING GREAT!!!" She exclaimed and a smile appears on my face.


After our meal we got dressed and I decided it was time to wrap up this whole ordeal.

"Jutta I plan to settle some business in Novigrad that might take a year or two... but I want to see you again in the future," I say while intently looking into her eyes."So I was wondering if you've ever been interested in moving to Kaer Trolde?"

"If you're willing I can provide enough gold that you that you would never find yourself wanting for the rest of your life. I desire to start really sowing my roots in Skellige and I want you at my side as that happens. For an upstart clan to have legitimacy in these lands multiple strong and talented figures are needed to make sure everything runs smoothly. I see no one better than you to fill one of those positions." I say to her.

"Are you trying to recruit me or officially ask for my hand in marriage?" She asks while chuckling.

"Maybe both... I guess you could technically classify this as a proposal of sorts." I say with a grin on my face.

"But in all seriousness, all you'd realistically need to do at the moment is build yourself into a household name in anyway you can imagine until my return. I will handle all the funding while you focus on building ties and recognition at the heart of Skellige."

She pauses and begins to mull over my words while I look at her in anticipation. I'm not really sure whether she's going to agree to this or not. I'm essentially asking her to upend her life after essentially two days of knowing each other. All I'm counting on is her desire for something more of life.

After a short silence she speaks," I already told you that I took an oath to give myself heart, body and soul to whomever bested me in combat."

"I never go back on my word regardless of the circumstances. Also, I have a good gut feeling about you and that's the one thing in this world that's never failed me. With Freya as my witness I swear that as long as you do right by me and I will stay by your side for an eternity." She says while intently looking into my eyes.

If I'm going to be honest I don't even know if I should be surprised by now. She really has to be the most frank and decisive woman I've met in my entire life. Though I can't say I'm completely blown away by this development. I can always recognize an exceptionally good woman at a glace and she's definitely one of them.

'To think this started because I was looking for a place to rest.' I think to myself in amusement.