
chapter 1- Class C

In the world called earth.

power, magic and spirits exist...

Any of it can be used for either good or bad...

Because of that very reason, there's a lot of people who doesn't use their powers to do the right thing.

Thus making them a villain.

That's why, the the people that governs the earth decided to make an association to stop those villains, and it's called "The​ hero association". it consist of 4 classes.

Class B, A, X and above X.

This heroes stops those villains and give smiles to the people around them, Little do they know.

That there's another rank which is made by 2 kids named sav and juju.

Juju is a kid with a unnatural power

While growing up,

he dislocated his dad's shoulder 2 times when crying

Almost broke a nurse's hand when the nurse asked for a handhold.

Almost kicked to death his parent's loyal butler.

Because of this power,

His parents left him at the age of 7,

Even the 3 maids that is assigned to take care of him is avoiding him.

Because of that, juju has been always alone. In school, in the house, he goes to the park by himself too.

At the age of 8 he tried his best to at least hold back his power to not hurt anyone.

He became a victim of bullying.

Sav is a kid with no powers at all, he's very smart, a gamer and an emo.

He has no problems, he have never been bullied by anyone cause he studied martial arts in the age of 6 .

A few years have passed.

juju and sav is already 13,

Sav was looking for a school to transfer in, while looking around the campus, he saw a kid(Juju) getting picked on, they were beating the kid shitless.

Sav decided to do nothing and watch the kid on how he will handle the situation.

The kid did not do anything...

sav then decided to come out and talk to the kid and said

"What the f*** are you doing?"

The kid(Juju) while looking down says

"Nothing that concerns you"

Sav was continuously insulting the kid.

The kid seemed unpaced, sav realized that the kid was so used to being bullied, he then looked at the kid with an arrogant face and said "Tsk, pathetic." He left and look for other schools.

Three months later, Sav transferred in juju's school, introduced himself to his new class, while he was introducing himself, he saw the kid that was getting bullied. he noticed the kid is alone, and looks dead inside. sav looked at the kid with a menacing look, the kid was shocked and is nervous. Sav decided to come sit next to him. The kid was avoiding eye contact.

Sav tried to befriend the kid but the kid constantly ignored him.

One day when they were both asked to buy something, they're casually walking around the store  when sav realized a huge amount of people gathering in circles from a far,

Sav saw a guy holding a hostage

Sav didn't care, and proceeded to walk , he realized the kid isn't following and shocked. sav looked at the hostage and noticed, It was one of the bullies that was bullying the kid when they first met.

Sav smiled and said "All the more reason to leave, come on let's go back, or we'll be late".

He noticed the kid is still shocked and stunned, Sav said "Come on, little shits like him doesn't deserve to live anyway".

The kid looked at him with an angry face.

He felt like something happened to him, it's like he knows what the kid is thinking. He saw that the kid is thinking of saving the bully's life

He didn't know that the kid(sav) has an ability called "Enhancement" which can enhance any part of the body.

Since he didn't know, he though that the kid was suicidal.

Sav tried to stop the kid.

While running to him he noticed that the kid is taking a stance like he was going to run.

When he was about to get close to the kid he noticed that the kid's feet suddenly became big and muscular...

He was so shocked he thought he was being delusional, 

With one push, the kid like teleported.

It was so fast sav didn't notice what happened.

He realized the kid is gone.

He looked at the sky and saw the kid floating, the kid pushed once again in the air and moved at the speed of sound.

The kid as fast as the speed of sound goes through the kidnapper and punched him to the other side of the city.

The bully while crying saw the kid and said,

"Did you save me?"

The kid turned around and left, the kid went back to the store to find sav,

He noticed that sav didn't move from the spot at all, it's like he's been eaten by the system.

Sav slowly turned his head like in a horror movie, and said "What the fu-"

The kid suddenly turned around and left.

Sav followed the kid and asked

"What's your name anyway?"

The kid smiled and said

"My name is juju"

With an unusual face, sav asked

"Say... What was that?

Juju smiled and totally ignored him.

After a month,

Sav realised he can read minds .

He then read the minds of scientist and very smart people, because of that.He was able to make an item called suppressor to suppress juju's power.

They officially became friends and they started talking to each other a lot,

juju even told sav about his life.

Sav was looking across the internet for games and he saw an application for a rank B hero in his dad's Gmail account.

Sav didn't mind it at first. But he realised that juju can be someone stronger than class B. Sav tried to sign juju in, but unfortunately, there's an age requirement of 18+ to be able to apply.

Juju tried to think of a way for them to be an actual hero, he tried to remember all the people that was a victim of his mind reading and find a

Guy that can make it possible,

A week later they found the guy and convinced him to do it for them,

The guy said

"What's in it for me?"

Sav said,

"i don't know, just do it".

The guy laughed and said

"HAHA! fine! Don't blame me for what happens.

They successfully made their own group

even tho it's illegal.

They didn't care

Thus the group called  "CLASS C was born"
