
The Elf Princess

Cynthia_Daggett · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chapter 16: Sea Dragon B-day Party

Then next day I went to see if I can find Jojen. As I was walking I was spacing out and accidently bumped into someone and we both fell. "Oh I'm so sorry. I was spacing out." "Its ok. I heard you were looking for me." I looked up and saw it was Jojen. "Oh yeah I was. I'm taking Sparkles with me to the castle of flowers. You said you wanted to come with me." "Yes I still am. Are you ready to go?" "Yeah I am I was just going to see if you were so I can head out. My father Calder is waiting for us at the gate." "Ok lets not keep him waiting then."

"Sorry father. I hope you didn't wait long." "Oh no worries. Hello Jojen." "Hello. Calder." Father took Blaze like last time. I had sparkles, and Jojen flew. We were off.

It had been awhile so we rested then went off again. This time we finally made it. My voice was finally back but I can't sing unless I want to put my life in danger which I don't.

"Ok lets go to the cave where they are staying father." "Ok Rhylie lets go." So the 3 of us went into the forest until we saw a cave. Oh and Kion was with us. He rode with me. We finally got to the cave and saw the two of them waiting for us to see them. "Hello smokey and ice." I said. "I have a surprise for ice." We had him hide behind me and dad. Ice came over and said, "Ok then. Lets see." Said Ice. "Ok ready dad? On 3." "1….2….3" Then we separated. Ice's expression was in shock. "Little Brother!" Ice gave his brother a hug. He hugged him back. "I missed you too ice." I heard his voice crack up sounding like he was crying. "I wanted to come here to see If you two were doing ok. I wasn't able to see you earlier because things happened and I ended getting sick." "We are fine thanks to you." Said Smokey." "Oh I forgot. Ice will he be staying with you from here on out?" "Yes I will watch over him unless he has any other plans." He shook his head no. "OK then we are good." "That's good. I was worried he wouldn't have a place to stay." "He always has one with me. Right little brother?" Ice ruffled his hair like old times. "Your still doing that? I'm not 5 anymore its annoying." So we talked and visited awhile then we headed over to see uncle.

When we got to the door to the castle I was a little nervous. I may have cleared the fog but I don't know what my uncle is going to say. My father and Kion saw how nervous I was. "Its ok Rhylie. Its just your uncle. If he has a firm voice he is not mad he is worried ok?" I took a deep breath and nodded. "Ok I'm ready." I knocked on the door, and some servants opened it up. I'm here to see the king. I am his niece." They nodded. My father, Kion, and I walked to the middle of the room and Bowed. "Your majesty. We have come for a visit. We wanted to see how you are holding up." "Rise all of you." He came over along with my aunt. "How are you doing Rhylie?" "I-I'm fine. I lost my voice from singing." I told him what the nurse told me when I was captured. I also told him why I didn't come sooner. My uncle hugged me and said, "You poor girl. You have been through a lot haven't you." I nodded. Then he let go and it was my aunts turn. I hugged her too. "Oh sorry. This is Kion. He is an Ayakashi. Half demon half human. We are old friends I am taking him in." "Oh is that so? Well it is nice to meet you Kion. If you need help with anything in the future let us know ok?" "Yes your majesty. Thank you." "Oh no need for that. Call me uncle." "Thank you uncle." "Call me aunt." Said my aunt. "Thank you aunt." Then we visited them for awhile and headed back.

"Well that was fun right Kion?" "Yeah it was." "I just hope your home is just as nice as the people here." "Well I'm sure Liam's castle is but my home in the forest picked on me so I'm not sure what they will think of you. I usually just stayed home or at a friends house and played in their yard or in my own. I didn't want my little brothers see the way they treating me." "Oh Rhylie. Its going to be fine. I'm going to be fine and so are you. I will be there." Said Kion. "Hehe. I know you want to protect me just like my little brothers do. Thank you." I ruffled his hair up. "Hey there Rhylie. Don't mess up the hairdo." "Hehe sorry your just so cute when you get mad." He rolled his eyes and he hopped on our horses and headed back.

Its finally 2 days before Cove's birthday. We were at the store with prince trying to figure out what Cove might want. "Hey Prince? Do you know much what Sea dragons like? Well no not really. What about making something handmade for him?" said Prince. That gave me an idea. "I have just the thing thank you Prince. I should get some string just in cast I don't have enough. What about you Kion? Are you going to make him something?" "Well I'm a little embarrassed about my hobby but I guess I will make him something. Can we go to the grocery store after this Prince?" "Yes of course." "Oh you bake?" I said. "Yeah well I cook more than bake. I was thinking of baking him something nice." "Oh sounds nice." I said. I paid for my stuff and Prince paid for his. "Ok lets go to the market now." So we went to the market and Kion asked if Prince had certain things. Then he just got the things that Prince didn't have and we headed back. "Oh I need to go into the forest and pick up a few pretty rocks as beads. Kion want to come?" "No go ahead. I have to prepare to cook this tomorrow." "OK I will see if Ezra wants to come." "Have fun." I nodded. So I happily left Prince's house.

I knocked on Ezra's door. (Knock Knock) Bane opened the door. "Oh Rylie good to see you. Are you here to see Ezra?" "Yeah I'm headed to the forest to pick things up to make for Cove's present." "Ok sure. Want to come in?" "No I'll wait here." "Ok I'll go get him. Hang tight." I nodded. "Ezra Rhylie is here. She's going into the forest." "Oh ok see you dad." "Be careful out there." "I know dad. Hello Rhylie. Lets go." So we walked to the forest and went by the river.

"I came here to pick up a few rocks to make Cove a present. I am making him 2 necklaces. One for his sea dragon form the other for his human form." "Oh that sounds nice." "I see you picking a something as well. What are you making him?" "It's a surprise you will have to see then." "Oh come on. Don't be like that." "haha well sorry. I'm keeping to my word." "Fine be that way." So we continued collecting and putting out thinks in our small pouches. We headed back to make our gifts. "OK thanks for coming Ezra. See you again at the party." "Yeah see you." So I skipped happily back to Princes house and said, "I'm home I'll be in my room if you need me." "Ok." Said Prince.

I knew had to poke holes in rocks to make them beads. I put the smooth rope threw then tied it up where she wanted the bead. I did it with the other 3 as well. Then I braded the ends and left enough to adjust the necklace if needed. Then I did it to the other necklace. For the human form I did light blue rocks. For his Sea dragon form dark blue. The smooth rope was black. For both of them. I decided I wanted to show Prince what I made Cove. "Hey Prince. I made these for Cove." I showed him the bigger one first. "You think this is big enough for his Sea dragon form?" "If it can adjust a little I think so." "oh good. Also this one. Think this is big enough for his human form?" "Yes its perfect." "Ok thanks." I went back in my room to put them in a special box to wrap them up.

The next day was the day of the party. Everyone was getting ready to go. Kion had just gotten the dessert he wanted to make out of the oven since we had some time to let it cool. I dressed up in my pretty dress I made with leaves and flowers. I used a rope for a belt around it. I let my hair down. I still had my necklace that I have had since I was 3. The necklace grows with me.

After awhile it was finally time to go. "Are you ready Rhylie?" Said Prince. "Yeah let me grab my gift." I wrapped my gift with some leaves and vines. Kion wrapped his with homemade paper and rope. "Ok then lets go." Then all 3 of us headed out toward the lake.

When we got there we saw some Sea dragons in their human form. "Oh hello Sea. What's with the human form?" "Oh we are going to do the party on the surface so we can show your friends how we do it in the ocean." "Oh ok. Where should we put the gifts?" "Oh right here is good." So we chilled and had a good time. We ate our lunch and then had cake. Finally it was time for presents. Cove sat down and started opening his presents. He opened Ezra's first. I was keeping my eye on it because he wouldn't tell me what it was. "Oh cool. I hang hang this in my room. Thanks man." "Yeah sure." "It was a picture made of rocks. He used sap to stick them on. Sap will not come off easy in the ocean. Then he opened Kion's gift. "Ohh smells good. Can I have some now?" "Sure go ahead. Tell me what you think please." He had made some apple tarts. "Yumm. Really good. Thanks." "Sure." Then he opened mine. "Wow Rhylie you must have worked hard on these." "Yeah I wasn't sure if the bigger one would fit your sea dragon form or not. Maybe when your done opening the other gifts you can try it on." "Yes of course. I'll put the little one on now." He put the light blue one on and it fit perfectly." "Oh good I'm glad at least that one fits." Then he opened the other gifts and thanked everyone. He went in the water and turned into his sea dragon form. He came close enough and bent down so I can see if it fits him. I watched it slide down to the end of his neck. "Its perfect. Although it can tighten and tad bit. So it hopped on to tighten it. "There now perfect. You look good in both of them." Thanks Rhylie. "No problem Cove." He turned back human and held on to the necklace that fell off when he transformed. By the way Cove. You have a pretty nice mix color of blue and green in your sea dragon form." "Oh thanks." "Sure." I stayed next to Liam and Kion.

So we hung out and they showed us some traditions that they did for birthdays. Like having a birthday fight with brothers or whatever man or woman they wanted. Cove one against sea though. Hehe. Then they had a race and normal activities for their age group. We had a fun time then it was time to go. "Well tomorrow is our last day. Hey Cove and sea? Can both of you come this time? I told Kion he could ride and go under water if it was ok with you." "Yeah sure. We'd be happy too." Said Cove. "Ok we will meet around noonish ok?" "Sure." Then we left for home.