

It turns out the person that had bumped into me was none other than the student council president. No wonder everyone had gone silent as soon as he appeared on stage. Guess he isn't just a pervert after all. **An influential pervert, heh.** I almost smirked.

How ever that wasn't the problem. His family name "Westwoolf", belonged to the family that looked over Western Heaven. That would make him an Arch Angel?! Arch angels were those who had noble blood. But they weren't gods. The Holy Night's Guild was formed purely by Arch Angels, as most of them happened to be stronger than average angel. At least that was what my cousin told me.

She and Gwen helped me gather a lot of information on Heaven within a few days. I was so thankful. Now the problem here was that, if Gabriel was involved with the Night's Guild, then it would definitely be the end of my peaceful days here. Well not to mention it's already over, also thanks to that guy. **Tch, perv.**



I was walking along the corridor of the girl's dormitory with some other girls, including Gwen. We had an instructor to guide us. Gabriel had done a small welcome speech,** didn't pay much attention to it...**, back at the main hall and instructed us to go for our dormitories.

We were on the third floor. From this place you could see most of the academy since the dormitories were located out of campus and on a sort of hill like, elevated area. Apparently, the boys' dormitory was on another similar building beside ours. Now this, was one of the main reasons I selected this school. All students are boarded. Of course we were allowed to go home on weekends. I could keep my mind at peace here without all that hassle back home. Each building had three floors, and each was given to separate grade levels. First floor was for third years, second for the second years and third for the freshmen. Though it didn't seem quite right for me, the fact that our seniors lived below us.

The architecture of the buildings looked more modern, with contrast to the main school building. I guess our rooms would be decent enough judging form the appearance of the building.

We finally arrived at our room. Rooms were made to accommodate four students each. There was another device, as in the front gate, bedsides the door of our rooms. The instructor said that we needed our student ID cards to get into our rooms and also that it was needed almost everywhere in this academy.

We entered the room, scanning our ID cards. Well… it wasn't bad, but better than I expected. It was actually two rooms including the bathroom, and a small space for cooking. Two bunk beds were on the left side of the room. There was a big table right in the middle so we could use it for studying or eating. There were also cupboards and drawers to store our belongings. It was overall a simple dorm room. We also were told that there was a common bath for students right next to the dormitory buildings, as the bathroom in our room wouldn't be enough for all four of us. As long as it had the necessary needs facilitated it was more than okay for me. But there was this one simple thing I didn't quite like;

**Being in a room together with two other strangers…**

They didn't seem to be much of a problem, neither did I sense their spiritual energy nor their mana pressure. On the contrary, they seemed to be a bit friendly.

"Isn't this desk filling up the whole room?", said one girl.

**Complaining already huh?**

She had brown braided hair, something I liked doing to my own hair. How ever mine was just loose today.

"But isn't that just great? We can do both studying and eating at the same time", said the other girl with stars in her eyes.

This one had fluffy blond hair. Although what she said made no sense at all, she seemed to be a positive thinker.

Meanwhile Gwen was unpacking her bag. I guess this was okay for her, cause she didn't show any expression whatsoever. I sat on a bed closest to the window,** this one's mine**, stretched my arms backward and looked out the window. I could see the blue sky and a small thicket below. I enjoyed the view, even amid the other two roommates quarreling as background sound.

"Hello there… Hello... HELLLOOO!"

I looked besides me, startled. It was the blonde. Guess I was lost in my own world for a moment there… for the third time today.

"You ok sweetie?", She asked.

**Heh? Sweetie?**

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just enjoying the view. Ah ha ha", I said giving a small yet nervous laugh. "Hmm. Well I'm Lilly, and I'm very pleased to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Lilly. You've got a beautiful name."

"Hee hee thanks! So, why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Ah yes, I'm Anna. And that's Gwen", I said pointing upwards. Gwen laid on the bed above me. She seemed to be still unpacking her luggage. She just went on with her business. Didn't even take a single glance.

"You two know each other?", Lilly asked.

"Wait, aren't you that girl from the incident this morning?", The other girl with braided hair asked while approaching us, before I answered Lilly's question.

"I am.", I said bluntly.

"Oh… so you really are an elf aren't you?", she said.

"Half. Mom's elven, dad's… one of you.", I replied.

Were they going to ignore me now? Not that I'd feel bad if they did. I actually liked it. The lesser people I interacted with, the more I could treasure being alone.

"I can't believe my roommate's a half elf!", squealed Lilly who was sitting beside me.

What was she so excited for?! She even had stars in her eyes again.

"Let's be friends, right! Right?!", she added clutching my right hand with both her hands.

**Haaaa, unexpected situation…**, I moved a bit backwards, not knowing what to do.

I wasn't really good with strangers. I guess all angels weren't the same after all.


"U-umm… c-can I t-touch y-your ears?"

That came from the braided girl. This time though she looked a bit embarrassed, and her cheeks had a slight red colour in them.

**Wait a minute! What did she just say?!**

I felt a weird feeling run down my body. She was fondling my ears.


I put my hand on my mouth as I almost unintentionally let out a weird sound. As she let go, I quickly moved my self more backwards into the bed, my back now touching the wall.

**This school is filled with perverts!**

The girl didn't stop there. She got on her fours and started crawling on the bed towards me. Lily tried to stop her.

"Hey that's enough, OK!", Lilly said.

**Help me Gwen!! Wait why isn't she doing anything??**

"Why? You wanna touch them too?"

**Huh?! Don't give her your weird ideas!**

"W-well…", Lilly looked a bit doubtful, then she too began approaching me.

"N-noooo...", I was shaking.

"Come on… just once…"

As the other two almost came close to touching my ears, some one said in a loud voice;


The three of us looked towards the direction of the sound. It was a petite girl with short hair. She was pointing her finger at us.

"Oh, you can speak?", Lilly asked musingly.

Gwen puffed, and the three of us burst into laughter, "pfft…".

Well guess I'd made some new friends. I felt bad for Gwen though, cause she kept on puffing.




All the room arranging made us go to bed early that day. I was on the bed closest to the window under Gwen. Lilly and Sophie were on the other. Yes, the braided girl's name turned out to be Sophie. I barely survived that day all thanks to Gwen's interfering. Her pouting face along with her petite body gave her a more sarcastic look than a threatening one, and that was why the three of us had burst into laughter. She looked like a middle schooler. Aww what a cutie she could be… I thought to myself.

Everyone else except me were asleep. I'd been having trouble sleeping lately. I kept seeing this weird dream. There was this boy who I swear, looked exactly like me. I wondered whether he was some distant cousin of mine, even though I don't remember meeting anyone like that. I could but only utter one sentence whenever I dream of him;

"Who are you?"

Our classes would start the next day and I'd not be able to keep my eyes open for a second if I kept thinking about some random guy who haunts my dreams. So I just dragged the blanket right over my head and shut my eyes.

With an oblivious sigh, I let my self drift into darkness.