
The Empress' Livestream

Jiang Pengji got something called the Court Intrigue Stream System. System: "Your goal is to become the most prestigious woman in the kingdom (the Queen)!" Jiang Pengji: "Okay, System. No problem!" Years later, she met the target by becoming the most prestigious woman (the Empress). Jiang Pengji: "Well done, no?" System: "Why the hack did you fight on horseback? I want court intrigue among the King's women!" #how a future general wins the ancient throne #Her man watches in silence, the System watches with tears

Quick-fried Mushroom · Fantasie
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781 Chs

Cat with Nine Lives (I)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Redakteur: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"How's the relationship between Bogao and the governor of Liuzhou?"

Lady Qi took off her winter cloak and handed it to the maid.

"Our relationship is good. In the past, the two of us would always go to..." Huang Song trailed off naturally as his gaze clashed with his wife's stern eyes. He immediately swallowed his next words. It would be really inconvenient to mention his dissolute past. "...In short, our relationship is good. "

Fortunately, Lady Qi did not bother to argue about the part that he'd left out.

"I think that the Liuzhou governor is quite ambitious. After the conversation with her today, I think she resumed her identity as a woman out of her own initiative, not as a passive actor." Lady Qi sat down and lifted the cup of tea that the maid had poured. She took a sip to moisten her mouth and uttered these astonishing words.