
The Endless Journey

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6 Chs

Chapter 5 [the trial begins]

"You will be facing 5 waves of mutants. Whoever survives the trial will then fight one other person to death on the circumstance that there are more than 10 people. So only 10 or less will survive and

You are prohibited to help each other."

T-ten or less!? Isn't there like around 300 people here. And even worse. We're gonna have to spend ten days fighting nonstop! But then we would get four days rest. Phew.

"Let the trial begin!"

Huh! We're not even prepared-

At that moment thousands of mutant animals came sprinting at everyone. Already people have

perished. There and then mutants surrounded the area causing everyone to bunch up in a corner.

"Come on everyone! Don't be cowards! Attack!!!"

"Get them!!"

Everybody charged at the mutants, killing them, though barely any actually got slayed. SLASH!!

What happened ? A-am I dead?

"Rest in peace." What.. so I am dead..

Sadie POV :

"Rest In peace, I hope you live a peaceful next life.."

Right, there's 12 mutant wolves coming for me. If I concentrate I could knock them out in one go.

Alright… concentrate.....

"Sword dance: army of the reigning swords!"

Swords came crashing down piercing the mutants one by one piercing the mutants hearts, causing them to melt.

Huh. I didn't know they had hearts. I thought they were heartless. Haha, I'm funny.

"Oi, why don't ya help me out here Sadie?"

"Ah, sorry, I cant. It's against the rules Jace."

"Like hell I care! Help me!"

"Fine, only because your my friend. Sword dance: striking blade of fury."

"There. Hope your happy."

"Hehe, thanks Sadie, knew I could count on you."

Right.. that was quick. There's only around 14 people left.

"Everyone meet outside. The trial has ended. Congratulations. Everyone that has survived deserves to be a part of the mutant killers. You have all done well."

Nice. We Did it.

"Well done Jace."

"Your being sarcastic aren't you?"

"I don't know? Am I?"

"You may all, leave now…"