
The Enemy of Heroes - Deku

What will happen if the faithful meeting of the young man Midoriya Izuku and All Might went the opposite way...? *** This is the story of how the new villain with the name "Deku" will destroy all heroes with both his brain and extreme talent... And also with the gift that the villain "All for one" gave to him. The name "Deku"... Will be feared... - All For One ________________________ Though I know this concept has already been covered by many authors, I hope you can still try mine.

Kiikuro_Shichigo · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Villains Can Also Become Heroes

Walking in the empty corridors of Overhaul's base, Deku again took out a single piece of paper inside his pocket.

[ Let's see... Turn left... Then... Right... ] Although it was quiet and seems unmotivated, Deku's voice still echoed inside the empty corridors.

[ This is too confusing... Why did they let Toga draw this map...? ]

Seemingly, not being able to find any results by following the map his colleagues had given him, he decided to melt it out of existence and trust his own intuition instead.

Deku surveyed and check every room he encounters, patiently waiting for the chance of finding the room he was looking for.

On his way, he found many medical rooms filled with unused syringes and blood bags. Seeing this, Deku reaches the conclusion that they must be doing some kind of test or experiment on one particular person's blood.

And that person they're doing experiments to is the person he was looking for.

[ A person living in solitude and pain... That person must be living through hell every single day... ] Deku mutters with his eyes reflecting sympathy.

Deku was surprised that he was still able to feel pity towards another person. But he guessed that maybe because in a way, he had experienced the same kind of pain in his heart too.

With these thoughts inside his head, before he knew it, he was now standing in front of a metal large door that stood twice his height.

This must be it - Deku thought as he looks at its structure for a minute.

Obviously, the door is heavily reinforced as if there's some kind of monster locked inside. The door is also locked with metal bars, its corners layered with stronger metal and in the middle, and in the middle was a digital lock pass.

It was definitely the kind of door that one will be able to go inside to or go outside with.

But no matter how strong it might look like, it doesn't stand a chance to Deku's Quirk 'Decay'.

Putting a palm in the middle of the door, it melted slowly. It decays, turns gray, and fades away.

With the door now not restricting him from entering the room, Deku had stepped a foot inside. And as soon as he entered the room, he had fixed his tie and stood still, looking at the person who is staring at him with fear.

[ It's nice to meet you, Eri-chan. ] Deku said as he put a gentle smile on his face.

The light outside illuminates the face of the person sitting afraid and hugging a large pillow at the edge of the bed in the middle of the room.

She has off-white and long messy unkempt hair. Her arms wrapped with bandages and she's only wearing a short-sleeved dress, which is dirty and has a pale tan color. The last thing and probably the most noticeable part of her is the horn sticking out of her forehead.

She was looking afraid at first but seeing the smile on Deku's face made her light-gray colored brows relaxed a little, and he stopped looking at him with fear, only now with confusion.

[ Who... Who are you, mister...? ]

[ My name is Deku. ] Deku introduces himself, not as the hero he wanted to be, but the villain he had become.

[ De... Deku... ] she only mutters the name with a voice that Deku could barely hear.

[ That's right. ]

[ Where's... Where's Chi... I mean, Dad...? ]

[ By dad you mean, Chisaki, right? Did he told you to call him dad? ]

Of course, Deku already knows about this. It already has been a few months since his group has started surveying, spying, and gathering all kinds of information regarding Kai Chisaki and the EightFold Cleansers. Like how All for One acts - "A plan will only work if everything is considered", Deku took his words and applied it to his own, accomplishing all his tasks with perfection.

[ ... ] to Deku's question, Eri did not respond and was only surprised that Deku knows that she's not really Chisaki's daughter.

[ Are you worried about him...? ]

[ ... ] again, Eri did not reply.

[ Does that man hurts you, Eri? ]

[ That's... ] she made a stronger reaction with Deku's last question. Her wide eyes reflected fear and her body started to shake uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Deku closes the gap between them and has moved to the Eri's side. And then he asked another question, again with his gentle smile:

[ Would you like to go out of this place, Eri? ] he asks.

[ Please... Don't get close to me... ] turning her body away from Deku, she begs.

[ It's okay. Nothing will happen. ]

Of course, Deku also knows the consequences of getting too close to her. Like how she accidentally made her real father disappears, Deku could also get annihilated from existence with her absurd Quirk.

[ Ple-Please...! You... You will disappear if you get close! ]

[ No, I will not disappear. ] Deku again reassures her, now even closing their gaps more, sitting at the side of the bed.

But still, Eri's entire body is shaking in fear and her eyes are also now starting to become wet.

She was a pitiful girl - this is what Deku thinks of her.

And she definitely is...

[ I... I will never be able to get out of this place! Never! I will never! So please don't touch m- !!! ] she begs Deku, shouting all those words to the top of her lungs. But before she could finish the last word, Deku had pulled her from her hands to his body.

[ De... Deku... san...? ] Deku had already placed himself closes to her, hugging the entirety of her body with his two long delicate arms.

She tried to resist but Deku's hug was tighter than she could ever break.

Deku did this to calm her down, and as intended, her body stopped shaking and she begins to calm down. Her arms that were raised, trying to protect her self from Deku earlier are now limp and at rest.

Deku stayed this way, hugging her entire body. Soon, he also put a hand on top of her head, stroking her hair gently.

[ See? I won't disappear. Your quirk will not work against me. ]

[ ... ]

Eri was still silent, but after a few seconds, she was able to reply to Deku's words.

[ Is... Is that true...? ]

[ It is. And if you want to, I can also remove your Quirk. ]

[ That's... Is that possible...? ]

[ Of course. But I will only remove it if you agree to leave this place with me. ]

[ ... ] again, Eri only turned silent.

[ What do you say, Eri...? ] gently stroking her head, Deku had asked again.

[ ... ]

And slowly, Eri raised her arms and began to also hug the wide back of Deku, and soon, she gripped Deku's clothes hard and she begins to tear up, and those tears came running down on Deku's shoulders.

[ *Sniff* I... I want to get out of this place! I will come with Deku! Ple-Please! *Sniff* Take me away from this place! ]

Since that day, Deku became Eri's hero...

Umm... The scene might look weird but I actually tried to copy/recreate the 'real' scene to when Deku and Eri met in both the Anime and the Manga.

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