
The Eminence - In Taimanin's Shadows

Uh, (possibly) dumb idea go! "What the hell, this Eroge Visual Novel plot is.... Wonderful! Let me enjoy being here, as the Eminence in Shadows! Alright, let the spotlight shine!" - Shadow/Cid Kagenou ~~~~~~~~~~ I have a dream. To make this fanfiction No. 1 That's it? Yeah, I guess. Here I'll explain Taimanin Multiverse Lore (and explore it in secret) while making a story about a Chunnibyo who just wants to look cool and badass while living his dreams. (crossposted on AO3, WTPAD, and FFNet under similar author accounts.)

CaveSquirrel · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chaos Arena Arc - Ep1 (R18)

Note: I'm trying another writing style.

By the way, you may skip this chapter or back out before another chapter will be published if you want.

[ ~~~ Chapter • Start ~~~ ]

Somewhere in the underground of Tokyo, there was an arena.

This arena was so secretive that no information was available about it, with the exception of certain sites in the dark web, those allied with Nomad, demons from and not from the Dark World, and even certain politicians with connections to demons and Nomad.

With many securities combined.... It was partially hidden from the world, and those who tried to expose it would fail as nobody would believe them, and they will be given a brutal fate.


In one of the rooms inside the Chaos Arena, which was one of the training rooms of the "contestants" and slaves, was a damp and barely cleaned place, filled with many tools used for torture and more.

In here was Cid, who was "asleep" standing up, with his hands and legs wrapped in binding chains.

There will be barely any room for his limbs to move, but he could still do something, if he is awake to the eyes of Oboro.

Oboro: "Hmm.... Kaliya, would you like to have a look at him?"

She spoke, glancing towards a woman with platinum hair and golden eyes which were like that of a snake. She wore a violet fur coat, white short that exposes her bosom, a short pencil skirt reaching

Her figure alone was alluring, much more so than that of Oboro with an equal amount of deadliness on her.

Kaliya: "He looks cute for a young taimanin. But, why bring him to here?"

Oboro: "Hmph. I just wanna see how long he'll last as a toy."

Kaliya: "Oh, really? You're that bored?"

Oboro: "I would have taken both him and the blue haired boy, but I figured this one might be capable of lasting longer."

Oboro scoured through the room, taking a bucket filled with cold water and ice then tossing it towards Cid along with its contents.

Oboro: "Wake up, boy! We have some good stuff to be done right now!"

The stimulation did just as she wanted it to, wake up Cid with a jolt, groggily looking around this unfamiliar room with a groan.

Cid: "Ugh.... Where am I....?"

He soon began to struggle at the sight of the two women in front of him, and as one of them was familiar, a look of fear and anger crept up his face.

Or in reality, what he decided would be the best expression in acting this plot out.

Cid: "It's you! Wh.... Wh-what do you want from me?"

Oboro: "Isn't it too obvious? I want to keep you as a toy for my personal use. And as an asset to pull a certain someone in."

She was rather condescending about Cid, seeing him just as described. With slow, foreboding steps Oboro approached him.

[ Yeah, uh.... You should skip this part of you don't like S/M (Not that detailed for reasons) ]

The moment she was close enough she grabbed Cid's shirt and immediately ripped it off him. And since there was nothing about him to admire because of his completely average body, she felt a bit disgusted.

Oboro: "Alright, time for me to have my fun!"

Oboro took a whip that was nearby and cracked it with a swift wave of her hand.

Cid: "Wait, wait a moment! Please don't do this! I-"



His torture has just begun, and both him and Oboro were enjoying this in different perspectives, the latter venting her stressed and the former purely being sadomasochistic in the period.

The torture he gained was long, and several different torture techniques and devices were used against him all to break his will.

Oboro: "Hey swine, squeal louder~!"

*Whip cracking sound.ogg*

Oboro called him names and humiliated him, he didn't care. Cid just wanted to see and feel this plot's climax, which was still just him experiencing pain and loss of sight from leather blindfolds.

Oh. And yeah, he experienced CBT at some point of his torture while being forced to orgasm twice.

Oboro, still feeling unsatisfied and wanting to vent more, decided to keep on torturing him in a more intense manner until she feels like it.

Kaliya watched with some interest as she felt something odd about Cid, but....

Kaliya: 'Is he... Enjoying this? I've only returned and now I saw something on his eyes only Oboro could not. He's a Taimanin, right?'

The platinum haired woman turned away and left to do what she wants somewhere else in the Chaos Arena.

Time passed and Cid was still being tortured, being fed little aside from drugs that would serve to make him more of an entertaining, mindless slave for Oboro.

Though sometimes Kaliya would visit the room to see Cid after his tortures, she noticed he has not broken yet.

Kaliya: "Interesting, or are you?"

Kaliya, however was not kind. She will treat those who are below her as an equal since her strength came from her ancestors, the Snake Gods.

She was a Naga who has lived for hundreds of years, and through her powers she was praised highly as a goddess in those times.

And right now was not the time for thinking about the past, she felt like wanting to take a closer look about this boy Oboro took.

Since he was a Taimanin, something about him was vastly different, he wouldn't break just after a few days of torture, after all.

Kaliya left and returned with a bowl of chicken soup recently our of the kitchen, with certain, tasteless poisons placed on it.

She doesn't intend on poisoning him to death, but only for "certain reasons".

Tearing apart the leather blindfolds Cid had, she stared right at the black eyes filled with barely any sleep that began staring at her.

Cid: "Ah. You're that woman from hours ago..."

Kaliya: "Hm~ that's me, Kaliya. I'm sure you are tired and hungry from all that woman did to you, right?"

Cid: "....Yeah..."

Cid (inner): 'Yeah, I'm really tired from all that meddling of the stuff that crazy claw woman and I am itching to go down there as Shadow.... Oh, and is that food I smell? Gosh I haven't eaten a decent meal for a while....'

Kaliya presented him the bowl with a smile on her face.

Kaliya: "Why don't you eat, hm?"

Cid: "Uh.... But my hands are chained."

The platinum haired woman chuckled, and decided to begin feeding him herself.

Kaliya: "I don't mind. Now, let Big Sis feed you~"

A short while later, Cid finished the bowl with a relieved sigh. He would have believed that Kaliya meant him no harm if not for her widening smile.

Well, this was a forced plot anyway. And just waiting here began to make him feel bored since Yukikaze's plotline was going on on the background.

Aware of his role as a supporting character, Yukikaze should be really worried about him and is now searching for clues at where he is.

Oh well, it does seem like Cid had gained a bulge on his crotch minutes after eating that meal.

Suddenly Kaliya looked more arousing than he thought.

Kaliya: "Hm~ it's working.... Now for the next step..."

Cid: "E-Eh? What?"

She dropped down her fur coat and exposed her breasts with a simple movement of her hands.

[ Another R-18 here, feel free to skip ]

Suddenly, Kaliya pulled down the boxers that covered Cid's cock, only to be surprised about a hard rod of meat to almost hit her face.

Then she smiled like a succubus, her golden eyes glaring right towards Cid's face.

Kaliya: "This thing is just like an Orc's cock, but due to one ot my poisons, I made it 200 times more sensitive. Get ready, boy~ I'm milking you until you're too tired to even walk!"

Cid: 'What poison? I don't feel anything other than my dick being hard. Plus, isn't this the ordinary Hentai Plotline?'

Cid didn't speak out his thoughts right away as he decided to begin playing along when her mounds of meat began to crush and rub against his manhood.

With a seductive smile on her face, Kaliya licked and kissed the tip of Cid's manhood in steady motions to bring the maximum amount of pleasure to Cid.

He struggled weakly and vainly, causing Kaliya to mock him about his weakening limbs and how he will be paralyzed for a long amount of time.

But, with enough time passed, Kaliya began to show signs of frustration. Looking up to Cid, she noticed a look of neutrality and disappointment, causing her to click her tongue and shift her aggression up.

Kaliya: "Urgh...! Is this not enough? Tell me!"

It seems like her patience was waning, to the point where she decided to take off her remaining clothing except for her socks and boots.

Then, she impaled herself onto his manhood, feeling like it wasn't even normal. Maybe she should poison him more?

No, she shouldn't. He might die without getting his proper treatment.

Without her noticing, however, under him were hundreds of small tendrils of black slime connected on Cid's back, absorbing the poison that she was giving him.

Few of the tendrils sneaked up to her back, positioned right at her nape and neck, absorbing her poison and magical energy that was inside her.

Without him noticing, though, it was making her more aroused and more... Fertile.

Not just that, it was hidden through a dimensional space by Cid's void art created, rendering it unseen unless you have an ability that finds dimensional anomalies.

She did not notice this, but the more she tried to keep up, the more time that passed.

Until, she climaxed with Cid using this opportunity to suck more of her poison through the tendrils before retracting them back to his skin.

His semen had begun overflowing her womb, even some of it exited down her vagina and flowed to the cold floor.

She breathed heavily, feeling satisfied for a while, until she noticed that Cid was much more tired than her.

Kaliya: "Tsk.... Don't think this is over, boytoy. I'll be back with better techniques. But for now, I have spent enough time."

She soon left, not after feeling something dangerous right behind her, when she looked at Cid, she saw nobody else but him.

Kaliya: "..... Oh, and starting in a few more days you'll be fighting on the Chaos Arena. Be sure to do your best, okay~?"

Feeling doubtful, she immediately left him alone.

Cid: "Chaos Arena, huh...?"

A grin appeared on Cid's face, prepared to do something about it.

[ •~• LINE BREAKER •~• ]

Meanwhile, somewhere on Tokyo, both Yukikaze and Rinko were still looking for Cid.

Two weeks have passed since Cid's disappearance, and they kept looking everywhere, on empty alleys, suspicious looking buildings and areas in Tokyo, even decided to try finding him on the sewers.

But no luck came to pass for them.

Yukikaze: "Rinko, are you sure you looked for him everywhere with your Void Arts?"

Rinko: "Yeah.... No traces of him here in Tokyo."

The two looked down on a pond of water that was formed by the rain that recently came, and both felt sadness on their hearts.

Yukikaze: ".... Should we return?"

Rinko: "...."

Rinko was silent. Thinking about possible clues she had found as her squad member felt frustrated.

Rinko: "There might still be a way."

Yukikaze: "A way?! Come on then, tell me!"

The tanned Taimanin grabbed Rinko by her shoulders, glaring at her with a stubborn hatred.

Rinko: "Yukikaze! Calm down! I think I figured it out.... Maybe he wasn't in any buildings, or in any sewers, but in a sort of underground base by demons!"

Yukikaze immediately began to calm down after that information was given to her.

Yukikaze: ".... Then that'll be the only choice we have, if not we'll have to check other cities."

Rinko nodded, and soon they returned to the hotel where Tatsurou had awaited, with sweat coming off his body as he finished his training.

Ever since the kidnapping of Cid, his aura and demeanor began to change, even if a look of grief was on his face. Tatsurou had a newfound confidence inside him, and it was growing.

Tatsurou: "Sister, Yukikaze, did you find anything good?"

He asked calmly and directly at her face, something he had never done until now.

Rinko: "Of course. He's probably in some underground base, and that's where I and Yukikaze will go."

Tatsurou: "Wait! At least let me come with you this time!"

Yukikaze: "Why? You said days ago that you're still too weak to come with us, what's with the change?"

Tatsurou: "This time I have changed, Yukikaze. I've done many reflections between nights and now I feel like I need to atone by helping as much as I could now!

I'll try not to be a wimp, and maybe... Yeah, it doesn't matter, I'm not supposed to be with you now anyway."

Tatsurou admitted with a wry smile.

If he was like this far earlier, Yukikaze might have actually began falling for him more!

But, her heart belongs to Cid and only Cid! No obstacle shall come her way to take him away from her! (Note: will be proven wrong)

Soon, they will begin going underground to find Cid, but as they were possibly raiding a demon base, they might need reinforcements.

[ ~ TO = BE = CONTINUED ~ ]

Question: What do you think of this Tatsurou now?