
The Elemental Race

When I came too I felt a bright light caress my face. Opening my eyes I find myself in a dilapidated room filled with a murky air. There was a window and the sun shined brightly through. I felt an energy run through my body, making me feel vigorous and energised “I’m still alive?” He muttered to himself in amazement. Aaron woke up and found himself back in his first life, that ended after a fall from a tree when he was 9. Coming back to a world of magic after being in a world of technology for 16 years how will Aaron handle it?

YourLocalNeighbour · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Aaron Len

When I came too I felt a bright light caress my face, opening my eyes I find myself in a dilapidated room filled with a murky air, there was a window and the sun shined brightly through. I felt an energy run through my body, making me feel vigorous and energised

"I'm still alive?" He muttered to himself in amazement.

His name was Scott Gresly, he was a rich young master, his father had one of the biggest businesses in the world, many people envied him and many people tried to kill him, and just a few minutes ago someone succeeded.

Thinking about his death he couldn't help but feel indignant…

All his life he liked to stay inside, play videogames, read, eat, and sleep. He never liked people, if anyone got close to him it would be for his money, and if he hung around those other rich kids they would alway be too vulgar and didn't care about life, it wasn't quite his style, so he just decided to stay inside, and his father didn't oppose to this, so he never tried to change it, but on this day his step-mother forced him to go out with his step-brother, and with no choice he went..

In the end he and his step brother were kidnapped as a way to threaten his father for money, but something went wrong…

One of the people shot me leaving me to bleed out, I died slow enough to see my father's panicked and angered face, its with that I decided to let go and die with joy. Knowing that my father cared about my death was enough for me.

But… Where am I now?

Is it that I didn't die and my father threw me out to the slums?

Suddenly a piercing pain shot through his head as he acquired new memories, memories that did not belong to him.

"Aaron Len?"

Cantalenium Planet? Uncommon Continent, First Sun, Second Sun?

What is going on? Am I possibly in another world? Did I transmigrate?

He was not sure the memories in his mind were too few.

He only attained some basic information, like how he's on a planet called Cantalenium which has two suns and moons.

First sun is basically morning in his world and second sun is afternoon.

First moon is evening and second moon is midnight, all the way until first sun again.

He also learned about his situation.

He's on a continent named Uncommon, his name is Aaron Len, he's in a family of four, an older brother and sister, with a widowed mother, whose been taking care of them after their pillar of support; his father, died.

"So wait, apparently I'm not human but something called an elemental…" Scott started to panic, he looked at his body and felt his skin.

Though he seen it in the memory, seeing himself that he still at least looks like a human, makes him feel much better.

Suddenly he heard quickened steps rushing towards his room.

"Aaron!" A girl bursted in his room. She was quite cute, big bright eyes, plump pursed lips, cute fair freckled skin, she looked around 11 years old.

She was the oldest child, Lia, whom just turned 11.

"Aaron, why are you not dressed! You know today is the most important time of our life! Let's go get dressed quickly, wear your best attire!" Lia said and left in a hurry, presumably going to give the same speech to the second born Farron.

Scott got up from the cotton bed he was laying on, he once again looked out the window to see the sun, it was only first sun, it seemed like it had just come up as well.

Looking at the sun, Scott once again felt that piercing pain in his head.

New memories shot through his mind.

"I-I'm Aaron Len!" Aaron yelled in amazement.

Aaron figured out that he was originally from this world, this world was his home, but when he went out to play with farron he climbed a tree and fell down bumping his head, crossing him over into another world.

Now that he's died, he came back.

If he fell out the tree and died then how did he get here? On this bed? Did farron bring him here?

He is still so confused, and there are still some things missing from his memory, but he's going to follow his heart and go through the day.

He'll worry about the rest later.

Thinking like that, he stopped looking at the sun and put a smile on his face.

Haha, after living 16 years of rich kid life I'm back in my poor house, but this is fine. Today will be my turning point, the awakening ceremony that could change my life and my family's.

Aaron moved towards the beaten down wall that had a hole in it.

He stuck his head in the hole and looked around, there was a wide space with some ragged beast fur and beast skin clothes, on the ground.

What a lovely closet, he thought.

A great way to keep him humble for sure…

His sister told him to wear his best clothes but everything looked like trash it's hard to pick.

His eyes gleamed.

He seen something in the corner of the ground. It was a white leathery outfit that shined brightly, and right next to it was the same thing except it was in black.

When Aaron seen it he knew what it was and immediately got excited.

It's skin from the darkness and light snakes! Not the most expensive material to a rich kid and something they could have millions of, but for him, this was his best asset. Though he forgotten how he gotten such an item, he could vaguely guess it was probably from his dad.

He was so excited to grab a hold of the clothes that he jumped in the hole and pulled them into his embrace like they were his precious babies.

Aaron suddenly froze as he realized how he was being. He, a rich kid is actually getting excited over things he could have bought tons of in his second life? If he were to go out and act like this over something so small he'd be laughed at and called a hillbilly. He must fix his actions immediately.

Though he thought so he still held onto those clothes like they were his babies. He walked back to the hole, the hole was a bit too high for him and he had to jump to get in, he didn't dare risk his clothes getting ripped so he threw them over first and hopped out the hole. Looking at the valuable clothing on the dirty floor he picked them up hurriedly, and put them on his cotton bed. At least it was a little bit clean.

Aaron looked at both the clothes and pondered on which one to wear. They both look amazing, they were little suits fitted for his body, though, maybe he lost too much weight after his father died, so they don't look as if they fit well anymore. Aaron sighed.

He could tell before his father died he was living a good life, but now…

"Huuuu…" Aaron let out another big sigh before choosing the black suit.

It fitted his style, plus it had the attributes of the darkness snake, it will hide his presence a bit. Shaking his head happily he started putting it on.

Like he thought. The outfit was a little too big, but it still fit him nonetheless. He wish he had a mirror he could check himself out in, but he didn't have such luxury.

The hurried foot steps once again reached his door, now that he thought about it, the fact they had doors was luxurious enough…

"Aaron I told you to get dress-" Lia stopped mid sentence as she looked her little brother up and down.

Short brown hair which was quite messy, sharp crystal like purple eyes, slender lips, and a cute chubby head in addition with the snake skin suit, her little brother looked so handsome!! He was only 9 years old and he looked this cute and handsome, he's going to be a lady killer when he gets older, he looked a lot like father…

Unknowingly tears started to fall from her eyes. The awakening ceremony is something every child looks forward to, and although it could make your future bright, it could also fill it with uncertainty and sadness… Once you figure out your race, you could possibly get taken away from your family if your race doesn't belong to the continent you're in.

If she were to awaken to be a Rare, instead of an uncommon or vice versa for her brothers, they could be separated for possibly forever.

With those thoughts her tears turned into a river and she started bawling.

Aaron was shocked, how random! Wasn't she coming in here to wrongfully scold him? Is it that she realized I had all the good genes and was so jealous she started crying?

Thinking about it Aaron started to nod his head, it was highly possible.

Thus he walked up to her.

"Don't cry LiLi, not everyone can be as good looking as me." He said as he looked at her with pity.

He felt his words were a bit wrong and continued.

"it's ok if you got the short end of the stick, you're only 11, you still have hope!" Aaron ended with an assuring smile.

Lia looked at her brother and suddenly felt sick. She gave him a big smack on the head.

"I was only thinking about how we might be separated after the ceremony so I got sad! What handsome? Your hair is so messy, any looks you have is gone! I'm not doing your hair anymore and I'm going to go make Farron look better than you! And, And I'm telling mommy! How dare you say I got the short end of the stick! Mommy!!" Lia cried out and ran away.

Aaron stood in stupor as he rubbed the back of his head. His hair? How could he forget such a main ingredient? He feels so embarrassed. This place can truly make one humbled.

He ruffled his hair in frustration.

He walked out his room, finally sizing up his home. It looked so ragged and broken down, but it was very accommodating. With four rooms, one bathroom and a kitchen it made a big enough house for them to stay in. And it was surprisingly cheap, well not surprisingly as it is ragged and literally torn down, but it was in their budget. One diamond crystal a month which converting it to his second life's currency is around 500 dollars? It's really too cheap.

Aaron shook his head regretfully, and continued to survey his surroundings.

His room was in the middle with his brothers to the right and sisters to the left, his mothers room was on the other wall ahead along with the bathroom. Since it's like this the hallway is quite long, turning right from his door you'll find the kitchen where his mom stands consoling his sister giving him a glare.

"Hm? Mommy, what did I do?" Aaron put on a dumb childish look.

"Aaron only spoke the truth." He started his one man cutesy show.

He pouted and looked very pitiful and cute.

His mother's eyes sharpened.

"Aaron quit joking around! You think I, your mother does not know you?" She laughed cynically.

Aaron bursted in cold sweat and quit the act, he quickly moved towards the broken down kitchen and to the family table which his mother was standing behind with his trouble making sister.

"I'm sorry LiLi, I didn't mean it!" Aaron ran up to Lia and hugged her with all his strength and looked her in the eyes with his puppy eyes.

Lia looked down at this brother that was blinking at her with such cute eyes and couldn't help but cave in.

"Ahh! It's ok little brother, big sister will not stay angry and get you in trouble over something like this! Sit down, let sister do your hair."

Who knows where she got it from but she pulled out a brush and started to slowly brush down his hair, giving him some fluffy bangs and smoothed down hair. He could feel his handsomeness just pushing through. He was truly feeling himself.

His mother glared at him and he shrunk his head back, beware of scary mother… QAQ

His mother went back to cooking on the broken down stove, and his brother finally came out his room, not even daring to look Aaron on the eye.

Seeing this, Aaron squinted his eyes and followed Farron's figure all the way until he sat on the chair.

Aaron looked away and finally confirmed his thoughts. Farron brought him back home after he fell out the tree and probably used some lame excuse that I fell asleep from playing too hard, and put me to bed. Thinking so, Aaron felt angry, he died and his brother tried to cover it up!

He looked back at Farron who took the time while he was looking away to look at him and met him in his eyes. He glared at him and made a cutthroat gesture.

Farron went pale.

What an idiot. He's lucky I like him or else! I'll just threaten and make him scared for now, there's all the time later to get back at him.

"Lia, quickly get dressed! Stop caring for your brothers! They can care for themselves!" Mothers voice sounded out behind him. He realized that's in his time of thinking Lia had already moved on to do Farron's hair.

He looked her up and down, she was still wearing beast skin clothes, how did he never realize before? His sister truly is an older sister, so caring.

"Ok mommy." Lia left in a hurry, while his mother put plates on the table.

The plates and silverware were the only thing in this house that was in good shape, nice and smooth white marble, it really added some shine to this broken down place.

Aaron eagerly awaited for food, he needed some nourishment.

It really makes him think what race he'll be, his food habits will change after he figures out.

I hope I'm a legendary! Ruling over the world, making life easy for my family.

He fantasised all the way until his sister came in.

He looked at her in shock, the cute little girl turned into a little beauty, her hair was neatly swept into a ponytail, he eyes soft and gentle, her freckles sitting boldly on her face, her pursed lips smirking with pride, she was really a beauty! She looked just like their mother except she has freckles and brown hair, while mother has black. Other than that she's mother's copy!

But his shock didn't stop with her looks. The dress she was wearing was extremely expensive, maybe more expensive than his. No, it was definitely more expensive.

She was wearing a long magic rainbow fish dress. Which looked like a sequence dress from his other world. the thousands of small scales were put on the fabric, shining brightly in different colours as you could feel Magic Qi rushing through each them. It was truly a beautiful dress. Aaron couldn't help but sit back in envy, such expensive wear.

Magic fish are from rare continent, they are hard to catch so the price is high. But he just couldn't understand how they were able to get that? Was it his mom, or his father? His memory still wasn't quite full, but he wasn't going to dwell on it as good Qi had wafted into his nose.

He looked down on the plate to see some food with plant Qi rushing out of.

It was boiled cabbage, potatoes and carrots.

The Plant Qi flowing out of them was plenty, and since he is not awakened he can eat as much as he wants without any repercussions.

He started digging in.

His mother flashed a weird looked at him.

"Aaron, you have yet to pray to lord cantalenium for blessing on your awakening." She said with some doubt.

Aaron halted his movement and the cabbage that was about to enter his mouth went back to the plate.

"Right.. Haha." He looked around to see everyone was looking at him strangely.

"What are you guys staring at me for. Pray! Pray!" He said while bowing his head and clasping his hands.

'Lord cantalenium! Make me lucky! Make me a strong race so I can care for my family!' He prayed 5 times.

When he looked up everyone was once again staring at him weirdly, but he didn't bother and started chowing down.

Soon he finished his meal, he was almost full, a drink would be nice, but they didn't have any, so he could only die of thirst in silence.

Once everyone was finished his mother got up and grabbed the plate and started washing the dishes and Lia helped. While they were preoccupied Aaron walked towards Farron in great strides.

"You! You know what you did yesterday, you let me fall out the tree and didn't tell anyone! What if I had died!!" Aaron asked in a whisper but his tone carried anger.

"I-I, but you weren't!" Farron said with a guilty look.

"How did you know that???"

"After you fell I ran towards you! You were breathing the whole time! Of course I know you were alive! Your breathing never stopped even when I put you to bed! I would never not tell mother if you fell and died." Farron was guilty, but he felt truly wronged.

Aaron didn't know how to reply.

He was breathing the whole time? That's not right is it? He should have died, or else how did he get to that world?

A big conspiracy was brewing in Aaron's head. Is it possible it was all a dream? No not possible, not only was that world too real, but how could his dream make up such a world he's never heard or thought of? Not possible.

But, then, what happened?


Aaron looked up at Farron and shook his head.

"Nothing I forgive you this time but not next time."

Farron looked at him strangely. His brother is acting weird. What does he mean next time? After today it's possible we might not see each other again.

Farron shoved it aside, maybe it was subconscious.

Aaron had long turned around and walked away and sat back in his seat, truly trying to ponder over what could have happened, but his mind drew a blank. He soon gave up.

An hour passed, and it was finally time to get ready to go to the awakening ceremony.

"Kids, let us start walking to the beast station." His mother said with a smile as she put a cape over her plaid plain dress. She was the only one wearing nothing lavish, but her beauty still stood out.

They all walked outside and started walking to the beast station. Aaron had no memories of this in his mind so he was quite excited to see it.

When they got there he seen it was just like a bus station, it had seats and a sign. The only difference was instead of a bus, there was an air beast instead, it looked like a bear but it was big enough to hold around 10 people, there were three of them lined up. Memories resurfaced to his mind as he remembered these beast and this station.

Him and his family used to ride them to go to town when they needed more food, they only went once a while because the ride was so expensive. 2 diamond crystals for a ride there and back, that's more then their rent, but now they were going to the city, and the best this time are a lot faster. He even seen their mom pull out almost all the money they had left. 8 diamond crystals.

Insane, 4,000 dollars for a ride to the city, even a rich kid like him found it ridiculous. Luckily most of the families around here had that much or just only that. The people around here start saving as soon as they have children, but our situation was just abrupt and bad so all the savings went to food and to get the house, but luckily we had enough left. We only had one diamond crystals left over.

They got on the first bear along with some others the driver ordered the bear and it took off running at the speed of light, before floating above the ground and flying in the air to the city.

Soon, just a few hours away, his whole destiny will change!