It was a joyful reunion when everyone was together in the house. Khun Mattaya bustled about and created a simple meal of stew and bread. The dog sat under the table, her head on his leg; Khun Joy... No. Joy Mom was across from him. When Kevin tried the stew, his memory flashed to that evening dinner with Rose and her parents. "This has lemongrass in it, right?" he asked the housekeeper, who grinned.
"Yes, Noy Kevin, lemongrass, wide rice noodles, carrots, onions, and a few other things."
"I recently ate something that almost tasted like this back home. Rose's mother is from a country called Thailand, and it's her recipe." He looked up from the bowl to see the older woman looking at him with consternation, a wooden spoon in one hand. "What's wrong?"
"Are you married over there, Noy Kevin?"
Kevin shook his head, and then thought about his relationship with the screenwriter. "I'm not married, but there is someone I'm interested in. It's still pretty new." He snuck a piece of meat to Duchess, who bumped into his pocket when she snapped up the morsel.
Remembering the events leading up to his crossover into this reality a second time, Kevin stuck his hand in his pocket. There it was still nestled in there. He pulled out Kandi's tusk and set it on the table.
"Somehow Kandi's tusk followed was the only thing that came back with me when I went back. And it came with me this time, too. I wonder why." He wondered about his gray friend. "What happened to the elephants when everything occurred?"
The two women exchanged looks. Joy spoke first. "Perhaps you need to speak with Khun Thad about that. I don't know too much about what happened during the fighting. We all moved to this area several months after the fighting started. Khun Thad wanted us away from the palace grounds."
Duchess lifted her head and gave a happy whine. The captain came through the rear door, removing his coat to a hanger on a wall.
"That stew smells delicious, Khun Matt. Let me just clean up first." He returned shortly, kissed the top of his wife's head, and sat down at the end of the table between the two members of his family, content that they were all united again.
Duchess briefly abandoned Kevin to greet his father before returned to the younger man's side.
"She really missed you all these years," the captain said matter-of-factly. "In fact, we all did. I hope you had a good life over there." Kevin nodded, the lump in his throat having nothing to do with the bit of bread he was chewing.
"So what do you do over there?"
It was so strange, Thad thought, to see his son as an adult, without any idea of how he grew up or what he did. He was tall and healthy, respectful and intelligent, and possibly the one person to save their country.
"I write books for a living." It sounded lame even to Kevin's own ears, given the active life here in Pra'dee. "I used my experiences in this world to write a series of children's novels. I'm ashamed to say, I had forgotten a lot about this place until recently. I'm sorry."
The housekeeper walked behind his chair and backhugged his shoulders. "You were just a tiny boy back then. It's amazing you remembered anything about us. I wondered whether your mother could keep you in pants, or how tall you would be once you finished your growing. You look like a fine young man, and I know your real parents must be proud."
"They broke up a few years after I got my majority. My dad…err…Dad Hunter lives near me and we see each other a couple of times a year. Mom retired and moved to Florida. That's one of the warm places in my country. I visited her a week ago."
Thad absorbed the information. He was a bit disappointed in his son's profession, but nevertheless he seemed in excellent shape. As the prophesied hero, he thought it should be easy to catch him up on fighting techniques.
When they had finished eating, the events of the day had taken its toll, and Kevin was exhausted and sleepy. He changed into a set of his father's clothes, and was shown a small bedroom in the back. He all but fell into the bed and fell asleep immediately.
The other three stayed up a while longer to talk about what happened
"We must alert everyone that he has arrived." Matt argued, "The sooner the better, so we can mobilize the troops."
"I think we need to give him some time to get acclimatized. He needs to learn what is happening here, and also get stronger." Joy rebutted, "I'm happy he is a good man, but I wish his country would have been more war-like, so he would be honed for spear and crossbow."
Thad thought for a moment.
"I believe it won't take Kevin long to get comfortable. And I believe his arrival at this time is not a coincidence. What we need to worry about is word reaching our enemies before he is ready."
He stood up and paced. "First, we must procure an identity for him, so he will able to move about. He is tall and looks different from us, but with some facial hair and a slouch perhaps it won't be as noticeable. Tomorrow I'll take him to the caves and try out his fighting and weapon skills. That way, we will have a better idea of his strengths and weaknesses. Joy dear, I think you will need to put your school teacher glasses back on."
She smiled at her husband. "I can give a condensed version of the last fifteen years. And a lesson or two about our enemies. But what about the royal family? They should be informed as well."
"I think we will wait at least a day before contacting them. When I brief the king, I want to make sure we have the most up-to-date information on Kevin."
He sighed, his mood suddenly pensive. "It feels like I'm using him as a weapon instead of a son."
His wife reached out and laid a comforting hand on his arm. "Whatever else, he knows that we love him above all." Matt nodded and agreed.
Thad sighed again. "Let's all get some sleep and see what happens in the coming day."
I have to apologize. This is my first attempt to post a story at Webnovel, and I seem to be duplicating some chapters. Please bear with me whilst I figure out what I keep doing wrong! Thanks.