
The Emperor's Daily Nitpicking by Mu Su Li 木苏里

Many years ago, a young man named Kevin was entrusted with the task of looking after the young master (turned out to be the heir to the throne) during spring break. Kevin had barely entered the reserve army, and he was not looking forward to spending his vacation babysitting a spoiled child. However, Kevin soon found that he had underestimated the boy. The young master (aka the prince) was arrogant and demanding. Kevin retaliated and made the young master’s life a living hell. Kevin was constantly inquired of the boy’s beck and call, and he was often subjected to the Kevin’s antics. Many years later, Kevin, the Commander of the Bronze Army who ‘just came back to life,’ returned to the royal city, and the person in charge of power had already changed. His close friend gloated: “Silly; I heard that you had beaten His Majesty several times when he was still seven-or-eight years old.” Kevin unconcernedly said: “The old account had passed so many years ago. He must have forgotten already.” Oswald: “The person you all thought highly of was a shadow-like childhood existence to me.” Kevin choked on a mouthful of red wine in his throat. Oswald propped up his chin, absent-mindedly said: “But now, the power I held was already above his. How should I retaliate then…?” Kevin: “…” Q: Long time ago, I had beaten up a brat. The brat became the top boss now. How long could I still live? A: After a good meal, you could go on your way.

Rhiech · Fantasie
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191 Chs

Chapter 71.4

The vines seemed to be alive, sucking the vitality of everyone. With each life force they absorbed, Melo seemed to become more excited.

The desire that had been suppressed for thousands of years was released instantly, as if he had no more scruples.

At that moment, the Empress God, who had always liked to pretend to be gentle and polite, became flamboyant and crazy.

He laughed a few times, then raised his finger and lifted Oswald, who had the Godhead of Vulcan, up into the air. He slammed Oswald to the ground again and again, as if he were a rag doll.

In front of the Empress God, who had more than a hundred godheads, Oswald was like a child confronting a strong man.

He was suppressed so completely that he did not even have a chance to make a move. Oswald realized that the true outburst of a god was more difficult to deal with than he had imagined.

He could not find an opening, a weakness, anywhere. The Empress God was simply too powerful.

He slammed heavily on the ice, cracking the entire ice sheet. Several vines clamped him down, pressing him down violently. He roared violently, and the flames instantly burned the vines.

The vines flinched subconsciously for a moment, but they did not let go completely. Just as Oswald was about to break free, Melo retracted his hand and tightened his grip on Oswald again.

As soon as one vine was burned away, another one would take its place. The cycle continued, as if there was no end in sight.


The sound like a lock clicking shut echoed through the air. Oswald was trapped and the sound of countless shattering bones echoed through the ice layer as Oswald was pressed alive by the vines.

Melo squeezed out of thin air, and Oswald's limbs and bones burst out with a few crisp sounds. They were bent into strange angles, and it was clear that they were all broken.

In a blink of an eye, the vines attached themselves to Oswald's skin. He felt as if all the strength in his body was being sucked out, being drawn away to another place by the vines.

It was a very disgusting feeling, and he could even clearly feel the loss of his life force.

His vision began to blur, and his hands and feet began to weaken. The Godhead of Vulcan was no longer suitable for him at this time.

His body, which had been gradually weakened, could no longer bear the Godhead. His skin cracked, and bloodstains began to appear.

The buzzing in his ears grew louder and louder, drowning out almost all other sounds. He could not hear Kevin's voice. Just before, he had a vague feeling that Kevin seemed to be calling him.

Oswald blinked a few times, suddenly his blurred vision turned blood red, as if covered by a bloody shadow. He tried his best to distinguish it, and found that there were occasional flashes of light above the ice layer.

This must be the fierce battle between the God of Light and the God of Empress, but he could not help much at this time.

He was so angry that he coughed a few times, and spat out a mouthful of blood. The blood was so bright that it seemed to dye the entire ice layer red.

As the emperor lay crushed beneath tens of meters of solid ice, his blood pooling around him, Kevin fought a desperate battle with Melo. He had only managed to call Oswald at the start of the fight, but now he was all alone.

Melo had over a hundred godheads at his disposal, and no matter how powerful Kevin was, he was no match for him. It was a miracle that he had been able to hold out for so long.

Kevin's blows rained down on Melo, but they seemed to have no effect. Melo simply laughed as he deflected Kevin's attacks with ease.

A strange and foreboding sight appeared in the sky above Mirror Island. The sky was split in two, with one half bathed in brilliant sunlight and the other shrouded in darkness.

The two halves seemed to be locked in a perpetual struggle, as the light pushed against the darkness and the darkness resisted. It was as if the two forces were inextricably linked, unable to exist without each other.

The bright half of the sky fought valiantly against the darkness, but it was slowly losing ground. Bit by bit, the darkness encroached, until the bright half was almost entirely consumed. The light that remained was faint and flickering, like a candle in a gale.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and Kevin fell from the sky. He landed heavily on the ground, his body limp and lifeless. His face was pale and his eyes were closed. He was clearly exhausted, and his strength was all but spent.

Melo stood over Kevin, his eyes cold and cruel. "Is this the end of you?" he gloated. "Have you finally reached your limits?"

Kevin did not answer.

Kevin's squinted eyes were devoid of light, as if he could no longer see Melo clearly, or anything else for that matter.

Is this really how everything ends? Powerless?


He closed his eyes and, with the last of his strength, he dodged the long vines that were leaping towards him. However, he rolled too far and accidentally fell into the deep pit where Oswald was.

Kevin tried to brace himself when he landed, but he was too weak. He could not avoid hitting Oswald's body, even though he only grazed it.

Kevin lay there for a moment, his body limp and his breath coming in ragged gasps.

The emperor's consciousness was fading, but he suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood and regained a little awareness. Kevin could barely lift his head, but he managed to move close enough to the emperor to touch his cheek.

Kevin moved his lips close to the emperor's ear and whispered something in a breathy voice. The emperor endured the severe pain and suppressed his breath, barely able to hear what Kevin said. But when he did, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

The emperor's eyes had once been a beautiful, clear blue, but now they were bloodshot and almost half-blind. But even in their weakened state, they burned with a fierce determination.