
The Elven Prince

In a world where Magic exist as normalcy, different creatures and races all struggle to maintain balance and keep their plane as secured as possible. This place is just like earth, the difference? Magic. On earth, Elves, vampires, fairies and the likes of them are all folktales for kids but nothing is impossible you know. The unusual happened when Danny a special agent in the army found himself in a dirty pond-like lake with a beautiful girl staring at him and calling him "prince!" But who the heck is a prince and where is he? Transmigration, reincarnation or after-life did not make any sense to this brute Major until it became his reality. He had really died and now, he is in this strange world all alone! So he thought. The great Elven Prince is a book about how Danny died and His soul transmigrated into the Kingdom of Gire and in the body of their prince. There were sorcerers, vampires, Gnomes, fairies, sprites and witches that had their kingdoms all in this plane and could easily move to the other side which is earth. But they all have their headquarters here. After George had his brother killed in secret, he launched a mission to get more powerful by every and in every way possible. Danny and Cily both faced major challenges. For Cily, she had to endure years of being a lab rat trying to find out how she is so powerful and on Danny's end, he had to deal with hiding because his brother was in search of his corpse and is worried he is alive somewhere and would one day come back alive to fight for the throne. George is quite confident his Father Kind Sven will be with his ancestors before the years ends and is determined to .get powerful by hook or by crook. The first war breaks out and it is all masterminded by George who releases an ancient powerful dragon and more wars broke out after that until someone started killing their worshippers and destroying their cult meetings and cult locations from the shadows. The pair of heroes made their first appearance when the palace was in chaos and Danny/Pearce came back to set George straight. Amora saw Danny was alive and even more powerful than her present lover George, she used all means possible to latch onto his thigh and be his Queen. The previous Major in the army is now a prince and he must fight the battles of the dead prince, learn to practice and use magic, learn the hard way and fight so many frustrating battles with the strongest ever woman by his side!

mustard_1 · Urban
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5 Chs

how do elves work?

Danny shifted to her side and patted her back, '' I'm so sorry you had to go through those unfortunate situations'' he said and she looked up with crystal clear eyes, she looked more bubbly than a minute before now while she was telling her story.

''I believe everything that happened was meant to happen for a reason and I can't question fate'' she said and gave a small smile.

Danny loved the way she thinks about life, he's already enjoying all the positivity around her so he asked ''since you're an half elf and half fairy, can you do magic with that amulet on you?

''I can do basic things like lifting a cup, lighting up the room and even draining water out of a person same way I did for you'' she chuckled while replying

''thank you for saving me cily, I really owe you my life'' he said clasping his hand together

'' please don't say that, I only did what any other person would've done'' she said

''I don't care what you say, I still owe you something'' he winked at her, she laughed and said

'' its fine.. don't worry about it'' she replied shyly.

Danny being Danny did not want to make this situation awkward between them decided to ask and know more about his new body.

''how do you think elves work since you're half an elf?'' he asked

''well, I know elves have this super absorbent mage or you can call it a 'core'. It absorbs and sucks in every bit of energy around them. For the high elves and the elves from the age of light, they can absorb energy 3 times their base and even be on par with gods and dragons'' she explained and continued ''I really don't have a lot of details but I learnt this in my friends study''.

'' I thought you said you have no friends ?'' he asked confusedly she then chuckled and clarified.

''he's a gnome, not exactly my friend but he's more like a guardian/mentor to me" she replied

"What's a gnome?"

Cily laughed out loudly when she heard him ask this question. "Well, a gnome is another creature here, they live inside the mountains on the western side of Gire but he was banished that's what he told me" she said and continued "they are really tricky beings and can get offended quite easily" she laughed and said

Danny nodded his head trying to grasp and assimilate everything he's just hearing for the first time but he had an extremely important question to ask

. " Can I get any food, I'm so damn hungry!" He exclaimed holding his tummy and Cily just smiled at him and then stood up to get something ready.

A while later, she brought a piping hot bowl of potato soup and Danny's stomach grumbled in hunger. He couldn't wait to eat something but he had a question in mind, how on earth did she get this ready in less than 3 minutes?!!' he thought but didn't voice it out. Knowing she has magic, he just kept the question to himself so he can satisfy his hunger at the moment.

"Here you go Prin.... Sorry Pearce" she said and kept the bowl on a stool in front of him

"Ah.. thank you Cily'' he said staring deep at the food in front of him lost in the aroma emanating from the soup. She placed a wooden spoon beside and and chuckled at his behavior from just looking at and smelling the food. "I'll be right back, she said and gave him space to enjoy his dinner all by himself. Danny was very great full she excused herself because he was about to wolf down the food in front of him and it would give him a really bad image in front of the pretty lady.

Cily walked back into her small house and found Danny standing shirtless by the window and fanning himself with an Benite leaf.

"I'm so sorry" she covered her eyes and turned around but Danny was confused at what she just did.

"What's wrong?, He asked and she shook her head and pointed at her chest. For someone who grew up in the military, he has never experienced any lady being shy of a bare chested man. All the ladies in his unit even undress with the men around. Not completely though but then any other lady would never want to do that willingly.

"Wear a shirt" she said shyly to him and Danny smirked at her and tried to be a little shameless around her he whined "but I'm so hot" Cily'' blushed furiously, luckily she wasn't facing him so he couldn't see her but he knew she must have blushed. It was quite easy to predict how she would react to certain things.

"Don't worry, I have a shirt on now" he said and she slowly turned around to see him fully clothed in the prince's royal shirt. He really hasn't had time to get another shirt or even a robe. All he had is the same clothes Pearce died with.

"Where can I get new clothes around here" he asked because this clothing he has on is extremely uncomfortable. He's even more comfortable in his military uniform with about 3 guns hanging around his body compared to this uniform he has on.

"Remember you can't leave my Prince" she replied him looking down, at this point she was really shy and couldn't even look up at him

"It's Pearce Cily'' he said and raised her head with two of his fingers. She looked up at him and blinked cutely

"Remember you can't leave Pearce " she restated and tried to wiggle her way out of his fingers. Danny's head snapped at him to let her go and he hastily let her go and apologized "I'm sorry" he said and she immediately replied "it's okay Pearce" with a smile

Danny smiled back and walked forward.