
The Enchanter and his Elf apprentice

Edward Graves, an enchanter in a world where said enchanters are looked at as demon worshippers and chased after by the holy church. The church believes that man made magical items are a sin! And that only the natural "God" given "Holy" items found within the dungeons, proclaimed as "trials of God" are to be used. But what is an enchanter to do but to not give two shits and just sail through life at his own pace? Edward is a man renowned throughout the land as a trouble maker, infamy is kind of his thing. He would always fly solo until one day, when he returned to his favorite little tavern to meet his ol' dwarven friend, He met the girl who would become his apprentice. ----------------------------------------------- If you feel like it, you can join my discord server: https://discord.gg/KqrExmQ

ReinSTR · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Differences between Enchanted items.

After Edward accepted Meriel as his disciple, they quickly moved out of the alleyway before anyone could arrive at the scene.

Edward had fired his gun twice, that was bound to attract quite a bit of attention.

The two of them walked through a number of different alleys before arriving back on the main street where Edward once again put his mantle's hood on.

Meriel on the other hand, had her coat transform into a cloak, hiding her own face as well.

"Can that thing turn into any piece of clothing or what?" Edward asked as the two of them walked through the lit up street, passing by some people on occasion.

"Hehe, it was made to have a few different functions! One being able to turn into almost anything, be it clothes or even a weapon!" Meriel explained, puffing her chest out with pride as if she were the one who made it.

"Your mom must be quite the expert then." Edward commented.

"Yup!" Meriel nodded.

The two of them proceeded to walk back to the raspberry inn, as Meriel had left most of her things back there when Edward ran off.

Finally, after walking for about ten minutes they saw the label with a raspberry on it, meaning they had arrived at their destination.

Walking inside they saw the lizard folk innkeeper lady sweeping the floor with a broom.

She looked up towards them, a questioning gaze appearing on her lizard like face.

"Weren't you two upstairs? I swear I never saw you leave…" She mused as she started at the duo.

"Ah, haha… Well you must have just missed us, we got out pretty quickly." Edward tried to explain.

He couldn't just say he broke her window and ran off now could he?

"Oh well, my age must be getting to me then…" The innkeeper said and continued sweeping the floor.

"Well," Meriel spoke. "I personally think that you don't seem to be a day over twenty, Miss Innkeeper." She said in a polite tone with a smile.

"Oh, that's quite sweet of you to say! Thank you dear." The lizard lady said, smiling at Meriel.

After exchanging pleasantries with the Innkeeper, Edward and Meriel walked up the stairs to Meriel's room where her stuff was.

The smoke had already cleared, or at least mostly cleared so it was actually breathable inside.

The window was unsurprisingly still broken.

"Mmm… I should probably fix that." Edward said walking towards the window.

He put a hand inside of his small bag and rummaged through it for a few seconds before taking out a silver medallion.

It had quite a few small runes etched on its back side, while the front was depicting what seemed to be a spiral with a tree in its center. In the crown of the tree there were a dozen, miniscule numbers depicted in a circle ranging from one to twelve.

The runes on the back started glowing with a pale blue color as Edward moved the medallion with his hand, pointing it towards the window.

Suddenly, the broken pieces on the floor and even outside on the street started floating and popping themselves back into place.

Not long after, the window looked like it was brand new! It was even cleaned during the process, becoming crystal clear and easy to see through!

"Whoa!" Meriel exclaimed in wonder, blinking her eyes repeatedly.

"How did you do that?" She asked.

"I used this medallion I made a few years back, it can return any object it is used on back to its original state. There is a limit to how big the object can be though." Edward explained, showing Meriel the medallion.

"Amazing…!" Meriel said and paused to look at it "Ah…! Can I check it out?" She asked.

"Of course, here you go." Edward replied and handed her the medallion.

Meriel took it out of his hand and started inspecting the front, she thought the spiral and the tree were superbly made, etched into the medallion in an artistic way.

While she did appreciate the artistic depiction, she didn't stare at the front for very long, as that wasn't what she was interested in.

Turning the medallion around, she started inspecting the back side of it which had over two dozen small runes etched into it.

They were all arranged in a spiral, similar to the one on the front of the medallion.

A sudden look of surprise was evidently plastered all over Meriel's face.

She knew the item was impressive, but it challenged all of her knowledge just to understand the simplest of the runes.

This medallion, while limited as it was, was actually being empowered by a number of restrictions she couldn't understand!

And because of how restrained it was, it literally possessed the ability to turn back time!

"M-Master… This item…" She spoke slowly, gazing back to Edward.

"Please don't call me that…" Edward sighed, taking the medallion back from her hands and placing it in his bag.

"Ah… Okay then… Teacher…" Meriel said, pausing in between words.

She was still shocked at the item's ability, and there was a big reason for that.

Usually the only enchanted items which possess such law defying abilities like controlling time are the "Holy" items as the church likes to call them, or also known as Mystic items to most of the general populace.

They're found inside dungeons, which appear throughout the world when a certain amount of mana clumps up together and transforms into a dungeon core.

The Mystic items are created naturally from the Mana inside of these dungeons, thus they are usually far more powerful than an enchanter's items depending on the quality of said Mystic item, but they can be weaker as well.

Enchanters can mimic these items, using specific ingredients, runes and their own innate mana!

It should be noted that not everyone possesses mana, those select few who are born with it, like Edward and Meriel for example, have bright silver eyes. That is the general trait every enchanter has.

So, an enchanter is basically person with mana who imbues said mana into an item with some outside help from things like runes and magic crystals, creating something similar to the mystic items.

But yet, they are still supposedly only "mimicking" mystic items. Making most enchanted items a lesser version of another mystic or "holy" item.

Because of the runes etched into these lesser mystic items made by mortal hands, they are usually referred to as "Runic" items.

This is all general knowledge that every enchanter knows, including a novice like Meriel, which is why she is soo surprised to see a runic item with time controlling abilities!

Very few enchanters are skilled enough to make one like that…

Edward just so happens to be one of those few.

"Teacher, will you teach me how to make an item like that?" Meriel asked, after pausing for a while.

"Hold your horses Miss Venna, first I need to see what level you're at! Then we can proceed with actual learning." Edward said

"You can just call me Meriel…" She replied with a pout.

"Well in that case you can just call me Edward." Edward retorted.

"But… You're my teacher. I have to show some kind of respect towards you don't I?" Meriel asked, her head dropping slightly to the side.

"You really don't…" Edward said, pausing for a moment. "Anyway, we came to grab your things so do get on with that." He gestured towards Meriel's personal belongings.

One was a decently sized backpack that could fit most essential things for travel.

The other was actually more of a bag than a backpack which had some money and snacks in it.

"Ah, yes! I'll do that now!" Meriel said and went up to take her things, plopping the backpack on her back and taking the bag in one hand.

"Are we really going to be going somewhere now? It's getting quite late…" She said, looking at the night sky through the window.

"We'll just go visit old man Korgen real quick. Like I said, I need to see what level you're at currently." Edward replied, walking towards the door and leaving the inn room.

Meriel followed quickly after him.

"W-what does the dwarf have to do with what level I'm at?" She went up beside Edward, asking him a question.

"Oh, well… I just thought I'd have you enchant one of his hammers! I remember he's been asking me to do it for a while now. Though I'd always find an excuse not to! Haha!" Edward said with a laugh.

"Oooh!" Meriel exclaimed, pausing for a moment to think. "Wait so I'm going to be enchanting something now? Like right now?" Meriel asked, seeming a bit worried.

"Yes, yes you are my dear pupil." Edward said, walking through the hallway and whistling a melody he liked.

"Uh-oh…" Meriel muttered quietly so she wasn't heard by Edward.

The duo exited the Inn, Edward being in high spirits while Meriel was getting more and more worried by the minute.

What might be the reason though? She only has to enchant one item.


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