
The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows

What happened when an actor/assassin reincarnates as Minoru (Cid's previous incarnation) and then later gets reincarnated once again as Cid Kagenou aka Shadow with the powers of The Shadow Monarch, read and find out.

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime und Comics
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203 Chs

Chapter 133

[Third Person's PoV]

"Cid, what are you showing my daughter?" Aurora said, walking toward them and stopping with her arms crossed.

Cid turned to look at her and saw that she wasn't alone; she was accompanied by three other women: Elisabeth, her subordinate Mary, and Beatrix, who had a hand casually resting on her sword.

"Violence?" Cid replied with an awkward grin.

"Yeah, I can see that," Aurora rolled her eyes.

The women with her started to chuckle, seeing their interactions. Cid looked at them a bit confused. "What an unusual group. What are you guys doing together?"

Elisabeth replied, "Since we're all new to Shadow Garden, we decided to stick together and explore. That was until we heard the sounds of a battle and came to investigate."

Aurora let out a sigh as she picked up Celeste from Zeta's lap, disappointing Zeta a bit.

"I hope daddy isn't teaching you anything bad," Aurora said in a baby voice.

Celeste responded with baby babbles and giggles. 'Are you kidding!? It was the best!'

Beatrix looked at Bellion and Beru with a bit of apprehension before she looked at Cid. "If those beings follow your command and every word as law, just how strong are you? And how much were you holding back in our fight?"

Cid smiled at Beatrix, "Yes."

'That's weird… I know he didn't answer any of the questions I asked, but I somehow knew what he was implying and what the answers were. Truly a scary man,' Beatrix thought with a weary smile.

"So, are you ready to go?" Aurora asked with a raised brow as she softly swaddled Celeste in her arms.

"Do we have to?" Cid asked with an uncertain expression.

"Don't tell me the infamous Shadow, Ruler of Shadow Garden, the most mysterious organization in the world, is scared to introduce his daughter to his parents?" Aurora teased with a smirk.

Cid narrowed his eyes at her with a straight expression. "You're goddamn right I am."

"Joking, joking." Cid let out a sigh, while Celeste made baby noises and Aurora laughed.

"Claire is already waiting for us by the carriage," Aurora said with a smile.

Cid nodded and then picked up Celeste once more.

"Enjoy yourself," Beatrix teased, her normal blank expression showing a small smile.

"Why don't you just curse me instead?" Cid grumbled, which caused Beatrix and Elisabeth to giggle.

Beru and Bellion both sank into their shadows before clinging to Cid's. Delta and Zeta looked at each other briefly before resuming their fight with feral grins, picking up where they had left off.

Everyone else watching was still a bit shocked by Beru's and Bellion's explosive confrontation.

As Cid, Aurora, Claire, and Celeste entered the carriage, it started to move towards Cid's childhood home.

"Why are you coming along?" Cid asked Claire with a raised brow.

"Are you kidding? And miss Mother's and Baldy's reaction? In your dreams," Claire teased.

"It's always nice to know I have your love and support," Cid said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Aurora chuckled at their interactions before picking Celeste from Cid's arms to breastfeed her.

"Lucky," Cid muttered.

Aurora and Claire looked at him weirdly, and Celeste wasn't any different.

"Anyways…" Claire quickly changed the topic, "I'm also coming along since it's been a while since I've seen our mother. I've already sent a letter formally informing her that you and I would be coming, and I mentioned we were bringing guests."

Cid nodded in understanding.

A few minutes later…

Cid and the others arrived at their destination and saw their mother and balding father waiting.

Seeing the carriage stop in front of their estate, their smiles grew, especially when Cid and Claire exited. But their smiles froze as they stared at Aurora and Celeste coming out as well, noticing the way Cid help her coming out of the carriage.

"Mother… father…" Cid called out to them.

"Umm… Cid, honey… what am I looking at?" his mother asked, looking behind Cid.

"A carriage? You see, that's a mode of transportation—"

"Young man, you know what I'm talking about," his mother said, glaring at Cid.

"Ah, you must be talking about my future wife and our child together," Cid plainly said.

Silence ensued among them, lasting only a brief moment.

"WHAAAAAAAT!" they both yelled loudly, their yells echoing all the way to the estate.

Even the knights guarding the front gates stared, their eyes nearly popping out of their sockets.

The father's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he proceeded to faint on the spot. The mother quickly moved and caught him before he hit the ground.

She turned and glared at Cid. "Help me with your father. Afterwards, you and I are going to have a serious discussion."

Cid inwardly groaned as he picked his father up with one hand and carried him like a sack of potatoes on his shoulders.

'Uh oh, looks like Daddy's in trouble. I better help him,' Celeste thought before looking at Cid's mother.

She stretched out her arms and made cute baby noises while smiling. 'Nothing beats an adorable baby!' Celeste inwardly cheered.

(A/N: went to wiki saw something about her name being Okan, don't care enough to double check, so autobots, rollout)

Okan felt like an arrow with hearts had pierced her chest. "Sooooo cute! Can I hold her?" she asked Aurora.

Aurora smiled and nodded, handing her Celeste.

"Hey, baby~," she said. Celeste started making more baby noises, which completely smittened Okan.

As they made their way towards the mansion, Okan kept examining Celeste with a smile.


Okan was carrying Celeste while the baldy was thrown on the couch next to her. On the opposite side, Cid, Aurora, and Claire sat together.

Okan let out a sigh. "Cid... she's really your daughter, isn't she? I can see it. Her little fingers resemble yours when you were little."

"I don't know if I should be angry with you or happy that you've given me a beautiful granddaughter."

Hearing this, Celeste made baby noises again. "Of course I'm happy," Okan said in a baby voice to Celeste before her emotions switched to a cold one.

Even with her eyes closed, Cid could still feel her cold look before she softly sighed. "I guess I can't really fault you... you are an adult after all now."

"But wait... you weren't gone that long, so how is it possible that she's your daughter..." Okan pondered with a confused expression.

Cid quietly blocked Celeste's ears with his magic. "I have magical sperm that makes the woman I impregnate give birth faster," he said shamelessly.

'That's weird... I didn't hear what he said. Am I... am I going deaf?' Celeste thought to herself worriedly.

"Cid!" All three reprimanded him.

Their loud shouting managed to wake up the baldy. "Honey, I just had the weirdest dream. Cid and Claire came back to visit... and Cid brought a baby home."

Okan released a sigh. "It wasn't a dream," she plainly said, causing the baldy to faint again at the sight of the baby in Okan's arms.

She, along with Cid, Claire, and Celeste, all sighed in disappointment at him.

"Now be serious," Okan said, looking back at Cid.

"He's actually serious..." Aurora said, looking down embarrassed while slightly raising a hand.

"I... Why... How... Tell me, how the hell do I respond to that?!" Okan asked, exasperated.

Okan then looked towards Aurora. "I'm sorry, dear, I didn't get your name."

"My name is Aurora, Mother-in-law."

Okan let out another sigh upon hearing that. "I don't mean for this to sound rude, but how old are you? No offense, but you're obviously older than my son. So how did 'THIS'..." she said, motioning to Celeste, "...happen?"

"Well, you see... when you love someone really hard and that person loves you just as hard—"

"Cid?" she interrupted with her eyes closed and a lovely smile.


"Enough of your witty responses, got it?" she said as a black aura rose from behind her.

"Yes, ma'am," Cid said.

"Ah… umm… I… Your son beat me up and had his way with me, which is why Celeste was born" Aurora said with a smile

Okan, Cid, and Claire slowly turned to look at her with widened eyes, unable to believe what they just heard.