
The Enemy of Heroes - Deku

What will happen if the faithful meeting of the young man Midoriya Izuku and All Might went the opposite way...? *** This is the story of how the new villain with the name "Deku" will destroy all heroes with both his brain and extreme talent... And also with the gift that the villain "All for one" gave to him. The name "Deku"... Will be feared... - All For One ________________________ Though I know this concept has already been covered by many authors, I hope you can still try mine.

Kiikuro_Shichigo · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: Smile Above the Chaos

The infiltration that had happened in the residence of the "Eightfold Cleansers" had finally been out in public, and because of it, the whole city was put into chaos.

The police were put into a forced investigation regarding the infiltration - the Hero Association became the one to be blamed for it, and the number of Villains that had returned from doing crime skyrocketed.

Everyone was affected by one act of a single Villain.

And because of the chaos this person had created, both the police and the heroes needed to act more than they ever did - The work was split into two: the police will survey and investigate every place in the city to look for clues where the enemy's base may be hiding at, and the heroes were put to monitor the entirety of the city.

Every public place in the city was filled by these two, and every one of its corners was filled with Villains.

[ So, where do you wanna go next? ]

But in the midst of this crisis, two people walk the city streets with enthusiasm.

[ I don't know... Umm... You can just take me wherever you want, Deku... ]

[ Hmm? Is that so? Well, I still have a lot to show you, I hope you still got some energy left, okay? ]

There - Deku and Eri walk while holding each other's hands.

Deku - the person at fault for the panic inside the city walks at it with a carefree look on his face. And together with him is Eri, who he had rescued from Chisaki - Overhaul.

Since Deku's face was really not out in public yet - thanks to Dabi for removing all his previous identifications, he can freely go outside. And this time, he took Eri with him for a walk.

[ Ah, right... How about we go to a mall? ]

[ A mall? ] she repeated.

[ Right, the clothes you're wearing doesn't really fit you that well... Well, they're from Toga so there's really no surprise there... Umu, that's it, for now, we'll go to a mall. ] he nodded as he says so.

And so, they looked for a mall, and luckily, Deku knows this street well and knows that there's a mall near it. Holding Eri's hand, he led the way, and soon, they were able to find it and immediately entered.

[ Uwah... ] Eri could only gasp as the view of the insides of the mall was revealed to her.

Although the city is in current panic, the number of people inside the mall was still the same as ever, and as always, it's lively as ever.

This is the first time Eri had seen such a scene and she gazes at it with crystal-like eyes.

[ I... It's cold... ] she whispers as she shrivels, seeing this, Deku took off his black gloves and forcefully put it on her hands.

[ It's cold, right? This will warm you up a little. ] in his face was his usual attractive smile, and Eri could only look at it with a blank expression of happiness.

Eri also wants to show off a smile to Deku, as he had already done many things for her, but she just can't, she was unable to do so. And Deku himself realizes that, and he doesn't mind.

The fact was, Deku looks at Eri as his old self, the weak and naive Deku. He knows himself what Eri needs the best, and that is the attention and recognition that she is a person - not a tool for Overhaul, and like him, not the dirt to be stepped on.

[ Tha-Thank you... ] as soon as he finished putting the gloves on onto her hands, she gives her thanks.

[ There's no problem. ]

[ Un... ]

Again, Deku took her hand and walk side to side with her.

Since Eri would be at the same age as him as when he had met All Might, there really was not much difference in their heights. Eri was definitely a tall girl, while Deku was only average, their heights are 2/3rd in comparison at best, so when they walk side by side like this, they look more like siblings, or even to the extreme, a couple - especially seeing how Deku treats her so well.

But definitely, that was not the case. Deku is already an adult and a mature person, he doesn't look at their relationship that way, the closest to how he sees Eri would be that of her younger sister or a daughter.

But with Eri's case, that was not it at all, he sees Deku in a way she can't yet describe. She admires him, and in her chest, she wants to always stay with him. And every time she looks at him, her heart beats faster.

[ Hmm? What is it? ] seeing Eri taking a glimpse to his face, Deku asked.

[ U-Umm...! It's nothing... ] she doesn't know why she had panicked, but one thing she knows, for now, was that Deku's face had suddenly startled her.

'What was that feeling?' she puts a fist on her chest and holds it tight, trying to calm down the light feeling she's having.

[ Eri, we're here... Umm... Excuse me! ]

Before Eri could even realize it, they already arrive at the clothing shop inside the mall.

[ Can you pick clothes for her? This is actually the first time she's picking up clothes and I can't really help her with that... ] Deku called for a seller and said so.

[ Oh? Is that so? Hmm... Are you two siblings...? Or perhaps a couple...? ] even the seller was having a hard time imagining what their relation is.

[ Couples...? ] as usual, Eri repeats the word she hears for the first time.

[ I'm sorry, but we're nothing like that, I'm just a friend of the person who takes care of her. ]

[ Ah... Umu... Is that so? Then, can you please come with me? ] she turns to Eri and made her follow.

But still, she didn't, as for now, the only person she really trusts is Deku. So she looks at him with anxious eyes, and Deku only replied

[ It's okay. ]


Soon, Eri came out of the shop wearing a normal-looking white dress.

[ Nii-san! I really can't believe how this fits her perfectly! She looks like an angel! ] the seller who picked the clothes shouted in enthusiasm.

And Deku can't argue with her, even him was surprised by how Eri turned out.

[ Umm... Deku... How do I look? ] because of the whiteness and paleness of Eri's skin, it was easy to see her blush - and so with red cheeks, she bashfully asked Deku.

[ Umu, I think it's fine. ] he nodded, and after that, there was not much of a reaction.

[ We'll take this, umm... I will also take three of your recommendations as well... ]

[ O-ohho! Thank you very much, I'll pick only the best! ]

To give you a clue of Eri's age here, she's 13 - 14. And she's 7 in the anime, you do the math because I already did.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore... So, anyway, I hope you like this... Umm... I don't really know what this is all about... Maybe I'm just lonely or something, just please think of this as a filler chapter... or something like that.

This is some cheezy s***, man...

Kiikuro_Shichigocreators' thoughts