
The Emperor's Legacy

Upon his deathbed, the powerful Emperor of the 12 Kingdoms divides his dominion among his 12 sons, granting each a kingdom in order of their birth. But in a shocking twist, he summons his 52 elite knights and commands them to eliminate his sons, ensuring only the strongest will survive. As the knights close in, the brothers must navigate treacherous politics, forge unlikely alliances, and confront their own destinies. Who will emerge victorious and claim the throne of all 12 kingdoms?

Salman_Awudu · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Memories of the past and a Fiery Fury

Amir's mind raced back to the days when he first met Kaidon, a young man with an unbreakable spirit despite being treated poorly by his family. Amir had been drawn to Kaidon's determination and courage, and he had followed him on his journey, watching him grow stronger with each passing day. One thing that stuck out in Amir's memory was that he had never been able to defeat Kaidon in battle, a fact that he took pride in. Kaidon was his best friend, and he was the only one who had ever bested him.

But now, as Amir faced Krogar, a fierce wood mage who had merged with a treant, he knew he had to summon all his strength and skills to emerge victorious.

Amir began by summoning his Flame Wings, allowing him to soar through the air with ease. He flew circles around the treant-Krogar, dodging its slow but powerful branch attacks with agility. As he flew, he unleashed a barrage of small fireballs, striking the treant-Krogar with precision and causing it to stumble.

Next, Amir summoned his Fifty Flaming Swords, which hovered in the air around him. He directed them to strike the treant-Krogar from multiple angles, the swords dancing through the air with deadly precision. The treant-Krogar tried to swat the swords away, but they were too fast, too agile, and they struck true, causing the treant-Krogar to roar in pain.

As the treant-Krogar stumbled, Amir saw his chance and summoned his Hell's Chain. He dug his hands into the ground, and chains burst forth from the earth, ensnaring the treant-Krogar. The chains were made of a fiery metal, and they burned the treant-Krogar's wooden limbs, causing it to scream in agony.

The treant-Krogar tried to summon its roots to ensnare Amir, but he was too quick. He flew out of the way, using his Flame Wings to avoid the treant-Krogar's attacks. As he flew, he unleashed another barrage of fireballs, striking the treant-Krogar with precision and causing it to stumble further.

The battle raged on, with Amir using his skills in tandem to keep the treant-Krogar at bay. He was a whirlwind of fire and fury, his flames burning brighter with each passing moment. The treant-Krogar was powerful, but Amir's skills and determination were too much for it. Slowly but surely, Amir gained the upper hand, his flames burning away the treant-Krogar's wooden limbs, weakening it with each passing moment.

Amir's Hell's Chain had ensnared the treant-Krogar, trapping it in a fiery grip. The treant-Krogar struggled and roared, but Amir's chains held firm, burning away its wooden limbs. With a fierce cry, Amir added his hands together, and a massive power flame blast erupted from his palms.

The blast struck the treant-Krogar with incredible force, engulfing it in a fiery inferno. The treant-Krogar let out a deafening scream as it was consumed by the flames, its wooden body burning away to nothing.

As the flames died down, Amir approached the smoldering remains, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of Krogar. And then, he saw him - the orc, Krogar, lying on the ground, barely alive. His top right shoulder was gone, burned away, and black blood flowed from the wound.

Amir knelt beside Krogar, his eyes locked on the orc's face. "Where is the Orc King?" he demanded, his voice firm but urgent.

Krogar's eyes flickered open, a sly smile spreading across his face. "You'll...never find...him," he whispered, his voice weak but defiant.

And with that, Krogar's eyes closed, his body going limp. Amir's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with the implications. The Orc King was still out there, and Amir was more determined than ever to find him.

Amir searched the orc's body and found a storage ring on his finger. He took the ring, wondering what other secrets it might hold. As he searched further, he found nothing else of value, but he kept the ring anyway, thinking it might come in handy later.

He then turned his attention to the Crystal of Ascension, still glowing brightly on the pedestal. Amir approached it cautiously, feeling a sense of reverence wash over him. He reached out and took the crystal, feeling its power coursing through him. He then stored it in his own storage ring, making sure it was safe.

As he turned to leave, Amir noticed that he was wounded, but he could still walk. He made his way outside, where he found his friends had dealt with the rest of the orcs. They were all regrouping, tending to the wounded and counting their losses.

Amir joined them, and they welcomed him back with relief. The chief of the village approached him, concern etched on his face. "Amir, my boy, are you okay? You're wounded."

Amir nodded, wincing in pain. "I'll be fine, Chief. Just a few scratches."

The chief nodded, then turned serious. "We need to talk about the village and the crystal. We can't stay here anymore, not with the orcs and other dangers lurking about. We've decided to move to the city, where it's safer."

Amir nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea, Chief. And what about the crystal?"

The chief smiled. "We'll put it in the city's treasure vault, where it will be safe and protected. You've done a great service to our people, Amir. We won't forget it."

Amir smiled, feeling a sense of pride and purpose. He knew that this was just the beginning of his journey, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead.


In the city, Kaidon and Throne sat in the throne room, discussing the pressing matter of finding loyal men to protect the city. With 100 Mages and 100 Warriors at their disposal, they needed to identify those who would stand by their side without question.

"We can't just choose anyone," Kaidon said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "We need men who are loyal to the city, not just the Blackwood family."

Throne nodded in agreement. "I've been thinking...we need to test them. See who among them is truly worthy of our trust."

Kaidon raised an eyebrow. "A test, you say? What kind of test?"

Throne's eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. "All 200 men will be gathered in the city square. We'll announce a fake threat to the city, and see who among them steps forward to defend it without hesitation. But here's the twist - we'll make it seem like the Blackwood family is behind the threat."

Kaidon's face lit up with a grin. "Brilliant! Let's see who among them is loyal to the city, and not just the Blackwood family."

And so, the stage was set. The city square was filled with 200 men, 100 Mages and 100 Warriors. Kaidon and Throne stood on the balcony, looking out over the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Throne boomed, his voice echoing through the square. "A threat has been made against the city! The Blackwood family has been accused of plotting against us. Who among you will step forward to defend the city, and not the Blackwood family?"

The crowd murmured, some looking around nervously. And then, slowly but surely, men began to step forward. Some with hesitation, others with determination etched on their faces.

"We can't let anyone harm the city!" one man shouted.

"The city comes first, not the Blackwood family!" another man chimed in.

Kaidon and Throne watched intently, taking note of those who stepped forward without hesitation. These were the men they could trust, the ones who would fight for the city's safety without question.

The test had begun, and the fate of the city hung in the balance. Who among these men would prove themselves loyal and worthy of the task ahead? Only time would tell.