
The Elements of Existence

Existence is an endless contradiction. It is a formation of cycles within cycles. It is where chaos and order overlap, indistinguishable from each other. It is the culmination of the elements of existence. As an unseen cycle comes to an end, It cries out for salvation. It cries for its continuation. The cataclysmic result of one cycle's end spurs another to action. This is the story of cycles that refuse to end. The cover art is not mine. If the creator wishes for me to take it down, please contact me at thedreamingquill@gmail.com.

TheDreamingQuill · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 10 - Aspect

"I believe I can answer those questions."

"Who are you?" The woman questioned

"I'll explain that in a moment, but I will require the use of the shadow stone you just acquired. That will give me enough time in this realm." The old voice requested.

"If you can answer my questions, then go ahead. I don't know how to use it anyway."

Following her agreement, the pearl-like black stone floated up from the tool bag strapped to her waist. The stone started emitting black smoke which then took on a humanoid shape. Some of the smoke flew over to Lilith and Ray, entering their bodies. They quickly recovered to peak condition and got up off the ground.

Following this, the black smoke started to condense and quickly formed a figure.

"...Revenant prime!?" Ray questioned, shocked.

"Hohoho! Yes, I do look like the spitting image of that game avatar, but I am not a Warframe."

Lilith didn't know whether to face-palm at Ray recognizing this or be flabbergasted that this thing was giving off the pressure of mountains and looked like a game character.

"Then what are you?" The woman, who had defeated the creature, asked.

"Before that, I believe that introductions are in order. Most of you don't know each other, but you will have to get well acquainted from now on. You two first, you next, and you two last. I will introduce myself after." The thing pointed at Ray and Lilith, then the woman, and lastly, Robert and Mel.

They looked at each other, clearly not expecting this. However, nobody was going to be the one to refuse this thing.

"My name is Ray Dark. Up until yesterday, I was held captive for the past year where I was tortured every day, and finally, killed, or so I thought. I escaped death after going to a strange space and awakening some abilities that I still don't understand. Soon after, I met Lilith. Together, we left and headed for this City to take revenge on that guy," Ray pointed at the dead George before continuing, "On our way, we were attacked by a strange creature, much like the one we just fought, except it was a lot weaker. We killed it and acquired an oval-shaped stone that we didn't know how to use. Right after we finished our revenge, we were attacked by the previous creature. The stone was used for me to enter that weird state, but I still lost. The rest you know."

Lilith then continued, "My name is Lilith Warrior. My story is the same. I was tortured and then disposed of. I got abilities, went back, killed all the perpetrators, met Ray, freed everyone else, got information, left the place, got attacked, killed the creature, took revenge, got attacked again and the rest you know."

The woman then started her story, "My name is Lorelai Shikkoku. I'm a Kunoichi or, more correctly termed, I'm a female ninja. I was trained ever since I turned 10 years old, and a few days ago whilst meditating, I awakened these abilities. My master believed that I had reached a legendary realm where I could use ninjutsu. After seeing my physical growth, she also believed that the physical disparity between males and females no longer existed in this realm and made me this clothing that was better fit for combat, rather than seduction. Kunoichi are usually trained in such ways, because of their lacking physical prowess which our garbs also reflect. But, after meeting Lilith in that store, I could feel a certain aura from her."

"Ah! So it was you. I could only see your eyes. No wonder you looked so familiar," Lilith said in realization.

"Yes," She nodded, "I had long noticed and hidden the aura, but she was walking around with it on full blast which confused me. I soon came to the conclusion that they were ordinary people from the way they carried themselves. I was dealt a huge blow since I believed that I had trained relentlessly to unlock these abilities, yet here were two completely ordinary people, also able to use them. Since I had questions for them, I followed them here, but seeing that they had some objective in coming here, I decided to observe. At a point, a creature just as terrifying as you appeared and started spouting something about finding someone and about how another person named Change couldn't hide them. It then said that Change couldn't stop its lovelies before vanishing. I continued to observe, then the creature I killed appeared and the following events unfolded."

"So you were watching us the entire time? Why didn't you do something then? Or were you not confident in winning? You only intervened at the end." Ray was curious. He didn't think she had an obligation to help, he just wondered why she took so long.

"Firstly, I'm a ninja. My fighting style is to observe my opponent and strike at the most opportune moment. Secondly, she was knocked down far too quickly for me to help," Lorelai pointed at Lilith, who was a bit embarrassed at that, "And after seeing you fight, I could see you quickly improving, so I decided to wait until you could no longer fight. I guess you can say that it was just my selfishness as a senior fighter not wanting to see such talent wasted. I was about to intervene right before you went into that weird state. In the end, I jumped in when it was about to kill you."

Ray didn't know how to feel after hearing that.

"Huh. Okay then. Something about you casually watching me get my ass handed to me doesn't sit well with me, but you didn't have to help anyway, so whatever."

"Hohoho!" the 'Warframe' laughed, "Let us continue the introductions since I don't have a lot of time here shall we?" It turned to Robert and Mel.

"My name is Robert Voliare. I'm the heir and president of the Voliare Corporation. As a businessman, I had wanted to take down George Daniels, who ran Daniels Inc. However, some time ago, I found out that George was an inhuman piece of garbage. He was involved in many human trafficking deals, so I started gathering evidence of those crimes alongside the evidence of corruption that had already been amassed. A few days ago, I started my plan, anonymously applying pressure on George with various articles, claims, and accusations. Eventually, I started applying more pressure using the more serious offenses and crimes. Tomorrow, I would have started releasing evidence about his involvement in human trafficking and entered the final stages of taking him down. But I decided to drop by here to see what state he was in. I've come across many people like him, and one of them hurt someone dear to me. Ever since, I had punished people like him whenever I had the chance, watching how they fell while their hidden evil emerged. When I got here, I saw several dead guards that were brutally murdered. It looked like an assassination so I called the police...oh yes, the police!" He remembered, but he heard a jolly laugh right after.

"Hohoho! Worry not young man. The flow of time in this room is much faster than outside. We have enough time right now. Continue with your explanation."

Hearing this, he was relieved. Although it usually wouldn't make sense to believe such nonsense, it would be hard not to believe after what he saw so far.

"After calling the police, I made my way up here with Mel and my bodyguards. When I got here, I saw that strange creature and immediately felt a type of fear that literally immobilized me. I was unable to move or make a sound. I watched as Ray fought that creature, a lot of which I couldn't make out due to the darkness, but the light coming from Ray helped a lot. The rest you know."

Lastly, everyone looked at Mel who spoke calmly, "My name is Melanie Vasquez. I'm Robert's secretary and also his fiance. I've known Robert for a long time, and I follow him around to a lot of places. It was no different this time and that's why I'm here. I was helping him with the issue of the human- no actually, inhuman garbage. Everything else, you heard from him."

Everyone's heads turned to the person that the majority of those in the room were truly curious of. The warframe-like, jolly creature in front of them that was emitting so much pressure that it was hard to breathe.

"Hohoho! It seems that it is now my turn. My name is Change. I have no last name. I am what is known as an aspect. To be precise, I am The Greater Aspect of Flow. I have been observing you five, and one other whose presence here was difficult to arrange, for some time. You all are in a peculiar situation, so I decided to handle it myself. Simply put, your universe is reaching its end. The only ones who can solve this problem are those that are capable of interacting with the cycle, such as yourselves. You are outrageously weak at the moment since you have yet to get past the manifestation stage or otherwise known as the lesser stage." The Aspect, Change stopped there, "Now, time for questions."

"So you're Change!" Lorelai exclaimed, but before she could ask a question, someone else beat her to it.

"Do all the aspects look like warframes?" Ray said, his eyes shining. He was soon met with a slap to the back of his head.


"Ask something worthwhile, idiot."

"Hohoho! It is fine. Only the six greater aspects look like warframes. However, aside from End, the most powerful of us, none other look the exact same as those in the game. And, to answer your next question, she looks like Khora Prime. Now for the important ones. For the question you were about to ask, Lorelai, there would be a lot to explain. Pretty much, she wants to kill Ray because he is what is known as a source. There can only ever be one source in every universe. The source represents the cycle of chaos and order within a universe, and they are the only ones who can and will awaken the full cycle element. To simplify what the full cycle element is, it is your light and darkness abilities, Ray. Only you, in this vast universe, can use both."

"You keep saying in 'a' and in 'this' universe. You're implying that there are multiple right?" Mel questioned.

"Yes. For you all, you are in quite the situation since your universe is the only one that can end. Before that, I should more properly explain your abilities. There are five elements of which existence is composed. There is Flow, Force, Space, Material, and Cycle. Cycle holds the other four together. It is the most unique of the five because it can appear in two different forms. Each element has three levels, or layers. The highest level is the concept. In my case, that would be Flow, the greater layer. Next comes the second level, laws, the null layer. Unlike in the previous law where only one full concept exists, this layer can be split amongst many, such as destiny or time for the laws of flow. Lastly, there is the third level, manifestation, the lesser layer. This is, as the name implies, the physical manifestation of the concept, such as water for Flow. This is the layer that you three are currently at." He pointed at Ray, Lilith, and Lorelai, "Technically, anyone with even the slightest ability in these fields is at the first layer because they can control a negligent amount of the element. It is so weak that the amount of Flow and the different laws that they can move are nonexistent. At most, they can sense them to some extent. However, those who are truly considered to be at the first level, are able to control manifestation to the point where quantity is no longer even a factor. For example, If I could use my power on this planet, I could almost instantly drown the entire population."

Hearing this, all five of them sweat cold. They were glad that Change was not an enemy, but then they noticed that he said only if he could use his power.

"I will get to that in a moment." He saw through their thoughts, "You three can only control a minuscule amount of elements. The amount of manifestation that you can generate and move is also very limited. Lorelai has a higher threshold and better control due to her training, discipline, and regular meditation. Her control is due to her discipline and regular training while her threshold is due to her meditation. When you meditate, you will see the world that you saw just before awakening your power. you must comprehend what you see in that space. When you can move around freely, you will be at the second level."

After Change had finished his explanation, Lorelai had a somewhat bitter expression.

"What is the matter?" He asked.

"It's just that I'm a bit saddened that I didn't achieve this due to my hard work, but because of luck."

In response, Change gave a hearty laugh, "Hohoho! You are one of the ONLY two so far to unlock your ability due to hard work. Most others need some kind of dangerous or stimulating encounter to open the way, but you did so on your own. It may not be the ninjutsu that you thought, but it was achieved by your own hard work. If you think about the fact that those hand signs help you focus your mind to better control your abilities, you kind of are using ninjutsu."

After saying this, he could see Lorelai's face brighten considerably. He then turned to Mel and Robert, "You two will awaken soon enough, you should prepare yourselves for that day since your help will be needed. Now that I have explained the basics of your abilities, I will tell you more about your current crisis and how to resolve it."

"Your only solution is to travel to The Between Realms."

This week's five chapters. Enjoy MY LOVELIES!

TheDreamingQuillcreators' thoughts