
Chapter 29: Stalemate

Overwhelming me with their speed and skill, my projectile attacks were impractical in close range against my opponents. I tried to use elemental attack: limited bursts of lightning, it was difficult to hit them. Trying to corner me, I also foiled their plans, enabling me to recover and plan for my next move.

Observing my every move, the enemy appropriately respond to my every action. When I tried lowering my guard, they maneuvered aggressively. On defensive, they moved cautiously. These looked like seasoned veterans and masters of their trade.

At the platform of the helipad, Troy called my attention and taunted me with a dance. Looking at him, instead of being aggravated, he looked comical. Troy was out of rhythm and lacked fluidity in his moves. Despite making a fool out of himself, he was still confident. His delusion overcame his senses.

I tried to contain my laughter at his attempts. I can only pity him for tying instead. Whatever the purpose of his dancing, it didn't made any sense. While distracted with Troy, I didn't notice the enemy was moving on my flank. Taking advantage, I felt the thrust of the sword at my shoulder. The attack was stopped by the metal plates, conjured with magnetism and my hardened skin. 

The sword stuck at my right shoulder, and the enemy tried to pull it with all his might. Seeing my adversary's vulnerability, I electrocuted him with the use of my abilities. The pain was evident as I see my opponent's back arcing in response to the pain.

The other one tried to help and kicked me on my left abdomen. With the help of my hardened skin, the impact was absorbed, unable to damage me further. I responded with a kick on near the rib, and cracked the armor. The enemy retreated two meters away, wounded with the splinters of the armor.

In a minute, my defensive skill deactivates. I needed some distance to prevent myself from being vulnerable to attacks. Close combat was not my specialty, and enemies whose skills specialized against you is difficult to deal with. 

My radio suddenly cracks as Ludwig called, choppy in reception, "Sir, I apologize! There was interference and it was causing problems."

Looking at the quadcopter before me, I asked Ludwig, "Can you deal with the quadcopter before it escapes?

"Negative, the snipers confirmed that their rounds could not penetrate the cockpit!" Ludwig replied.

It sounded frustrating, however, failure was not an option. I had to deal with them instead with ingenuine tactics. It's all or nothing! A gamble that I must take and winning was only the option.

The cold calm night suddenly changed as lightning painted the sky and thunder rumbles. Clouds covered the stars, and the wind started to blow stronger. The breeze penetrated through my jacket, and felt the cold lingering. 

Looking at the platform where Troy danced earlier, he's nowhere to be seen. I quickly returned my gaze to my opponents, who may try to take advantage of my distraction. They looked like they had recovered from my attacks. The one that I had electrocuted forced himself up but was still groggy. While the other one, stood up with his hand on the left rib where the armor broke. 

"Seems like we're even!" I taunted the two seeing that they finally stood up.

One of my opponents suddenly collapsed after being hit in the head by one of my snipers. Seeing the events unfold, I was glad that only one remained. The one who did that lucky shot deserves a commendation after this mission. 

 "Sir, are you alright?" Ludwig asked on the radio.

"Barely!" I replied calmly despite the cold and the rain.

There's only one threat that stood before me and the quadcopter. Persistent as ever, the enemy launched another attack at me. I evaded the attacks easily and planned a counterattack. Realizing the wet ground, I took a gamble and used it against my enemy. I charged the ground below me with electricity. Everything within the diameter of fifty meters became a deadly electric trap that would kill anything within.

Undeterred of what I did, the enemy launched another attack with flanking speed. I tried to move on the opposite direction, the enemy thought I was running away. I smirked as the gamble paid of. Upon landing on the kill zone, the enemy was electrocuted. The body sparked violently and jerked, flesh burnt, releasing a peculiar smell. The ordeal took several minutes until the electric charge subsided. Only a charred body was left lying on the ground. 

"Enemy neutralized!" I radioed Ludwig and proceeded to the platform.

On my approach, machine gun fire greeted me. I took cover at the torrent of fire as Trevor shouted, "That's the end of the line for you, Dory!!!"

I can feel the frustrations from his shouts, using up his ammunition and not ceasing even as I took cover. Without any weapons I cannot do a thing against him. I only had a smoke grenade and some tools with me. I could use some smoke, but it's not a guarantee that I may come out unscathed. 

I radioed Ludwig again and asked, "Can the snipers hit the machine gunner?" 

"Our snipers have a limited shot, but we can try!" Ludwig replied. 

"Good! On my signal I will distract him. Make sure to make every shot count!" I said and grabbed my smoke grenade.

"At the count of five I will pop a smoke!" I told Ludwig.

"Roger that, sir!" Ludwig replied and I started to count.






I threw the smoke to Trevor's flank and waited for the smoke to fill. As the smoke filled up, I sprinted as fast as I could. Trevor unleashed bursts after bursts of machine gun fire, basing on the noise of my footsteps. 

"Smoke won't help you, coward!" Trevor shouted and continued raining machine gun fire at me.

My snipers seems to have missed my distraction as Trevor continued to rain fire at me, hiding behind a concrete wall. It was no good! They seemed to have a difficult time in hitting him. Looking at the surroundings, I saw an assault rifle on the ground. 

I tried to reach it with my arm, but I cannot risk it with Trevor around with his gun. "Don't hide, Dory. Face me like a man!" He taunted.

I radioed Ludwig again and asked where was my sniper support Ludwig answered, "I am sorry sir, they were having a hard time!"

"Make it quick. I am pinned-up here!" I replied, frustrated with Trevor's machine gun fire.

The wall beside Trevor, covering him, began to take hit from sniper fire. Seeing this, Trevor momentarily took cover, waited several seconds and manned his machine gun. This time, he was furious and rained fire at me furiously. 

"Dory, you coward!" He shouted.

All of a sudden, Trevor suddenly stopped firing. He fell to the ground as a lucky shot found its way. His arrogant demeanor earlier was replaced by his screams. Trevor was in pain, injured as the round hit his unarmored shoulder. Crawling down, he took cover.

"What now, Trevor?" I said, grabbing an assault rifle on the ground. 

Checking the magazines, the weapon still had adequate ammunition left. I went closer I see trail of blood scattered. I moved as fast as I could, tracking Trevor's blood stains before he could escape. The rain did not help as well.

Behind the box near the machine gun nest, I saw Trevor that was on the ground, preventing himself from screaming in pain. He looked pitiful with his situation. 

"End it!" Trevor said, asking me to end his suffering.

I shook my head in response and said, "No, not yet!" I smirked and manipulated a current of electricity on my hand. 

Hearing the sound of electricity crackled, Trevor suddenly crawled away in fear. Seeing that he cannot escape, he faced me in terror while on the ground. "No, Dory... Anything but that, please! I beg you!"

"It's too late, Trevor!" I said and touched him on his forehead, unleashing torrents of electricity.

Trevor screamed in pain, feeling the wrath of thousands of volts in his head. His body jerked and began to drool as a reaction to the electrocution. I enjoyed seeing him suffer, struggling in pain. I continued for ten more minutes until I had my fill.

After dealing with Trevor, I shifted my sights on the quadcopter. I saw Troy, the CEO's daughter, inside from the window. Troy looked worried as I came close, and he forced the pilot to take off. The pilot on the cockpit was startled upon seeing me. With electricity on my hands, they knew that delay will prove fatal to them. 

Confident I could catch up with them, I continued to intimidate them. Strengthening the voltage of the electricity, my hand glowed brighter. My hand screeches as the electricity leaks on the ground.

Seeing their fearful eyes was satisfying for me. I had to punish them for the sake of my vengeance. There were still many on the list. However, they would be the first ones to taste it, the cruelty of my vengeance. It was personal!