
IV: Journey Home

As the sun broke the horizon each morning, Master Xi waited for Jun Jie in the meadow to begin his rigorous training regimen. His days began with a series of exercises, including jumping jacks, high knees, and lunges, designed to activate his muscles and increase flexibility.

Next Master Xi moved on to strength training, where he made Jun Jie lift big rocks and tree branches to build muscle mass and improve overall strength.

Every day, Jun Jie ran 10km in the mountains in the morning to improve his endurance and elevate his heart rate. Master Xi gave Jun Jie a woven basket to carry on his back during the training, the rocks in it getting more and more as time passed.

"Young Master Huang, I told you not to increase your weights and distance by yourself. You are pushing yourself too much."

Jun Jie had recovered at an incredible rate and could have gone home long ago, however Jun Jie wanted to maximize his 2 month stay within the countryside mountains, to become even stronger.


It's been almost 2 months, Jun Jie thought as he sat in the flower meadow in the mountains, the wind swaying his hair around. Next to him sat a black cat. The same black cat he saw when he first came to this place.

ZheLiang and Ze Han dropped down in the flowers next to him to join him in the viewing of the sunset.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting its golden rays across the sky, the mountaintop was bathed in a warm, ethereal glow. The distant peaks were silhouetted against the fiery sky, their rugged outlines painted in shades of orange and crimson. Wisps of clouds caught the last rays of sunlight, turning them into streaks of pink and purple that stretched across the heavens like brushstrokes on a canvas.

Ze Han passed a glance over the cat.

"About the cat," Ze Han began, gesturing towards the small feline that dozed off peacefully in the grass. "You see, two days before you woke up, this cat mysteriously appeared here at the house. At first, we tried to scare it away, but it didn't really work. It never left your room, lying before your bed, and sometimes even on it, as if guarding over you."

Jun Jie smiled looking at the cat.

"According to our superstitions," ZheLiang continued, "cats are believed to symbolize good luck, prosperity, and protection against evil spirits. It's said that their presence can bring about miracles, and we believe that it was this cat that watched over you while you were unconscious, guiding you back to us."


Jun Jie raised his eyebrows. "That's interesting. In that case I should give it a name."

Ze Han and ZheLiang curiously turned their heads to listen.

"Xiao Mao"

The smiles on the two assistants fell as they took in the name. Little Cat...that's what the name meant. Trying not to offend the young master, Ze Han smiled and said,

"That's a wonderful name."

The three of them leaned back and watched the sun disappear behind the mountains taking the blue, turning it black sprinkled with millions of diamonds on it.


Time flew by and Jun Jie found himself standing before Master Xi, Zhe Han, and Zhen Liang, filled with a mix of gratitude and determination.

"Master Xi, Zhe Han, Zhen Liang," Jun Jie began, his voice laced with sincerity, "I cannot express my gratitude enough for all that you have done for me during my time here. You have guided me, trained me, and cared for me, and I will forever be in your debt."

Master Xi smiled warmly, placing a hand on Jun Jie's shoulder. "You have shown great resilience and determination, Jun Jie. We are proud of the progress you have made. Remember, the path of cultivation is not easy, but with perseverance, you can overcome any obstacle."

Zhe Han and Zhen Liang nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting both pride and sadness at Jun Jie's departure.

As Jun Jie bid his farewell, he felt a sense of nostalgia and anticipation mingling within him. With a final bow, he turned and made his way to the waiting horse carriage that would take him to the main city.

As the carrige set off he waved at the three figures that became smaller and smaller until they were out of sight.

As Jun Jie's carriage traversed the winding mountain roads, he found himself surrounded by a breathtaking tapestry of nature's wonders. Towering cedar and pine trees lined the path, their branches reaching towards the heavens in a silent dance against the azure sky. The crisp mountain air carried the earthy scent of pine needles and the faint hint of wildflowers, invigorating Jun Jie's senses with every breath.

Beneath the canopy of greenery, the forest floor was a mosaic of dappled sunlight and shadow, where patches of emerald moss carpeted the ground like a lush, verdant tapestry. Occasionally, the carriage would pass by a tranquil stream, its crystalline waters glistening in the sunlight as it meandered through the forest, its gentle babbling providing a soothing soundtrack to Jun Jie's journey.

As the day wore on and the sun began its descent towards the horizon, the colors of the landscape shifted, casting a warm golden hue over the surroundings. The distant peaks of the mountains glowed with an ethereal radiance, their rugged silhouettes etched against the vibrant canvas of the evening sky.


Jun Jie awoke to some chatter and clattering, that was drawing closer. It was the morning, and they were arriving at the city center. The village was already awake, some hanging clothes, others cooking and people leaving their houses for work. As the carriage went deeper into the city lines of shops selling food, weapons, clothes, books and even spiritual items started appearing. 

Jun Jie's anticipation grew as they approached his parents' house. It stood proudly among the other residences, a traditional courtyard-style dwelling with intricate wooden carvings adorning its facade. The red paint on the door gleamed in the morning light, welcoming Jun Jie home.

As he stepped out of the carriage, Jun Jie was greeted by the sight of his parents waiting eagerly at the entrance. Their faces lit up with joy as they rushed forward to embrace him, their warm hugs filling him with a sense of belonging.

"Welcome home, Jun Jie!" his mother exclaimed, her eyes shining with tears of happiness.

"Son, it's been too long," his father added, clapping Jun Jie on the back.

Jun Jie returned their embrace, feeling grateful to be surrounded by their love once again.

After exchanging greetings, his parents led him inside the house, eager to show him around. They guided him through the spacious courtyard, where a tranquil garden bloomed with vibrant flowers and fragrant herbs.

"This is where we spend most of our time," his mother explained, gesturing towards the garden. "It's so peaceful here."

As they continued the tour, Jun Jie marveled at the traditional architecture and elegant furnishings of the house. As he passed through each room, flashes of memory from the previous Jun Jie entered his mind. They held memories of 'his' childhood, reminding him of the love and warmth that filled their home.

 After settling into his childhood home, Jun Jie spent the following days reconnecting with his family and immersing himself in the bustling city life. His parents shared stories of their experiences over the past two years, while Jun Jie recounted many more memories of his previous life.