
The End Of Our Time

aria_br0_k3n · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Pilot 3/3

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the long break. I've been busy and I'm currently in Spain on holiday. I wanted to let you know that this is the last Pilot before we switch to where Aria would be now. It will mainly be in third person but will have 1st person aspects. Make sure you give ZO2014 a read. Disclaimer: My story doesn't interfere with ZO2014, some things may be the same and some different. There is also very different perspectives and povs.

Hope you enjoy the final pilot/flashback!

Casper waved his hand around in my face as I had drifted off thinking about him and who he really could be.

"Aria!, are you okay?" He asked me as I turnt to face him again. I gave him a slight smile and nodded. "You keep drifting off. What were you thinking about?" He asked me. He was still close to me. It was like he was attached to me like a pesky mosquito. I looked at him briefly before standing up. "Oh, no I was just thinking about how I should get out of your hair and get a move on." I said as he suddenly stood up and started rushing after me as I went to grab my bag of belongings.

"No, no, no. I know a place we could go. It's a few miles from here but there's a group of people and they are all lovely. I'm sure they will happily take us on" he said, eager to get me to stay with him.

"Uhm, I'm not sure. I should probably keep heading towards the North. Its probably less crowded with big buildings and stuff." I said trying to get him to agree with me.

He placed his hand on my waist. "Aria, your bot going anywhere. Got it" he said calmly but firmly. I gulped as I looked at him. I nodded my head slightly.

"So these people, how do you know them?" I asked him, curious as to why he isn't with them right now. He smiled faintly and let his hand fall from my waist and back to his side.

"Well, when I first came down this way. I stumbled across this group. They weren't very resourced back then but they had some form of shelter and enough food to keep them going. They offered me to join them but I wasn't ready to interact with new people considering I had just lost my entire family. They told me that they'd be there for me when I needed them and well that was it." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

I tilted my head a little in confusion. "Well let's hope they remember you now." I said as I chuckled a little, still being wary of his "story". He laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure they will." he said.

After 20 minutes or so, Capser and I had gathered everything we needed. He looked at his small yet content cabin and frowned.

"I'm going to miss it here" he said as he held my hand. I wasn't going to pull away as he genuinely seemed sad, so I accepted the attention he needed. "We can come back" I said, squeezing his hand a little. He turnt towards me. "Oh yeah, if it's still here that is" he said and chuckled. We walked the little while to where the "group" was. I looked up at the fenced off village in shock. "You said it was a group, not a fucking herde!" I said.

"Well, they must have developed since I last saw them. This used to just be a few houses and that. I'm sure it will be fine" He said as he pulled me along to the gates of this unbelievably big place.

"AH, Casper my friend." A middle aged man said in pure happiness to see a friendly face.

"So glad you've joined us. And this, this is?" he said referring to me as he came closer.

"Aria, I'm Aria. Nice to meet you. I'm a friend of Caspers" I said and he smiled. Casper nodded .

We were guided into the village to a fairly big house. The man let us inside and a few other men sat at the living room table. They all got up to greet us, except one. He was around 34-35 ish. He wore a green t-shirt and black jeans that looked a little big on him.

"Who's this?" He said looking at me with a little smirk. "This is my friend Aria" Casper said and the man stood up. "Aria, this is Merlot." He said and I smiled as I shook his hand.

He seemed sly, and I thought Casper only had a brief encounter with this so called group. They both seem to know eachother well, I thought to myself.

We sat and spoke to the few men in the livingroom and eventually I was given a room that was down the hallway from Caspers. I began to unpack my stuff and placed my clothing into the small brown drawers in my room. The bed looked comfortable, but any bed does now days. I sat on the bed. It was dark outside once again when my door opened.

"Hey sweetie" Merlot said as he shut the door behind him.

"Hey.." I said as I scrunched my nose up at the name he called me.

"I just wanted to say, I'm glad Capser brought you here. You will be a right treat to all of us men." He said and I looked at him disgusted from what he was saying to me.

"Fuck off!" I shouted as he placed a hand on my leg. "Find another women in the village to satisfy your needs." I said. He smirked and slapped me round the face. I held my face and winced as I now looked at him innocently but still the "What the fuck was that for?" type of look.

"There is no other women here darling" He said and my face dropped....

I was trapped.