

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime und Comics
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86 Chs

Chp12: Clash of The Titans

Hey guys I just decided to upload it today because someone messaged me and said some really great things. It encouraged me to keep going along with all the likes and stones you guys give me. So, let's get into it.

  Also, if you have time check out the auxiliary chapter and read it so you can partake in my choices. Enjoy this chapter.

Peace out-




The sound of Hulks fists smashing into Ross's face thundered out like a small bomb detonating.

Hulk not letting up, grabs Ross by the face and says, "I AM SO GLAD YOU CAME TO ME SO I WOULDN'T HAVE HUNT YOU DOWN LIKE A FUCKING ANIMAL!!!" 

After saying that, Hulk throws him like a ragdoll down to the ground. Dislocating Red Hulks Jaw by his insane grip strength in the process.



Smashing down on the earth like a cannon ball creating spider webs in the ground the size of school buses. 



Getting up and coughing out some blood, Ross grabs his jaw breathes out and snaps it back in place. 


All while angrily thinking how the Hulk is this strong and able to manhandle him like some child. Hearing the wind whiling above him he rolls to the right. And he is right in his decision as Hulk comes smashing down right where he was.


Hulk sneering at him says," Don't tell me that all you got Ross."  "All these years you been boasting on how you were going to capture me and destroy me!" "WELL, HERE I AM!!!" Hulk roars out.  "So, you better give me all you got, before I decide to just kill you now like the trash you are!"


/BOOM/ Ross getting angry at Hulks remark to him erupts in a pillar of reddish orange fire. Hulk smirking gets ready to crush Ross crushing the ground under him with his feet. Ross then says, "you sure are confident for someone who's outnumbered."

As to compliment him a humongous jet of green fire hits the area where Hulk is standing. Courtesy of the 'Dragon Fin Fang Foom.' "Hmph," that should get his attention for ignoring me!" Fang growls out while flying closer to their position.

Fang landing and looking at the spot where Hulk was standing gets ready to shoot another blast of his fire. 


But before he can even breathe in. Hulks appear directly infront of him. Terrified at this ridiculous speed of the Hulk. Fang musters his great strength in his right arm punching towards Hulk creating a sonic boom as he does it.




Creating a dust screen and destroying the ground beneath them for miles. As his punch was used with all of his strength. Then the dust clears, we can see Fang with his mouth wide open in horror and his right arm is caught in Hulks left hand.

"HOW IS THI-" He never finished as Hulks voice interrupted him as well as a fist. 

"You talk too much!" /BAMMMM/ As his right fist upper cuts Fang into the air. Hulk not delaying anymore jumps up to him.

/BOOMMM/ Fang not willing to be out done anymore gathers all his energy into one big and desperate dragon roar and shoots it to Hulk in great speeds.




The dark green fie blast buzzing with so much power it slightly distorts space around it, creating black marks around its edges.

Hulk undeterred powers his right fist as he punches out a green energy blast ripping the breath apart like paper. 

Fang fearing his for his life tries to beg. But isn't able to as the blast from Hulk reaches to him in an instant.



"ACCCKKKKKK," A sorrowful cry rings out from Fang. As we can see him in the air and holding his broken bottom mouth. But the cry doesn't last long as Hulk arrives in a spilt second. Grabbing both Fangs top and the broken bottom mouth.

  Seeing Hulk grabbing his mouth. Fang couldn't help but try to plead but upon looking into Hulks eyes his mind and soul was stunned. All he could see was a green inferno consuming his very essence and the promise of death.

Hulk staring him in the eyes, uncaring for his feelings says for one final time, " I told you; You talk too much!" And with and incredible feat of strength, he raises Fang above his head and rips him apart splattering his blood, organs and bits of bones all over him.




Light yellow and green blood rains down form the clouds as if heaven is weeping at the sight of this carnage. His bones falling down and the same with his organs.

Tony in the far-off corner watching this couldn't help but think, "where are you Strange." As its just now setting in that the Hulk can and will kill him.

  Red Hulk looking on in horror realizes that this is a different Hulk. As he thinks this, he realizes he could die here." No!" "I will die here!" he roars in his mind.


The ground not but fifteen feet in front of him crumbles to dust as Hulk lands back down on the ground. With Fangs blood and bits of his organs burning way from the green energy emitting from Hulk.

"Now where were we." Hulk deep voice rumbles out, snaping him out of his mind.


[New York, Mystic Sanctum]

(Artifact Room, Loki POVI)

Back with Loki, in the inner depths of the New York Sanctum. There are dead bodies all along the hallways leading though the area where the artifacts of great power reside. Loki stabbing the last guardian in front of him sneers in disgust and to the dying guardian he says, "how foolish of you to even think of challenging me!"

"The great Loki!" He boasts proudly.

"HA, HA, HA, HA." /Cough/ Cough/

The wheezing and coughing laughter of the dying person infront of him catches him off guard. Angrily looking at him Loki asks, "what's so funny about your death mortal!"

The guardian summing the last of his strength grits his teeth and looks up at Loki from the ground where lays and says, "What's funny?" "I'll tell you what funny O. Mighty God!" The man says mockingly. "What's funny is that no matter how you try, you will never be better than Him!" "The one you're so jealous of, and you will never gain the favor of the one you call Fath-" 


He never finished as a silver dagger pierced his head. Loki growling says to himself, "soon I won't be jealous and will not need to try and gain the favor of him." And with a vicious look in his eyes, he enters the artifact room.

Going down lane after lane of artifacts Loki promises to himself, he will come back to acquire these items as he could put them to a better use than theses mortals. Soon coming to the end of the line of artifacts he finds 'the Mirror of Pathways.'

Grinning to himself he grabs it and says," now the final part, to sit and wait for that raging beast to be weakened enough to stab with this dagger. He says pulling out that pitch black knife. "And from the rising heat and power I feel coming from the west, I don't think it will be that much longer."

"Soon." Soon." "Soon I will have it all." He says to himself and teleports to his waiting place for the grand finally.


[Ruins of Manhattan]






The sound of something striking the ground can be heard. And as we look over closer in center of a hundred-meter crater we can see the cause of the sounds. 



"Man, that's the hundredth bone I've broken Ross." Hulks voice says out loud. Yes, the cause of this crater is none other than the Hulk.

And Ross, well we can see him in the center under Hulks feet in a puddle of his own blood and his arms and legs are broken in so many different ways. His mouth crushed looking like mashed potatoes. It's amazing he is barely alive.

"Well, I guess since you've lasted this long, I'll give you a peaceful death." Hulks says. Then pausing for a moment, he says, "NAHHH, you never cared about my feelings right."

"So why should I care about yours." Then he says, "So I'll give you the death that bests fit you." As he says this, Hulk raises his right foot and places it above Ross's head. Seeing the last bit of defiance in Rosses eyes Hulk says, "Don't worry you won't be alone in hell, I'll send down the rest later."

But before he can stomp Ross's head, he feels it. The air. The wind. Even the clouds. They're all burning. And the sun feels like its directly shining on him. 

Smiling to himself Hulk lowers his foot back to the ground and says to the sky, " Well since your here why don't you come out already."

No sooner than he said that, did the clouds burn apart, as a colossal wave of golden fire come down from the sky like the very heavens delivering there wrath on earth.

'Well its been some time,' pausing for a minute as he says the name of person responsible for this great power he feels. "SENTRY!"


As his name is said, Sentry reveals himself from the golden flames covering him. Looking around at the destruction around him and dead bodies and blood on the ground. Sentry cant help but think to himself," guess Strange was really right, they do need me."

As his thoughts come to a close he takes a look at the one who was one of his closes friends in the and cant help but say, Hulk I know what happened is unforgivable, but this has gone to far." He says pointing to the destruction around them. "Please come with me and turn yourself in.

Hulk looking at Sentry cant help but think of his time on Sakarr, the fighting, the area where he fought with his WarBound, the nerve shocking discs. And his wife. Thinking of his wife again opened the flood gates, as his entire body erupts in gamma energy and his eyes glow. 


Then looking a Sentry he but one word. 


Sentry shaking his head cant help but look at Hulk again as he can feel the raw power coming off him in waves. He then says, "You leave me no choice Hulk, I must restrain you."

/HMPH!/ Hulk snorting while saying, "You saying that while smiling is contradicting don't you think."

Yes! Sentry is smiling because he knows this is fight that ca go either way and cant wait. As you see Sentry has had no equal who could push him on this earth other than the Hulk you see.

"Well what can I say its been a while." Sentry says.



  Sentry explodes in a golden fiery aura as he roars, "NOW LET US SETTLE ONCE AND FOR ALL WHO THE SRONGEST THERE IS REALLY IS!" 


Taking off a speed so fast that the space and light blurred out of existence around him.


Hulk not to be out done explodes from his spot as well, like a walking atom bomb. The space and area around him cracks like glass as he moves far faster than he has since he arrived here.

So fast in fact the world around him blurs, and in front of him there is only the opponent and the fight. Sentry also has the same mindset as Hulk.

Meeting each other fist first, and as they connect there is a resounding explosion of gamma and light energy. Almost like the apocalypse.