
The Empires

Leslie_Contretee · Videospiele
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2 Chs


Hi i'm Mint! Mint Seher. I'm a DJ that love animals a lot! Let me explain about my world and my life.

There are three empires, Cloud, Digit, and Peace. I'm a part of the Digit empire which is very populated hehe.

You may be wondering, what's part of these empires! Simple! In the Cloud Empire there are just iclouds and lifesavers. In the Digital Empire there are a lot of digital people, so i will just say the most common ones, Wifi, Animals, Viruses, Malware, Programers, all sorts! Lastly, the Peace empire is the most strongest in some rumors. They are very elite..But! There is just one type

of specie there which are video-games! Strange but true!

For me in my life i have two cats! Garfield and Kawaii. Garfield has been weak lately though so i dunno how long it is till i have to bury him..

But my life is great so far! I'm a DJ ( her dream job ) , i got a great apartment all to myself with my pets. It's everything i ever wanted!