
The Eminence in shadow - Volume-6

A boy in modern-day Japan aspires to be a mastermind exerting power from the shadows. During his training, he gets hit by a truck and dies, then is reborn in a fantasy world as Cid Kagenou. Here, he maintains a presence of mediocrity so as to not stand out and pursue his dream. He cures an elven girl suffering from a disease. Cid, lying to her, explains that this world is run by the Cult of Diablos and that his organization, Shadow Garden, can defeat them. The elf, now named Alpha, "joins" and begins recruiting new members. In fact, the power struggle he described really exists. Under the alias of "Shadow", he now fights it.

Yuichi_Aragi · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
12 Chs

Chapter -5 Welcome to Shadow Garden!

Akane Nishino awoke in a completely white room and looked around.

"Where is this place…?"

Fortunately, she wasn't restrained.

She got out of bed and her bare feet touched the cold floor.

Akane had been changed into some thin, hospital gown-like clothes.

"It looks familiar, but also unfamiliar…"

The floor resembled marble but was slightly different.

The hospital gown was also a familiar design but made of silk-like material rather than synthetic fibers.

"A foreign country maybe…but I've never seen these character letters before."

As her eyes followed the letters scattered around the room, she couldn't recall any language that matched her memories.

In any case, she needed to quickly assess her situation.

"Most likely, I was brought to a research facility by an organization that wants to use my powers. But why didn't they restrain me?"

If they knew about her powers, they should have restrained her.

And right now, she had regained her memories and original powers as the [First Knight].

It was a terribly sloppy kidnapping plan.

"They're looking down on me…"

Akane stood in front of the door to the room.

She sensed two people outside. At least there were guards.

But with her current abilities, she could easily overpower them. However, it wasn't certain they were bad people.

There was a slight chance this was a well-meaning organization that had helped her.


As she debated with herself, she felt the presences outside the door move away.

"—An opening."

Akane decided quickly.

As if to say she'd think about it later, she punched the door with all her might.

BANG! An impossibly hard sound echoed.

"W-What the!?"

Crouching and gripping her fist, Akane was dumbfounded.

There wasn't a single scratch on the door she had punched.

"Why!? I infused that with my full power!"

She noticed some of her black hair had turned golden.

"Just what is this door made of…?"

Glancing up, Akane noticed something.

The letters written on the walls and door were faintly glowing.

"This light is…magic power…"

She distinctly sensed the flow of magical energy.

"Could they be utilizing magic separate from people? My brother said that was impossible…"

Many researchers around the world had studied utilizing magic as a new energy separate from people.

Of course, all those attempts had supposedly failed.

"That can't be true…"

If they had succeeded in practical application, it would explain why they didn't restrain Akane.

This organization possessed such technology.

"Well, nothing's been decided yet."

One failed attempt could just be a coincidence.

Akane concentrated her full power into her fist and swung with all her might once more.

In the next moment, the door suddenly opened.

"Oh no!"

Her fist couldn't stop its momentum.

Akane's punch flew straight towards the face of a beautiful silver-haired girl on the other side of the door.

Swish! A light sound rang as Akane's fist stopped.


Dumbfounded, Akane blinked.

The silver-haired girl had casually caught Akane's full-powered punch with one hand.

Akane couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Door, not locked. Call and can come out anytime."

The silver-haired girl spoke broken Japanese.

Akane recognized her.

"Oh, you're Ms. Natsume…why are you here?"

She was Minoru's sister and should have been in his lab.

"It's okay."

Not understanding what was okay, Akane just stared at her.



Following her prompt, Akane sat in a chair in the room.

For now, she decided to listen since a familiar person had appeared.

"Ms. Natsume, you can speak now? Who are you? Where is this place?"

The silver-haired girl Akane questioned tilted her head as if thinking about something.

"Yes. I not Natsume. I Beta."

Somehow the communication was off, Akane thought.

"I see, your real name isn't Natsume but Beta?"

"I take care you. Don't worry."


Something seems worrying, Akane thought.

"I Beta of Shadow Garden. I brought you here."

"So a Beta of the Shadow Garden organization kidnapped me?"


The criminal cheerfully admitted to the crime.

"So you were a spy called Natsume who infiltrated Messiah?"

"Not spy, research. Research lifeforms from another world."

"Lifeforms from another world?"

Akane tilted her head, not understanding what she meant.

"Lifeforms from another world."

Saying that, Beta pointed at Akane.

"Huh, I'm a lifeform from another world?"


She didn't understand the meaning.

"I show you."

Then, led by Beta's hand, Akane was taken out.

 "W-What is this place…?"

Being shown around the base by Beta, Akane was dumbfounded.

The imbalance between the magic progress, far more advanced than Japan's, and the science technology, far more primitive than Japan's.

The women here all spoke languages Akane had never heard before, and most had distinctive ears.

Rather than aftereffects of the Awakening, they seemed to be elven and beastfolk races.

What surprised her most was their high combat abilities.

Touring the training facility with Beta, Akane shuddered at sheer scale of their abilities.

"Want to try?"

Beta arrogantly crossed her arms and said that.

Unbelievably, she seemed to hold quite a high position here. Everyone showed her respect and was careful not to be rude.

"Try what, me fighting?"

Akane had meant to ask a question but Beta seemed to take it as agreement.

As expected, communication was off.

"The weakest one here, come out! Ya!"

Beta exclaimed with a smug look on her face.

That seemed to be one of the ace phrases Beta had learned in Japan.

But no one understood it since it was Japanese.

[Because she really wants to fight, let the weakest one here be her opponent. Make sure not to hurt her, okay?]

Looking a little embarrassed, Beta said that, but Akane didn't understand the otherworld language.

After a while, a small girl appeared, led by a one-eyed dark elf.

She looked about thirteen years old.

Her beautiful white hair and charming eyes made her serious expression somewhat amusing.

[Number 711, you'll be her partner. You know what happens if you shame Shadow Garden's reputation, right?]

Warned by the dark elf, the girl tensed her already taut face and glared at Akane.

"Um, nice to meet you."

Since it seemed a fight was unavoidable, Akane politely extended her hand for a handshake.

[No way I'll lose to the likes of you. I can't stumble here.]

Akane's hand was slapped away as she was glared at even more sharply.

"Oh, sorry."

Akane learned that handshakes were bad manners in this otherworld.

Then, Akane and 711 took up practice swords and headed to the center of the training grounds.


Beta and Lambda watched as the two's battle began from the edge of the training grounds.

"Who do you think will win?"

The brown elf Lambda, in charge of training the new recruits at Shadow Garden, said that.

"Well, I don't know 711 very well…"

Beta narrowed her blue eyes and smiled ambiguously.

"711 has been here half a month. She's still the weakest but her talent is top class."

"It's rare to hear you praise someone like that."

"She's a prodigy. But she is a bit rebellious…"

"She's still a child. With your guidance, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Of course."

"Lambda, who do you think will win?"

"I also don't know much about that black-haired girl but…her magic power seems unusual. Is she the girl from another world rumored to have been brought back by Lady Beta?"

"Yes. Her name is Akane Nishino…but Shadow sama called her Akane Nishimura I think."

"Then Akane Nishimura must be correct since Shadow sama said so."

"You're right. No mistake, it's Akane Nishimura."

"While Akane Nishimura has interesting magic power…711 should win."

"I think so too."

Lambda readily agreed with Beta's answer.

In the training grounds, Akane and 711 had readied their swords, facing each other. Once Lambda gave the signal, the match would start immediately.

Just then, the door to the training grounds opened.

A small elven girl emerged, tiredly rubbing her eyes and stumbling over still half-asleep as she headed towards Beta and the others.

"Eta, what are you doing here?"

Beta called out to her somewhat warily.

The small elf was Eta, the Seventh Seat of the Seven Shadows, mainly researching the Shadow's Wisdom.

"Observing…the test subject…"

She spoke in a sleepy voice. Her long dark hair was sticking up from bedhead.

"You mean observing Akane Nishimura? Did you get permission from Alpha?"

"...Of course."

Eta looked away as she answered.

"I'll confirm with Alpha later. Don't touch anything until then."

"No need…to confirm. Just a hassle."

"I said don't touch anything until confirmed!"

Beta repeated the same words like chanting a spell.

"Tch…need to research…that unusual magic power…quickly."

Eta complained in a displeased tone.

"Shall we begin?"

Once Lambda confirmed with Beta and Eta, the two nodded.

"Then, match start!!"

Following Lambda's signal, Akane and 711 swung their swords.



While blocking 711's strike, Akane shuddered.

The sharply heavy blow from that small body numbed her arm.

[I won't…lose…]

711 infused her sword with magic power, blowing Akane away forcefully.


For Akane, who had remained strong in Japan, this was an unknown experience. She never imagined she would lose in a simple magic power match.

Somehow cushioning her landing, Akane readied her sword.

She had completely underestimated this child.

She never thought someone so young could possess such power.

At this rate, she would lose.

"This is troubling…"

Akane's black hair gradually turned golden.

There was no need to win this unnecessary fight.

Perhaps there was no need to fight at all.

But Akane felt the need to display her power here.

Proof of her own worth.

Surely this young girl was a strong fighter even within this organization. But unlikely the strongest. The three watching from the edge were probably higher ranked, and there were surely other strong fighters.

In other words, with Akane's ability, escaping this organization alone would be extremely difficult. She needed to also investigate ways of returning to Japan from within the organization.

So better to raise her standing and position here.

An opportunity to escape would eventually come.

Akane judged this and released her power.

Her lovely black hair then dyed a beautiful gold.

"Sorry, but I'm going to get serious now."

Holding her sword, Akane slowly closed the distance.


Perhaps wary, 711 made a displeased face, carefully watching the situation.

Step by step, the distance between them shrank.

Then the instant Akane stepped forward, she moved.

Tremendous speed slashed out golden magical power.


711 reflexively crossed swords, eyes opening wide in surprise at the momentum.

Her blocking sword creaked and her arm numbed.

–She would be pushed back.

Judging that, 711 leapt back to redirect the power. Even so, she couldn't completely redirect it.


Wincing, she felt sharp pain in her right arm.

She had been injured.

But 711 immediately erased her expression and readied her sword.

With tranquil eyes, she fixed her gaze on Akane.

At this point, 711 had finally regained her calm.

Forgetting Lambda and Beta's pressure, she truly faced Akane.


Breathing out lightly, she adjust her magic power.

Her composed aura became like a flowing stream.

She seemed to have some sword training from before, but had only been handling magic power for half a month.

This was 711's true power, why Lambda had recognized her as a prodigy.

[…I won't lose.]

711 murmured as if convincing herself.

"What's with this kid…"

Faced with the little girl enveloped in a veteran's air, Akane shuddered.

It should have been a good chance to press the attack.

Akane sensed 711 had been injured somewhere in the earlier clash.

Without pause, pressing the attack then should have ended the match.

But she couldn't do it.

Because of 711's eyes that seemed to see through everything.

An opponent with such eyes was dangerous.

"I can't lose either."

Though the words didn't get through, Akane felt 711 had some burden in this fight.

But Akane couldn't lose either.

Since she had decided to see him again.



Their fighting spirits overlapped as their swords collided.

First blow, second blow, third blow…

At first, Akane's sword pushed through. The difference in their magic power directly influenced the result.

Sixth blow, seventh blow, eighth blow…

But as the fight continued, 711's sword sharpened. No, she was expertly redirecting Akane's magic power.

711's sword began grazing Akane more and more.

"Kageno-kun, give me strength–!"

Around the twentieth blow, Akane stepped into dangerous range.

She sensed she would lose at this rate.


However, 711 had been eagerly awaiting it.

She had been wiating it all along.

The moment when Akane stepped in.

If this continued, 711 would be the one to lose after all.

At the best timing, 711's sword swung down.

At that moment, 711's right arm crackled.

Her bone shattered right then.


711's sword dulled just slightly.

And Akane's strike landed squarely.



The match was decided.


"A double knockdown…unexpected."

"My prediction was off."

Looking down at the two collapsed in the center of the training grounds, Beta and Lambda spoke.

"As you said, 711 is talented. Deductions for losing her initial calm, but still."

"That was my insufficient guidance. I will retrain her immediately."

"On her own, Number 711 was superior. But Akane Nishimura's magic quality that brought it to a draw is abnormal. It's not just the quantity of magic but something seems mutated…"

"Could it be magic from a different world than ours? Or is she somehow special…?"

"I don't know. In any case, we'll have to ask her more once she calms down. And investigating that will be—wait!!"

Beta cut off her words and grabbed Eta by the scruff of her neck.

"This anomalous magical power…how interesting."

Eta was scuttling over to Akane like a cockroach.

"Hey Eta! Don't go near her without permission from Alpha!"

"If we wait for permission, she may be dead by then."

"She won't die that easily!"

"Time is money. It's my duty to prevent lost opportunities due to foolish choices."

"Yes yes, no matter what you say I absolutely won't allow it."

"Hmph…I'll make Beta the subject of my next research experiment…"

"Eep…if you do that I'll report to Alpha!"

"Grr…my budget being cut…but succumbing to threats would hinder the progress of shadow wisdom…"

Muttering to herself, Eta pondered.

"Now, hurry and take those two to the infirmary. I'll explain the situation when they wake up."

"What will happen going forward?"

"For now, Lambda will be in charge until Nishimura Akane calms down. After she settles, we intend to get her cooperation in various ways."


Lambda gave orders to her subordinates to carry Akane and Number 711 to the infirmary.


"Mm…where is this…?"

When Akane woke up, she was lying in a soft, fluffy bed.

It looked like an infirmary.

"It seems I…lost?" "No, my sword should have reached…"

At the end of that battle, Akane's surprise attack was completely predicted.

Normally she would have definitely lost. However, for some reason the enemy's attack slowed and she landed her strike at almost the same time.

That's when Akane lost consciousness.

Akane sat up and looked around the room. There, she noticed a white-haired girl sleeping in the bed next to hers.

"It looks like it was a draw."

Seeing the girl had no external injuries, Akane breathed a sigh of relief.

She still had an innocent, cute sleeping face.

But this small girl had completely overpowered Akane in skill. Having actually fought her, Akane knew if they battled again she would certainly lose.


The white-haired girl frowned and murmured something.

"Having a nightmare? Are you okay?"

Akane went to her side and stroked her head.

[Mm, mm…]

"It's alright, it's alright…"

That such a small girl has to fight. The environment in this other world may be just as harsh as Japan.

When Akane gently stroked her head, the girl's expression gradually softened.

Then slowly opened her eyes and looked at Akane.

"You're awake. Are you okay?"


The white-haired girl looked at Akane sleepily and smiled kindly.

[Mother…where is Father…?]

Reaching out to Akane with an angelic smile, she jerked awake.

\\ illustration in comment \\

[O-You are…!?]

The girl jumped up in surprise and took distance from Akane.

"W-Wait, calm down."

[Don't…come near me! I won't…lose to you…!]

"If you move around so vigorously it could be dangerous."

[I…lost…to you…? I lost…?]

The girl looked around and seemed to grasp the situation.

"Settle down, it's alright."

[Losing…I can't lose here…]

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes.

"What's wrong? Did something sad happen?"

When Akane held out her hand, the girl slapped it away.

Akane learned that in this world, holding out your hand is taboo.

[Do-Don't touch me…Uu…I promised myself…I wouldn't cry anymore…]

The girl wiped away her falling tears and jumped down from the bed.


Biting back sobs, she ran off.

"I hope she's okay…"

Akane watched her worriedly.

But with the language barrier, there was nothing she could do for the girl.

"You're awake."

At that time, Beta, the elf with silver hair entered the room.

"That girl just ran out crying…"

"It's alright."

Not understanding how it could be alright, Akane was told so by Beta.

No point saying anything to this one, Akane realized.

"So what happens to me now? What are your objectives? Can I return to Japan?"

"Understand. Understand very well."

Beta took Akane's hand with an obsequious smile.

"Oh, I see."

"I, your ally. Someday, I send you back Japan."

"I can return to Japan?"

"Can return probably, but you no cooperate, no return."

"Huh, a threat?"

"No, extremely advanced technical problem."

"I see."

"So cooperate please."

"Well, if there's anything I can do."

She didn't trust them much, but Akane sensed there was no point running off here.

Either way, investigating this organization seems the only path back to Japan for now.

Rather than seem rebellious, it's better they see her as cooperative. That would make it easier for her to maneuver later.

"Thank you very much. Akane, good person."

"Ah, yes."

"For now, you join this organization's members. Organization name, Shadow Garden."

"I'm to become a member of Shadow Garden then. What kind of organization is it?"

"Those who lurk in shadows, and hunt shadows."

"Sounds cool."

She didn't really understand their activities, but Akane thought it sounded very otherworldly.

Come to think of it, he used to love things like this too, she remembered with some nostalgia, smiling.

"You now be Number. You Number 712, no longer Nishimura Akane."

"I'll be called by a number…" She paused. "Nishimura Akane?"

Being called that name stopped Akane's thoughts.

"You Nishimura Akane. Right?"

"Nishimura Akane…why do you call me by that name?"

The only person who ever called Akane that was a certain someone.

"Nishimura Akane wrong?"

"No, you're right, it's fine. I was just curious how you knew my name."

"I see. Heard from someone."

"Heard it from someone, I see."

It would be nice if it was just her imagination.

But if it wasn't her imagination…Akane's heart beat faster.

Calm down, it's too soon to be found out.

"Oh, is that so? Are you curious?"

"It was surprising to me that someone knows about me. You're from Japan, right?"

To avoid suspicion, Akane asked in a conversational tone.

"Hehehe, it's a secret, you know. But everyone in that base knew Akane's name. It's not surprising."

Beta was right.

If it's Nishino Akane's name, everyone at the base knows. But calling her Nishimura Akane is something only he does.

If he's here, Akane's purpose will change completely.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense. I was careless about that."

Akane scratched her cheek awkwardly. Beta smiled and watched her intently.

"Starting today you Number 712. Now live in Shadow Garden."

"712, got it."

"I show you where 712 lives now. Follow me."

Led by the hand by Beta, Akane left the infirmary.

Outside the infirmary was a stone corridor.

Beautiful stonework and high arched ceilings were softly lit by indirect lighting.

Looking just at this, it certainly seems a fantasy other world, however, that just makes the room Akane woke up in all the stranger.

For some reason, she sensed a modern Japanese feel in that room. As if Japanese technology had been recreated in another world.

"Something on mind, 712?"

Beta walking ahead spoke.

"No, I just feel it's really a different world. Refreshing."

"Good to hear. Place from before infirmary. Go there if injured. And here toilet."

"The bathroom."


"The toilet."

She's a toilet enthusiast.

Peering inside, individual stalls with large tile floors lined the area. Big mirrors, hand washing stations, and surprisingly the toilets were flush.

"Flush toilets."

"Cutting edge technology."

Beta said proudly.

Akane's doubts deepened. These toilets looked exactly like Japanese toilets no matter how she looked at them.

"I wonder who made them."

"Eta made."


"Watched match with us, little elf in labcoat."

"Ah, that girl."

Akane remembered the elf in the lab coat appearing right before the match.

"But Eta not original knowledge. That person."

"That person?"


Beta smiled meaningfully.

Again with "that person."

There's no mistake "that person" is connecting Japan and this world's technology.

However, she still can't conclude "that person" is "him" she knows.

"Next is cafeteria."

Led by Beta, they arrived at a large open ceiling space.

It was after mealtimes so calm, but it could easily seat hundreds.


Akane was overwhelmed by the large area and decorative walls and ceiling.


"A little…"

"I'll get something."

Beta sat Akane at a table and went to fetch food.

The table and chairs Akane sat at were also high-class. A huge ten meter table made of a single glossy plank, the chairs had delicate carvings and were comfortable to sit in.

No way, could this design be by that famous interior designer…?

"It's similar."

The famous chair she knew didn't have carvings, but the overall shaping matched the masterful design.

That made her look at all the interiors with suspicion.

Could that lighting be…the tableware isn't…she searched for traces of him in everything.

"No good…"

She was just taking in the convenient information. They're tools made for humanoid creatures, so similarities by coincidence are plenty possible, Akane calmed herself down.

"Looking around, something up?"

"Oh, I'm just curious about a lot of unusual things."

When she noticed, Beta was sitting across from her at the table.

Elf and beastmen who seemed her subordinates set down food in front of Beta and Akane.

"Th-This is…"

"What's wrong?"

The meal placed before Akane was unmistakably Japanese food.

"Why…Japanese food…?"

"Ate same stuff in Japan."

"I guess you did."

Certainly, Beta had acted in Japan as Natsume.

Recreating that food culture in this world isn't odd at all but…

"The miso soup…and soy sauce too…"

Recreating these seasonings in such a short time is doubtful. Of course Beta may have brought them from the other world.


The miso soup had a refined flavor with bonito dashi.

"Glad it suits your taste."

Beta skillfully used chopsticks to eat.

Akane also finished her meal without seeming suspicious.

"That was delicious."

While drinking coffee after the meal, the girl Akane recognized popped up mischievously from behind Beta.

[Got permission from Alpha-sama]

The sleepy-eyed girl in the labcoat spoke to Beta in this world's language.

[Oh, really now?]

Beta looked at her doubtfully as she took the documents from Eta.

[It's certainly Alpha sama's permission. It leaves Akane Nishimura's handling to Eta.]

At the words "Akane Nishimura" Akane's ears perked up.

[Well, if that's how it is]

Eta tried to swiftly retrieve Akane from under the table.

[Wait a second! While it does say that, there are two suspicious points.]


Grabbed by the scruff of her neck by Beta, Eta's eyes darted around.

[Even assuming Alpha sama gave permission, absolutely no way would she leave it to you alone. She'd definitely attach a supervisor.]

[Well…it's the result of my daily conduct and accumulated trust…]

[And another thing. The handwriting lacks vigor. It's like someone imitated Alpha sama's writing slowly.]

[Wha-What are you saying…]

Eta broke out in a cold sweat.

[Eta, you forged these documents didn't you?]

Eta made an awkward smile being glared at by Beta.

[Give it up. Now we're going to Alpha sama and―]

[That's enough.]

Eta tonelessly cut Beta off.

[Since it's come to this, I'll use force.]

The next instant, Akane's vision flipped.


Akane was restrained by a black slime and suspended upside down. She struggled desperately but the strong, flexible black slime didn't budge an inch.

She felt her magical power get absorbed even when she tried to use it.

[Eta, what are you trying to do!?]

Beta and her subordinates were restrained the same way.

[Using force. Words are useless against fools.]

Eta curtly replied and tried to take the upside down Akane away.

[Wait a second! !]

Beta ripped through the black slime and generated an obsidian sword, slashing at Eta in a flowing motion.


Eta narrowed her eyes slightly and manipulated the slime.

What she created was a huge shield.

Beta's sword and Eta's shield collided.

A dull thud echoed out.

[Wha-What is this shield!?]

Beta's sword couldn't inflict a single wound on Eta's shield.

Rather, it steadily absorbed the sword.

Beta hastily pulled back her sword and took distance.

[New technology. Absorbs magical power.]

[I haven't heard about this! We promised to immediately report any useful technologies!]

Enhanced with magical power, swords are stronger than shields.

It's simply an issue of area.

Swords only need to enhance the blade while shields must enhance the entire surface. To achieve the same durability, shields consume over double the magical power of swords.

That's why few magic sword users equip shields.

[Well…safety testing isn't done yet so I thought I'd report it later.]

[You never intended to report it!!]

Even as they talked, Beta slashed at Eta with amazingly smooth motions.

It was difficult for Akane to even follow those movements with her eyes.

She was simply overwhelmed.


Now Akane understood why this questionable girl was respected in this organization. Compared to her, even Number 711's movements seemed like those of an infant.

[Don't interfere.]

And Beta faces off against Eta, whose skill is beyond imagination.

She freely manipulates the slime, creating shields, swords, spears, and lances to counterattack. Her movements are far removed from martial arts, yet reveal one who has honed her skills in another direction.

Her magical power manipulation and parallel thinking are extraordinary.

The two are roughly evenly matched… No, both have yet to reveal their full strength.

They are fighting within the limits of not injuring each other.

Plus, neither has shown their trump card yet. Akane's intuition tells her so.

[Stop it already!]


A blow from Beta knocks back Eta.

Guarding with a shield, Eta skillfully manipulates the slime in midair to cushion her landing.

But Eta makes a difficult face.

Beta's subordinates have surrounded Eta, weapons at the ready.

[This is…]

[Now, surrender]

Beta says triumphantly.

[Lady Eta, I'll have to restrain you. Please forgive me]

Nu, Lambda, Kai, Omega and other Numbers gather one after another.

Even the unflappable Eta clouds her face at this.


[It'll go easier on you if you surrender now, throw down your weapons and apologize sincerely]

Beta closes in, applying pressure.

[What's with all the noise? What's going on?]

A beauty with hair the color of a clear lake appears.

She is Epsilon, the Fifth Seat of the Seven Shadows.

[Two Seven Shadows in force, plus many more… This looks bad]

Eta mutters softly.

Some of the "many more" frown at being treated so trivially.

But that's to be expected.

Every single one here has unbelievable strength.

Their terrifying power is evident from their battle-ready poses, weapons in hand and magic at the ready.

Amazingly, they are all far stronger than Akane.

They must have pride in their own ability, confidence from their cultivation.

It's only natural they'd feel irritated at being lumped in as [many more].

But while they feel irritated, not one voices complaint. They also understand it to be the truth.

[Perfect timing, Epsilon. Help me restrain this fool]

[Sure, since you asked, Beta]

The two communicate instantly.

Epsilon understands Eta is in the wrong.

With Beta and Epsilon hemming her in, the others close ranks around Eta.

[Fine, that's enough]

Eta seems to give up, raising both hands.

[You'll surrender?]

Beta asks, but no one relaxes their guard. Eta hasn't discarded her weapons yet, and surrendering doesn't fit her personality.

[…I hereby inform you all to surrender immediately. Otherwise, you'll regret it]

Completely surrounded with hands raised, Eta utters something outrageous.

[You think I'll surrender to you?]

Epsilon says with maximum wariness.

[No one will surrender?]

Eta looks around as if to confirm.

Everyone remains on guard, but not one will surrender.

[I see, negotiations have broken down]

[Yes, negotiations have broken down]

Eta and Beta say at the same time.

[Everyone, restrain Eta with full force!]

And at once, everyone moves.

In the next moment, it melts.


Their magic fluctuates and their clothes and weapons begin to melt.

[Whaaaaat is thissssss!?]

Beta barely keeps her gear intact, but the others are stripped to near nudity, unable to continue fighting.

[An anti-magic disruption barrier that utilizes the Seventh Shadow's wisdom interference waves – excluding myself]

[Report such developments before creating themmmmm!!]

[The conditional settings make practical use limited to…]

[Enough!! With things like this, it's up to us two, Epsilon!]

Beta calls out to her reliable ally.

But Epsilon is nowhere to be seen. Just a note left on the table.

"Remembered urgent business. Sorry. -Epsilon"

[That womaaaaan!!]

Beta bellows furiously.

[An opening]

Taking advantage of Beta's fury, Eta strikes her.

Stunned, Beta topples forward, losing consciousness.

And so Akane was abducted by Eta.

"Uhh…where is this?"

When Akane wakes, she's in a dim basement.

Restrained by black slime, she's laid on a bed.

The area is crammed with experimental equipment and unidentifiable clutter.

Lately, she had been getting kidnapped quite frequently, and she let out a small sigh.

She tried to break free, but the restraints didn't budge. This black slime alone had surprisingly remarkable capabilities.

"Is someone there?"

Akane called out.

The mountain of junk and the dim light made it hard to see, but she had been feeling the presence of someone moving around for a while.


The presence turns toward Akane.

From behind the clutter, the white-coated girl Eta appears.

"You're Eta, right? What are you going to do with me?"

[You're awake. More resilient than expected… Should have used a stronger tranquilizer]

Eta mutters in the otherworld language.

Akane has no idea what she said, but Eta's eyes make her shudder.

That's no way to look at a person.

She doesn't see Akane as human.

Her gaze is inorganic, like looking at a lab animal… No, just data.

Eta approaches the bedside and looks down at Akane. Still with that inorganic gaze.

[Breathing normal, pulse slightly elevated, mild anxiety]

She matter-of-factly examines Akane's condition, touching her indiscriminately.

[All normal. No need to alter the plan]

Just confirming, Eta says tonelessly. Not addressing Akane at all.

"What are you saying? What are you going to do with me?"

Akane speaks up, but Eta only returns an inorganic gaze.

[Whether there's consciousness or not, there's no change in the plan. But the vocal cords might be a hindrance. Distracting. Should I consider vocal cord removal, or maybe sedative administration… Well, I'm going to dissect it anyway, so why not remove the vocal cords and study them? No, before that, I should verify the conversation in the other world."]

She seemed to be organizing her thoughts by talking to herself.

She appeared to be speaking to Akane, but she wasn't aware of Akane at all.

"Since a while ago, what have you been saying?"

When Akane asked, Eta looked at Akane for the first time.

"Ah, ay, uwe, o. Is the pronunciation right?"

Eta says softly.

"Oh, you can speak my language!"

"The spoken language of sapient beings all have similar rules. He said so too, and it's true."

Akane is surprised at Eta's fluent Japanese.

Her pronunciation and grasp of the language are leagues beyond Beta's.

"What's your goal? What are you planning to do with me?"

"Experiments. Satisfying intellectual curiosity."


"First, conversation. To understand the rules of communication and flow of thought. After that, physical examination, magic testing, then extracting the knowledge from your brain."

"Extracting knowledge from my brain…"

"Knowledge of another world is valuable. But lies and noise mix in with conversation. A waste of time. So, I'll just go zappy zap with this."

What Eta points to is a massive cluttered device.

Pipes, cords and more are coiled around something like a coffin. It shudders occasionally, spewing steam.

Clearly suspicious.

"Wha-what is that thing…?"

"Brain Slurper-kun Mk.23. My masterpiece that extracts a person's knowledge completely. After countless failures, it seems finally complete…"

"Seems complete…?"

"Well, it's based on Professor Sherry Barnett of the magical academy Rawagus' paper, [The Relationship Between Brains and Magic. The Possibility of Destroying or Healing Brains by Interfering with Magic, and a Plan for Practical Application]. If it fails, it's her fault, but it should work fine. I thought everyone at Laugus were stubborn old goats, but some researchers like her are excellent. Oh right, Sherry Barnett is giving a lecture at Laugus next week, maybe I'll go… "

Eta rambles irresponsibly with not a shred of credibility.

"Hold on. What do you think I am?"

"A fairly valuable life form. Maybe the fourth or fifth after him."

"A valuable life form? And who's him?"

"Him is him… Much more valuable than you. I learned the basics of your language thanks to him."

"The Japanese language… Thanks to him, don't tell me you…!"

Akane has a bad feeling.

If the "him" who taught Eta Japanese is who she thinks… If he's been captured by this girl who doesn't see people as people…

"You're worried about him…? He helped test Brain Slurper-kun Mk.19, but he was fine. Mk.23 should definitely be okay too."

"You used that incomprehensible machine on him!? Did he consent!?"

"Consent… I don't need such a thing, just trick him and shove him in. He's sturdy, he'll be fine."

"By force… you force experiments on him…!"

Calm down. There's no proof yet this is the person she's imagining.

Akane takes a deep breath to restrain her anger.

"Well, more than experiments… I tried dragon slaying poisons on him, tried dissecting his brain, tried extracting his magic circuits, that level of thing."

Eta says it casually.

Akane's molars grind.

"Tell me. Just who is he…?"

Voice shaking with anger, Akane asks.

"He's him… Hmm, describing people is hard. Ah, he wrote this."

Eta shows Akane a note written in Japanese.

Nothing important is written, but Akane recognizes the handwriting.

"That's… it can't be… Minoru Kagenou's…"

Tears well up in Akane's eyes.

No mistaking it, the handwriting definitely belongs to Minoru Kagenou.

In that moment, all Akane's questions connect.

Minoru Kagenou is in this world.

In that truck accident, he was taken to another world, and became the experimental subject of this girl Eta, his Japanese knowledge stolen.

Which means the accident victim was a fake corpse, or even the accident itself fabricated through the power of this world.

Considering him suddenly robbed of home and separated from family and friends, brought against his will to an unfamiliar other world and forced into a harsh life dripping with blood, Akane trembles with rage.

"How could you… Is he all right!?"

"He's fine… for now."

"For now!? What are you planning to do!?"

"Experiments and dissection."

"How could you…!? Where is he!?"

"Now then… I think I've gotten enough from conversation, roughly understood."

Eta seems disinterested in answering further.

Turning her back on Akane, she prepares something.

"Answer me! Where… where is he!?"

Akane struggles against her restraints to no avail.

If anything, it makes her bones creak more.

"Preparations complete."

Eta holds some collar-like object covered in viscous, foul-smelling slime.

"Wha-what is that…!"

"Vocal Cord Remover-kun Mk.1. It was gathering dust in storage since applications were too limited, but should still work fine."


Eta moves to fit the mysterious collar on Akane.

"Don't worry, it's painless. Okay, 3, 2, 1…"

The moment Eta reaches to flip the collar's switch.

[Stop that]

Eta's head sways with a dull thud.

[Ow my head~~]

Clutching her head, Eta crouches.

[Settle down. I won't permit this today]

Behind Eta stands a beautiful elven woman, a hammer made from transmuted slime in hand.

She'd struck Eta with it.

[Wha-what are you… Brain cells don't regenerate once damaged… My intellect…]

Eta glowers up at her.

[And what was that look for?]

[I won't forgive this, even if it's you Lady Alpha…]


[Take this! Anti-magic disruption barrier – excluding myself!]

But nothing happens.

[Huh, why didn't it work?]

[That anti-magic disruption barrier utilizes the Seventh Shadow's interference wave technology, doesn't it]

[Don't tell me…]

[Sorry, but I've blocked those interference waves]

Saying that, Alpha removes her clothes, revealing a silver slime suit underneath.

[Alu…minum foil…]

[As you know, the legends of the Seventh Shadow's wisdom include techniques to block waves using aluminum foil]

[You don't mean… that legend was true…]

[This is your answer]

Saying that, Alpha brings the hammer down on Eta's head.

Stunned by this shocking truth, Eta can't move.


She lets out a small cry and loses consciousness.

[Take her. Detention and severe research budget cuts until she reflects. She is restricted to only research I authorize for some time]


Girls appearing from behind Alpha pick up the passed out Eta and drag her away.

[Sorry for the trouble]

She speaks to Akane and releases her restraints.

"Oh, um, who are you…?"

Overwhelmed by the beautiful elf, Akane can't find any more words.

[I don't understand your language. I'll leave the rest to Beta]

Saying that, she leaves.

Unfathomably strong.

And beautiful.

Akane intuitively grasps she is this organization's mightiest warrior.

"Are you okay?"

Soon after, the silver-haired girl Beta appears and Akane is rescued.


"This is room 712, your room starting today."

Beta leads her to a door of inorganic material.

"This is my room?"

"Yes. I explained a lot, did you understand everything?"

"More or less."

"Then this is a language textbook. Study up quickly."

Beta hands over a book titled [This World's Language for Otherworld Lifeforms].

"Um, is there someone who'll teach me?"

"Experience is the only teacher. Even I'm busy. Well, bye bye."

Avoiding eye contact, Beta hurriedly walks off.

"Oh boy…"

It's far from ideal, but after everything that happened today, Akane is exhausted.

She sighs and opens the room door.

"It's cleaner than I expected…"

The room has three beds.

One is occupied by a girl lying down.

Noticing Akane, the white-haired petite girl sits up. It's the one Akane fought before.



Akane and the girl cry out almost simultaneously.

[No way…you're the newbie…?]

"Oh, we're roommates. Nice to meet you."

Akane smiles and greets her.

[Tch… Like I could stay with you…! I'm sleeping outside!]

The girl leaps off the bed, glares at Akane and runs off.


While not understanding her words, Akane grasps her attitude is unfriendly.

Watching the girl's retreating back, Akane sighs again.

So many issues.

Another world, an incomprehensible language, an organization of powerful warriors, an unfriendly roommate, not a single true ally.

But there is one ray of hope.

"Don't worry Minoru, this time I'll be the one to save you…!"

With determination in her heart, Akane clenches her fist

\\ illustration in comment \\

Yuichi_Aragicreators' thoughts