
Chapter 057: Relationship Rumors (3)

Over 2 weeks had passed and rumors about my relationship to Armaros starts to spread from the entire empire I believe even outside of the empire receive these sudden rumors, for the previous events when Sir. Mylon killed Lord Hiller and Archsage Fistes killed Prince Valle the rulers of the Acun Empire kept silent about me but the people of the Acun Empire was bothering me.

" Empress Amaris Herean we need to go back at the Novun Palace now." Prince Dyren said I was patrolling at the Templar of New Acun together with soldiers of Skyetiello, Archsage Fistes took the divine power of Prince Valle a bad omen to House Faiean.

" Then prepare the carriage." I ordered Prince Dyren left together with 2 of his soldiers, New Immortal Hierarchy please aid me with this crisis.

" Empress Amaris! you need to go back at the palace." Priest Jarad said together with the other Priests.

" I see then please guide me 6 priests of New Acun." I ordered then one by one to dozen of Believers came to surround me against.

" Empress Amaris is here!" A man shouts and hundreds no thousands of people came running to us.

" Empress Amaris please answer us!" A woman shouts they swarming my path.

" Dear people of Acun please make way for Empress Amaris!" Priest Jollen said but the people increase and bumps to us it was like a wave now.

" Empress Amaris have some duties waiting for him at the palace so our dear people let us pass!" Priest Uriad said blocking the side.

" Empress Amaris are all the rumors true!" An old man said being block by some of soldiers.

" Our Empress Amaris please tell us it was all fake!" An old woman said reaching her hands to me I can't take her hands for now.

" Please everyone make way for our Empress Amaris!" Priest Saheri said being push by the crowd.

" Listen! people of Acun stop in the name of peace!" Priest Syaraan said blocking some children from coming.

" Empress Amaris, we want to know the truth." A boy said streaming with tears holding a picture of me & Armaros.

" Empress Amaris they said it was all act!" A girl said sniffing hugging a doll of me & Armaros.

" Our dear people please have faith with Our Empress Amaris, his actions are for us!" Priest Teainuo said wiping the children's tears.

" Empress Amaris for 2 years of caring for us is it all truth or is it an act all of it!" A man said the people repeats his question again and again.

" Are you lying to us from the beginning! Empress Amaris did you really think of us your people that loved you!" A woman said holding her chest tightening her grip to her clothes.

" Empress Amaris is this for politics only!" I don't know who said that but moving forward being bump by the crowd, hands asking for me, how can I answer them?

" Did your relationship with Armaros was due to politics and all an act!" I don't know who is that asking again the people are crying, shouting, trembling their fists, reaching their hands for me, I truly care and serve the people with all of my heart & my mind.

" Please tell us Empress Amaris!" the people are shouting I may act for politics too but I acted with truth at the same time, I cared for my people but how can I prove it, I served my people but how can I shows it, I loved my people but how can I spread it permanently.

Then explosions from the sky rapidly make the people silent and look to a man flying at the air, he was like a humanoid phoenix who dwells from two suns setting & rising Prince Dyren gets everyone attention.


" People of Acun you traitors to Empress Amaris Herean dares to question him!" I yelled shooting flames to the sky making the people silent and stared at me with mixed emotions.

" Why are you doubting him! for all the things he did for the people and for the rulers from the beginning until now!" I yelled looking all around where over ten thousand people gathered and coming.

" Empress Amaris Herean acted for the sake of the Empire not just for his sake! or for the sake of Novuns & Hereans! or for the rulers of Acun!, or for you all people of Acun!" I remarked floating at the air flapping my flaming wings to clear a path for Empress Amaris.

" His actions was for the Empire do that entire Empire! he even think of the Entire world! he created the Hexablade of Eclorld for a counter measure to the Eclorthians Invasions com in at the future! he didn't stop doing his rule as the Empress, as a living being here at our world called Eclorld!" I continue I already prepared a carriage and the others are waiting.

" Then rumors starts to come one by one you betrayed Empress Amaris Herean without hesitation! without thinking! without remembering! without knowing Empress Amaris Herean!" I shouted shooting some flaming ball at the sky the people have finally or completely focus on me I notice Empress Amaris being guide by the soldiers to the carriage I will give them time.

" You have no rights at all about the relationship of Emperor Armaros and Empress Amaris! who cares about their relationship when they cared a lot for everyone in the empire equally!" swings my hand to the air from there to there and there.

" Their relationship maybe truth or not! maybe political or not! but their relationship was all cleared for us! for everyone who succeed and experienced their actions from the beginning to the end!" Empress Amaris have finally reach the carriage and preparing to depart.

" Emperor Armaros Novun & Empress Amaris Herean their relationship was greater than the The Truth and greater than The Politics we all believed! A relationship that not only them was part of it but everyone The Greatest Relationship everyone will imagine was Emperor Armaros Novun & Empress Amaris Herean!" I declared and the carriages was moving faster leaving the Templar of New Acun and the people stopped for the time being and returned to there places.

I Betrayed Empress Amaris too, but will never betrayed him again.


Prince Dyren was left behind out there I don't know what will happen after his speech I wish him safety and please don't hurt the people at all, riding the carriage while people outside glancing to us begging for answers I did everything done from the beginning until now but why I can't answer them?

" Empress Amaris our road to the Novun Palace is crowded what should we do?" A soldier ask I look outside and some nobles are gathering or blocking my way I can the people are starting to swarm here too.

" Please find another way to cross." I ordered I need time for now I can't think of what I should do.

" Our Empress please grant us your presence We your Dear People, are waiting for you." A noble man stated looking from his left and right together with the nods of his fellow nobles.

" Our Empress Us your Dear People believes on you but please tell us your Relationship with Emperor Armaros are not tainted with Politics." A noble woman stated holding a pan and a parasol with bamboo stick and lotus design.

" Our Empress please stopped lying to Us your Dear People!" I don't know who tells that but the people are murmuring something faces with mixed emotions I don't know what now.

Then surroundings became cold everyone was being uncomfortable the road is freezing and Ices sharper than a blade starts to rise everyone secure their selves, for the source of this Ice Magic a woman wearing a dress and being coated by ice as her armor riding her Trichakllion my best friend Lady Cathrinia.


" You damn idiots! make way for my best friend right now!" I shouted I'm just glad Ris casted on my baby for safety.

" Why should we listen to a mistr..." I pointed my sword to this man the edge of it freezing his throat I will suffocate but I'm nice today.

" I don't need your words I'm ordering you to make way for my best friend your Empress Amaris." I ordered then sharp shards starts to dwell from the ground and from thin air.

" You're threatening us! Your the reason why Us the people being divided!" This damn nobles using ' We people ' your just using this as an opportunity.

" Shut up all nobles I'm talking to the People that My Best Friend serve from the start AMD until now so shut up!" I casted magic to fly them out of this area then I sginaled the carriage to pass the people are focused on me now.

" Emperor Armaros and I just did an absolute mistake but its not worthy for all of you to betray Empress Amaris! I loved my best friend even I betrayed him, I was still the one he chose and he still chose you all people of Acun." I stated holding my belly I think the baby is hearing this too.

" I know I betrayed him but was forgiven by him now I oath my life to his side no matter what even if the father my child ordered me, I will chose Empress Amaris side remember my words and never ever betray my best friend." I remarked everyone seems doubting shall I scare them Ris is already near at the palace.

" For my great speech just listen! even Of I'm pregnant I'm a warrior so I commence Massacre!" I added the people and the rulers run so fast I was teasing them getting to there side swinging my sword but don't worry I didn't hurt them at all I don't care about my reputation as long I live!

My Best Friend Empress Amaris Herean or Ris I will be in your side forever.


" Empress Amaris there are certain people waiting for you at your office." Sir. Mylon reported I just step out of my carriage.

" I will go Sir. Mylon also go rescue Cathri & Dyren and those left behind I don't know what is there situation now." I ordered but who might be waiting for me.

" The 13 Counts & Countessess are waiting for you Empress Amaris." Sir. Mylon before departing together with the Bronze Crusaders.

All of them are waiting at my office I don't know how long they were waiting walking for minutes from the Sun Gate to my Imperial Office I notice, even the personnels of the Palace seems questioning me in silent I should just ignore it for now there are people waiting for me.

" Sorry for waiting for so long my dear Counts & Countesses please state your business with me." I said but all 13 of them kneeled looking to my eyes some have there hands on the ground, some on the air, some on their front, some are on their chest.

" The Trideca-County oath Absolute Loyalty to Empress Amaris Herean only until our death come." They declared I thought they would be the same with the others I wipe the tears attempting to stream.

" Thank you everyone for all of your oaths I will not forget even in my next life." I stated honoring them by the 4 Hereans Heirlooms being honored by the Blade on their shoulder, being honored by the Tome by kissing on it, being honored by the Globe holding it, and being honored by the Scept where they make their finger bleed.

" Empress Amaris don't worry we will handle the borders for you." Count Wirxy said the others nods their head.

" Empress Amaris let us handle to the news the will spread outside of the empire." Countess Leax suggested.

" Please you all have the authority." I replied.

" Some of us will confront the other nobles don't worry Emrpress Amaris." Count Sheallx stated.

" I will handle the other societies too Empress Amaris." Countess Therye stated.

" Thank you but please if possible don't hurt anyone." I replied.

" What about the rumors shall I silent them?" Count Zel asked and the others are trying to show their weapons.

" Give me time I will handle it by myself." I answered thank goodness they hide it.

" Take your time Empress Amaris we're loyal to you and only you." Countess Reah declared I was truly glad.

" My people are truly believing on you no matter Empress Amaris." Countess Vyws said I know that and I'm gifted.

" But how are we gonna handle the empire if the others finally return from the wars?" Countess Ymex asked and Count Mixell answered him.

" Let us deal with this first before that and Empress Amaris the people betrayed you. how do you feel?"

" You Idiot why did you ask of course it hurts right Empress Amaris." Count Qien said confronting him.

" I know the people did not truly betray me so please understand them and, If I can make them rise higher than the sky I can make them fall deeper than the abyss, I'm sorry its just I'm tired." I said I was surprise too what I said but they just smiled and laughs.

" Don't worry we will still follow you Empress Amaris." Count Xeho said I thought I slip my tongue perfectly wrong.

" My dear just remember we're here for you Empress Amaris." Countess Pyre said to her side was Count Neo nodding his head.

" The Trideca-County are yours Empress Amaris."

" Thank you everyone please stay here for weeks or months maybe." I'm truly glad for this situation it was like luck on disguise there are truly people who's true to me and on my side.

I can survive this crisis I know that and I will.