
Fulfillment's Purpose (Diary Entry ~ #5)

Dear Dear Journal (To All Who Are Reading),

Drainage forms a hole. A very, deeply sucking hole. Money. Cars. Food. Human family. Friends. Success. It feels more hollow the more that it is given. Smiles are easier to drop because there is nothing behind it. Even if used correctly, even if you have the right people in life surrounding you with love. It is not enough. It is not ever going to be enough.

There is no fault with true, loved ones. There is no fully with striving for greatness. But...what is truly great does not exist without really knowing what is great. Without standards. Without societal pressure. There is more than meets our eyes. There is more that can be obtained and shown. Appreciation shall be had for what we are provided. But, that is what it is. Provision. Temporary provision.

Beyond this world lies a home greater than anything one human can imagine alone. Beyond ourselves, there is Someone who knows of what we're truly capable of. What we are meant to do. Fulfillment is what completes us. He is the One to complete us. Jesus Christ is the bridge who allows for us to be redeemed, and discover the truth. Behind life. Behind ourselves. Behind everything.

Dear, dear journal. I stand grateful for the life that is here. I stand thankful for all that has been done. But, now? Now...I need more. I crave for more. There. Is. More.

This is from the perspective of someone who knows that there is plenty more behind the door that the world wants to remain closed. Hollywood makes the dream look desirable. The devil uses many means to distract and keep us blind to the reality that is set before our eyes. Yes, there is goodness. But, that is because of God. And yes, it is fine to have dreams and desires. But, not a single one matters if we lose ourselves to them. God provides purpose. God provides fulfillment. His Beloved Son died for our sins, and opened the gateway for us to be reborn so we can fulfill our planned destines. Futures that we never thought could be made possible. Tis thanks to Them that we can truly be saved, and succeed.

Question is...are you willing to walk through the door?

~ Author

Sava_254creators' thoughts
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