
The Elven Chronicels; The Wolf's Elven Mate

This book takes place in a world where Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, and Wolf-men take place. A world where death and grievance is the only thing they know. A place where a powerful romance between human and elf, and elf and a wolf-men shatters the way of thinking! This world is called Akshay [A-sh- ai] and in that world a city..now a village called Elentra birthed the mightiest Elven warrior who's blood will be spilled for her people. She is the key to the elf's safety. Know Ash must find her and train her well, for she is the one that the wolf king wants. It would have been impossible for him to find her as he rules over Elentra. But this isn't his story, isn't his adventure to go looking for her. It isn't his blood that will be spilled on a grand travel. This is her story on how she falls into his lap without him knowing and shakes the whole world with her power. On how she brings together the humans and elves to a truce to fight a greater, faster, stronger, and smarter enemy. The wolf-men! This is her adventure and love story. The love story on how she falls in love with the obsessive wolf king. ---- This is book 1 of The Elven Chronicels. --- Upcoming Chronicels The Dark Elf Chronicels; The Fated Warrior! - Contains - Slow burn romance, Action, Gore, Werewolves, Mystery, Dreams, Long Chapters, Betrayal, Anger, Death, Torture, and Mating

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The Archer and The Wolf

In the early morning the birds chirped a beautiful song towards the female elf, sleeping. Her long wavy black hair framed her faced perfectly. In her hands rested a self-crafted wooden bow. A long bow with markings incraved in the frame, a green emerald gave it an ancient look to it. The birds excitedly fly around the woman, singing a song.

"Hm?" Shinning blue eyes cracked opened. The wind softly kissed the Archers skin. She smiles warmly at the blue birds. Mockingbird's.

As the sun beams down at her, she is reminded that she needed to get home before her sister finds out she's gone.

She hurriedly stands up and waves towards the birds. "Thank you for the beautiful song! I must go or sis will be mad again!" Fae Everlove ran threw the forest easily remembering the way to Elentra.

Elentra is a village that houses elves from all over the world. After the war with the humans Elentra tried re-growing to there former power. All that it takes is time and patience to train the younglings.

Fae was always out in the forest as a child, she loved the nature. It was in her nature to be outdoors. She was part Wood-Elf, so she felt that she needed to be in tune with mother nature.

Her short green dress fits her body perfectly, from the wide hips all the way to the big breast she has. The dress was a gift from her older sister. It was short so it wouldn't get in the way, had a string in the bag to tighten it, the sleeves where a leaf design and in the front had a low cut design. Overall she loved it.

As she kept running a loud howl came from deeper within the forest. She stopped listening to it howl. She never seen a wolf, as a child she always wanted to go deeper into the forest just to see it. Her sister, Freya, had told her it was forbidden.

Another howl came out, taunting her. She bit her lip, wanting to so badly go into the forest. Another howl. She groaned and went deeper into the forest.

She clutched her bow tightly in her hands. Even if she wanted to get a small peek at the wolf howling, they always come in packs. So she knocked a arrow into the bow ready to send it flying when needed.

The bow Fae currently carries is a bow she had gotten from her grandma on her sixth birthday. She remembered that feeling she got when she first touched it. As she got closer to the howling wolf that feeling once again.


A grey wolf with black patches stood by a clear lake, drinking from it. This wolf was surprisingly alone. Licking up the cold water, the wold hummed satisfied as it soothed his throat. His red eyes stared back at him as he watched the fish, hungrily.

When was the last time I ate?

The wolf thought to himself. A twig snapped at the other side of the lake. His head snapped up towards the noise. That hunger in the pit of his stomach intensified as he stared at the elf girl. A low growl escaped him, successfully fighting the girl.

They both watched and analyzed each other. Waiting for the other to make the first move. They stood there for a good 20 second before the wolf grew impatient. He ran across the lake ready to strike.

Instincts kicked in, and Fae pulled up her bow and releasing the waiting arrow. The hungry wolf dodge the arrow by jumping to the elfs left.

The fifteen year old elf stumbled back and fired off another arrow. This was the first time she ever faced dangers. She was both scared and excited.

A gasp escaped her as the male wolf swiped his claws at her. A scream left her lips at the burning sensation on her arm. Jumping back she made sure to keep some distance between them.

Her hand went up to her injured arm, all while glaring at the wolf. The wolf ignored the girl, hungrily staring at the blood that coated his claws. Her brought them up to his face to get a better look at the red liquid.

In one swift moment his tongue darted out, getting a taste of the wood-elfs blood.


A white haired woman came home to an empty house. She set the groceries down at the two seated table. "Fae?" She said with a slight raise in her voice. 'Did she sleep in forest again?' Her blue eyes narrowed at the thought. She had told her sister countless time to not sleep in the forest. As there was to many dangers out there.

With no replay she heaved a sigh. She left her house and walked towards the forest, there was only two places Fae would be at. Her purple-ish skin glistened from the sun.

She checked the training grounds Fae made in the forest. The youngest sister wasn't there. "Hmm. Where could you be?"

Freya decided to go check the lake with the cave at the end. But to no anvil she had no idea where her innocent sister was at. A thought in the back of her head told her to check the heart of the forest.

She didn't listen to that voice. Fae would be stupid to go in there. That part of the forest was forbidden!! The wolf-men had claimed that side of the forest!

She decided to go back home and search the food stands in the village. That was untill she heard the painful scream from within the forest.


Fae layed on her back screaming in pain. The red eyed wolf hovered over her biting into her arm flesh. Blood oozed out driving the wolf crazy.

How can this elfs blood be so good?

The thought made him sink his teeth deeper into her flesh.

He watched the salted tears fall from her blue eyes. He loved that look on her face. It was pathetic!

Fae lifted her legs kicking at the wolf, trying to get him off. It was no use, she was going to die by a wolf. A growl slipped from her throat. She couldn't stand it! She did not want to die from a wolf!

Not a pathetic death! She hasn't even hurt the wolf!! Her fellow elves would laugh and mock her.

She hasn't had her sixteen birthday yet. Hasn't feel in love or been kissed. Most importantly she has to taken the coming of age test.

As she thought about all of this anger bubbled within her. Anger took over her as she kept kicking the wolf in his ribs. Her left hand went up and pushed at the wolf's face.

His fur felt soft against her hand.

And just like every story a prince in shinning armor came and saved her. The wolf had released her arm and jumped back, as the cold metal swung at him.

A man in heavy armor stood before her with is sword poised at the wolf. His armor was silver and had a crest on his back. 'The Royal family!' Fae thought as her eyes trained onto the crest. A sword with veins wrapped around it like a blanket.

The wolf let out a inhuman growl. But that did not matter, the man in armor did not weaver.

Relief started to build up in the pit of Faes stomach. 'I'm saved.' She thought with a sigh. "Get up you half breed!" The elf in front of Fae sneered at her. His purple eyes had that look of disgusted in them.

"Half-breed?" She said extremely surprised. The male elf scoffed and looked head of him. The wolf had started howling in pain as loud cracking noise came from him.

Fae stood up angrily glaring at the elf. Her anger turned into fear as the wolf begin to grow. The wolf stood six feet tall. Fae gaped at the wolf-man. The wolf-man released an angry howl.

The un-named elf got into a defense position. "Grab your bow half-beed! Take a shot when you see an opening." His voice held a commanding power that compeled Fae to listen to him.

The grabbed her gifted bow and knocked an arrow into it, ready to shoot.


Freya feet carried her further into the forest. Fear gripped her heart as the loud growl replayed in her mind. 'Oh please Fae be alright!' She thought ad she followed the magical tingling that came from her sister.

She was getting closer. She could feel it! With each step, she could feel her sisters magic get stronger.

And that'd when she saw her. Bleeding with that scared look upon her face. Her bow up ready to shoot one of her arrows. A wolf-man stood before her in his monsterus form.

She felt sick to her stomach. This is what Fae was up against? She froze as she watched a male elf swing his sword at the wolf-man, it was coated in blue magic.

Without thinking her feet carried her toward her sister. She placed her hands on Faes back making the younger one jump. "It's alright Fae, sister is here."

Fae nearly cried out, wanting to throw her hands around Freyas neck and cry. A warm yellow light surrounded Faes body. "Sister?"

Glancing back at the dark-elf, she watched her lips move. She was whispering a healing spell.

A grunt in front of Fae made her focus back onto the fight. She watched will holding onto her breath. Waiting for her opportunity.

Her blue eyes widen as she saw it. The wolf-man swung his claws down, the warrior elf blocked it with his sword. They pushed against each other hoping to get the upper hand.

'Where do I shoot?? Wolf-man, wat was there weakness!? Think Fae think!'

Fae tried thinking back on her lessons at school.


Fae listened with intrest as her teacher talked about the Wolf-man. "Wolf-man have three forms. The first form is there wolf appearance. If you ever stumble upon a wolf, be cautious. It may be a wolf-man."

Fae wrote down every detail she could get. It would be useful in the future. "There second form, is a six feet tall being. There appearance is that of a wolf, but they stand on two feet. There very strong and dangerous."

"The second form is a human like form. They can blend in with society."

The young Fae scrunched her eyebrows up in confusion. She raised her hand and politely waited to be called on.

"Yes miss Everlove?" There teacher was an old elf. He had short green hair, brown skin and golden eyes. A sun-elf.

"Um sir, if they have a human appearance then how can we tell them apart?"

"Well the wolf-man have a marking some where on there body. It indicates there Royal statues. Know I'm going to tell you guys something but it has to stay between us, alright?"

All the young elves agreed in excitement.

"The marking on there body I'd also there weakness. If you encounter a wolf-man, look for the marking."


Fae Everlove was great full for being taught about Wolf-men. Her blue eyes trailed along the wolf-mans body.

"Hurry up half-breed!" The Elf yelled out, putting more magic into his blade. Fae gulped.

Freya blue eyes went to the giant monster. "I'll help as much as I can! Fae take your time!" The older sister kneeled down and out her hands to soft dirt. She chanted a spell, her blue eyes glowing bright.

The ground started to shake. Tree branches grew up from the ground and intangled the beast. The added tightness made the wolf struggle harder. The male elf glanced at Freya.

'At least someone isn't completely worhtless.' He thought while his eyes trained onto the Archer.

A grin stretched across her face as her eyes lit up. 'Found it!' She pulled the string of her bow back. It was like time had slowed. The wolven marking was on full displayed, it layed in between his shoulder blades.

Fae gathered her magic and put it into her arrow. A soft green light surrounded the arrow. She released the string watching with a battered breath.

The wolf howled in pain as the arrow hit its target. The male elf eyes widden. The loud cracking noise began to happen.

The elf jumped back towards the two females. Freya kept her tree branches onto the wolf as he transformed back to his first form.

Fae watched the wolf as he slipped out of the branches at darted of into the forest. A feeling of regret took place in her. She thought back to what her teacher had said.

"If you hit the marking with enough magic power you can kill the wolf."

As she dwelled on that thought she didn't see the stare she got from the male elf. Soon her body was enveloped by her older sister.

"Fae you idiot! I told you this part of the forest is forbidden!!" Her voice was barely holding up, as tears feel from her eyes.

"I'm sorry sister."


2,195 words

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