
The Elementals: Dawn of A New Era

Sian knelt frozen in fear. Her entire family has just been murdered in front of her and her village was ablaze. There was so much violence before her eyes and she was just nine. Blood and tears flowed from her eyes as she stared in horror at the lifeless body of her younger sister. The man who had killed her was walking away and she couldn't do anything. She knew all this was partially her fault. This was happening because of people like her. But her sister was innocent. She had nothing to do with this she thought to herself. She stood up weakly and made slow advances towards her sisters murderer with clenched fists. She could still hear her sisters innocent laughter and it made her blood boil. More tears flowed down from her already swollen eyes as images of her sister flashed through her memory. She could feel her self being overwhelmed with anger and hate as she hastened her pace towards her sisters killer and soon enough she was running towards him. She wouldn't do Much harm to him, this she knew, but she was going to avenge her sister in the smallest possible way. He heard soft footsteps approach him from behind. Taking a quick glance backwards he saw the frail little girl whose sister he had just murdered her making her way towards him. Her eyes were clouded with anger and an unnatural taste for vengeance. 'Insolent child' he thought as he drew his sword and raised it to decapitate her once she was within arm's reach. She could see the man draw his sword but she still advanced towards him this way he would give her rest from this miserable world and she would be with her family. Thoughts of her happy reunion made her run forward, loosing all fear of death and instead choosing to embrace it. His outline loomed over her like a large shadow. This was it for her. The silver metal had already begun it's downward motion towards her when she felt herself being drawn backwards. ***** Sian is crippled with fear, anger and thirst for revenge after the massacre of her clan. She spends the rest of her life in hiding and preparation to avenge her clan. But fate had an entirely different plan for her. Her life begins to change when she meets other Elementals and people who had changed her reasoning of the world. How will Sian fight the odds that are stacked against her? How will the remaining Elementals survive in a world that completely despises them? *Book cover is mine, don't use without permission* Reach out to me on Instagram @chi_buike_Martins Discord @Martins#1843

Aniagboso_Martins · Fantasie
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49 Chs

An unexpected News

She froze in her tracks as she looked up to meet his glaring eyes. He was without a mask and she could see his face clearly now. His domineering aura pressed down on her and she felt her legs become heavy. He was also here for treatments she could see. He had bandages all over him but he seemed better than his unconscious opponent. She quickly retrieved her dagger from her waist belt, unsheathed it from its scarab and branded it to his throat.

"What are you doing here?"she asked. The answer was very obvious but she didn't want to take her chances.

"Isn't it obvious? I came to recover from my victory" He replied not even a little moved by the dagger on his throat. "I can easily unarm you and still take you with me even in this condition but I won't. I would give you time to heal completely before take you to my master. If I brought you to him in this condition then he would definitely kill me" He finished and made to move but she moved the dagger closer to his flesh.

"Who is your master and what does he want with me?" She asked trying not to feel intimidated by his condescending stare.

"Careful now with your little toy. That is no way to treat someone who just showed you mercy." He said as he raised a finger to push the dagger a bit away from his throat. He didn't feel comfortable with it's nearness to him."I'm sorry but I'm afraid that information is not mine for sharing. But if you are really that curious then, you can come with me, I will patch you up in few days and you will know the answers to your question" He offered.

Sian scoffed and retracted her dagger. "What makes you think I will give myself up to a stranger who broke into my house and almost killed my father. You should leave before I change my mind and drive this dagger into your throat" she voiced with all seriousness and confidence she could muster trying to give him a hint that she wasn't scared of him as he thought her to be.

"Stranger? Where are my manners, have forgotten to give you my formalities? My name is Lucas and it's a pleasure to meet you" He said as he stretched out his unbandaged arm for a handshake but for some unknown reason, he retracted them as quickly as he stretched them forth. A shuriken flew past where his extended arm was and propelled into the wall.

"Get the hell away from her" Warren raged

He was lying on the bed to sleep when a familiar scent swept past his nose. It was faint but recognizable. His eyes had swung open as he immediately recalled where the familiarity originated. That powerful non elemental was here, in the inn. He must have come back to get her now she was in a more vulnerable state.

Warren had immediately grabbed his Tonfas and slipped two shurikens into his pocket before exiting the room. He slinked his way close enough not to miss his throw. He couldn't afford to let such a powerful enemy roam free unchecked.

He was correct it was the stranger. He seemed harmless at first when Sian had a dagger on his throat. Even at his top speed, the stranger wouldn't be able to avoid a cut if he dared misbehave. His tension somewhat subsided but rose above the charts as soon as he stretched forth his hand towards her. Adrenaline pumped instantly through his system and he launched the two shurikens at pinpoint accuracy when he was sure he couldn't miss.

The stranger had read his attacks and had soon retracted his hands just before the shurikens flew past him.

"Get the hell away from her" Warren shouted again as he approached the stranger with his Tonfas ready to kill.

"Well well, if it isn't the infamous Warren Stone. I must say your family has it way of getting the attention of the masses" Lucas replied. 'This one was strong' he thought possibly stronger than his previous opponent. Things would go very bad if he was to be attacked by him in this condition'. "Wouldn't you at least be visiting Kiri for your sisters execution?" He would change his motives by telling him something else. Something closer to him than his unsatisfied affection towards this girl. He could see it in his eyes. He cared about her. His plan seemed to have derailed because Warren had closed in on him, gripped his shirt and held the sharp end of his Tonfas to his throat.

"What are you talking about?" Warren asked through teeth.

"Oh I'm sorry, haven't you heard? She gave birth to the likes of you. Married to an Elemental obviously. Her spouse has already been hanged. She and her baby are next. In the next five days I think" Lucas explained.

Warrens grip on him loosened and he felt power leave the man's body. The news had weakened him emotionally but he tried not to show it. 'He was acting though and it was tactical. It was never a good idea to show your weaknesses in front of your enemies.

"I will leave you now, I have places to be now. I will come back for you later" Lucas announced before making his exit

Sian's eyes narrowed towards Warren, the ever cheerful Warren wasn't smiling any longer. He looked pale and gloomy. She understood exactly how he felt. She wanted to feel sorry for him but she didn't want to pry into his family affairs. He heaved a sigh and walked past her without a word. She walked after him to their room. He had already picked up his bag and was in a rush to leave.

"Wouldn't you wait till nightfall?" She asked stopping him in his steps. "You know people would recognize you if you left in the daylight". She was right but now he didn't have anytime to waste. He would kill anyone who dared interfere in his journey. He didn't care if he was wanted or not. He had to save his sister as quickly as possible.

"You worry about me too much don't you?" He asked with a forced smile "Don't worry I will take care of myself"

She could still see the pain hidden behind those smiles of his. She didn't know his past but she could bet it wasn't a very one. "I won't let you leave now" She stopped him

"And why is that?" Warren asked clearly surprised by her words.

"You saved my life and if you leave now people would probably hunt you down and kill you, I would be a bad person if I let that happen" For some reason, she wanted him to stay not only because she didn't want him to die on his way to save his sister but for some reason she couldn't foretell. Maybe she liked his company after all.

"I guess I can't help but stay till nightfall. I doubt I will ever get the luxury of you begging me to stay by your side again" He smiled at her.

He was back again full of himself and overconfident. She couldn't help herself but smile back at him, she liked him better this way.