
First sheet

On July 25th, Li Tingyun sat on the green leather train home. Although he was in a sleeper, the train was still full of people.

After all, the train to Green Sea Province only has this one in two days, and this train has dozens of stops, big and small, and stops at every stop, so there are a lot of people on the bus.

Li Tingyun kept brushing the class with headphones, and in the headphones came a song "Carpet Copy", which he thought was very popular recently.

As soon as I cut the phone interface back, I saw the class group message 99+ displayed on the application.

"I depend, your mouth is gatling, so many messages in a short while" Li Tingyun typed on the mobile phone quickly.

"I sent so many messages after listening to the concert song. Is there any important notice from the class leader? If we miss any important news, it will be dangerous for us to register for the college entrance examination."

"It's none of your wool business to sign up for danger. Just sign up for Dongning City Education Bureau and ask." Wei Jia replied in the group, "We are both borrowing students, and we don't need to go through the class leader's hand to sign up. When the time comes, go to the Education Bureau and ask how to sign up."

"Gan, I'm in a hurry. If I don't pass the exam, I'll go to Siberia to plant potatoes. I don't know when I'll be back." Li Tingyun typed and replied quickly.

But in fact, he doesn't worry. After all, the scores of college entrance examination in Green Sea Province are still relatively low. As long as you study hard, you can have a college, which is nothing more than the difference between one book and two books.

"Almost, if you don't pass the exam, most of our class will not pass the exam, then we will go to plant potatoes, ha ha ha" Wei Jia in the group directly reply.

At this time, a message suddenly appeared in the class group: "Students, the college entrance examination results can be checked, Liu Lei exam 689 points, I look at, numb, not directly to Peking University?" A message lit up the class group.

"I rely on, really false, don't lie to me, is Ma Ma, if false news next double row I Kasa play wild, Big Ben below send express, above open swing below send, directly send you to bronze one" an unimportant classmate A back.

"How can it be false? My next door is Mr. Wang, he said directly to me, the first time to knock on my door, has been asking my admission ticket number, not to help me check the results."

"It is said that the inquiry time was half an hour earlier. Now we can check the score. Please hurry up and hope to receive your good news." Looking at the message sent by unimportant students B, the class was silent.

Li Tingjun looked at the group of messages also quickly opened the browser, entered the college entrance examination results inquiry network website,.

After all, the college entrance examination is the most important thing for him. Although he does not pass the exam, he will not go to Siberia to plant potatoes, but he will certainly go to the construction site to move bricks.

"God, the Queen Mother, the Jade Emperor, Guanyin Bodhisattva, the Buddha, must bless me to be admitted to the university ah, two books on the line ah, have a university on the line, I have no other requirements"

Li Tingjun in the heart of meditation, and then carefully click the query interface, "respect candidates, your college entrance examination score is 580 points, language score is 111 points..." Li Tingjun looked at the results, and then looked at the admission ticket number, there is no mistake.

"Ha ha ha ha, too good" Li Tingjun could not help but laugh out. This smile on the other side of the lower bunk grandmother are scared to wake up, directly raised his head strange to look at Li Tingyun.

Li Tingjun embarrassed smile, lower his head quickly opened the mobile phone interface, made a phone call to his father.

"I don't know why he cares so much about my grades. I just gave him the admission ticket number, and now he is going back to the computer to help me check it."

"Hey, dad, I got in, 580 points, can go on a book, but also on a key university, I would have liked to go on two books, this test play well, ha ha ha ha" Li Tingjun happy to share his joy.

"Well, well, the test is good, you got the mom and dad will not worry, otherwise do not know what you can do later, pick up garbage can not pick up the plastic bottles thrown by others, the test is good." My father's voice came from the cell phone, and I could hear that my father was extremely happy.

"I'll tell your mother the news. When you get off the train tonight, we'll have a nice dinner together. You stay safe on the train and call me when you get off. Now that you've got it, don't worry about it. Have a good rest." My father's voice was on the line again.

"Well, OK, then I hang up the phone first, see you in the evening" Li Tingjun hung up the phone and heard the opposite of the lower bunk grandmother said: "Young man alas, congratulations you have been admitted to a university exam now is not easy ah."

"Ah. Thank you." Li Tingyun awkward answer, he did not expect the opposite grandma will take the initiative to talk to him. The old woman said, "I have a relative's daughter also took the college entrance examination this year, but she will not get her results for several days. I don't know if she can get into a good university like you."

"It's okay, I'm sure she'll get in too..." Li Tingyun and the opposite lower bunk grandmother chatted up. After chatting with the grandmother for a long time, Li Tingyun suddenly remembered something important.

How many marks did that person get? The one who pulled him out of his own little world and into his life, the one who took up most of his high school life, the one who made him want to be close to anything he could.

If possible, could she go to the same university as her?

Think of this Li Tingjun immediately picked up the mobile phone ready to send her a message, the word hit half Li Tingjun stopped hand.

Because he could not think of any reason to ask, between himself and her is and only the classmate relationship, some things missed that is missed, but people are always unwilling.

Li Tingjun slowly deleted just hit the word, opened the friends list, click a friend's chat box.

"Yang An, the exam results came out, how did you do in the exam (dog head face)".

After a while QQ came Yang An sent a message: "Harm, can how ah, on the general results of the Bai, the school estimate is not good choice, to tell the truth a little bad (ε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3)."

"Nothing, we this score line is low, there must be a university can go, maybe then we can go to the same area of the university" Li Tingjun comfort: "Say again, really can't repeat a year, then also afraid of a district college entrance examination?" .

Yang An is Li Tingyun few friends of the opposite sex, when the high school deskmate, school is also just on the way home, one by one two people are familiar with up, soon became a good friend.

"Don't ah, I don't want to repeat, exam how much, the painful day of the third year I don't want to have once again" Yang An's message followed by pop up, then asked "you, test how ah, good right?" .

"Ok, only so-so can be a key, ha ha ha," Li Tingyun replied.

"God, you can also call this sloppy ah, don't say it, say it is showing off (〃>皿<)" dish message immediately from the screen pop up again.

"By the way, let me ask you something." After all, Li Tingjun could not refrain from asking: "Do you know how many points Song Yufei test?" .

"Song Yufei? Looks like the exam more than 620 points, the exam is very good. The head of the team just came to my house. How do you say? Going to the same college as her?" Yang An replied.

"No, no, I don't think my score is enough!" Li Tingyun was busy explaining.

Li Tingjun himself also know that his score and Song Yufei's score is much worse, want to sign up for the same university is a fool's dream.

I can only blame my own poor grades. After knowing what they want Li Tingjun and Yang An about time to eat something together. The train arrived at the station before you knew it.