
Chapter 055: Relationship Rumors (1)

I almost cleared the rumors about Cathri and the only remaining source is his uncle Lord Hiller Knigean, I'm not the one dealing with him it was Sir. Mylon who wants to handle his uncle I don't know in which way would he choose to just handle his uncle but I know Lady Xialith of Ench Coven would aid him against Lord Hiller, I have something in my mind too for the few weeks how strong Sir. Mylon now? is he stronger than his uncle? or is he at equal footing with his uncle? his uncle is a great political adviser and a strong knight while Sir. Mylon still a rising sword I don't want to compare them but how can Sir. Mylon win against his uncle.

Sir. Mylon Knigean was my father's disciple that's what everyone known he is also the favorite nephew of King Cadma Knigean in matters of strength he was strong enough to be a War Hero and for political matters his close with Cathri the Noble Consort now also my personal knight who belong to the Hexablade of Eclorld, Sir. Mylon is an influential figure too especially to the soldiers and children with dreams of becoming a strong warrior he may have a Herculean body but he have a generous heart being felt by numerous families a reason he grown up without a father & a mother, he was the first person to pledge an oath to me my father didn't recommend him to me or didn't request him for me he was the one who act by his own will I don't know why but I felt he have a big role for me in the future my strongest & my powerful sword in the future Sir. Mylon.


" Mylon your uncle have arrive at the capital." Lady Xialith said holding a staff wearing a dress with robe on purple color.

" Did you prepare the location?" I asked and she gives a confident grin as her answer.

" Then I will go now Xialith, give the others the order." I said holding my long swords grip moves near to dozen of Bronze Crusader waiting together with some Ench Coven witches.

" Just make sure you win Mylon, you know I despise your uncle and I'm helping you cause your Empress Amaris sword." Lady Xialith said making her staff as her ride to the sky.

" I will win at the duel but I need your help to politics, also my uncle would bring dozens or hundred of his knights here don't kill anyone this is just a duel." I turned back and her witches summons their ride a broom, a staff, a carpet, and more.

" I already prepared your political career so focus on your battle." Lady Xialith said before leaving me and my knights its time to deal with Lord Hiller.

" Sir. Mylon, we the strongest 12 Bronze Crusaders are willing to kill if you order us." One of the knights said all of them is confident enough I like it.

" There's no need to kill he's still my uncle and his knights are my people too, but if they killed someone from the Bronze Crusade & Ench Coven you know what to do next." I ordered they nods their head and we moves to our meeting spot.

Our spot is at one of the public square of the capital walking until we reach our numbers are increasing from dozen to almost hundred I already let the Ench Coven evacuate the people during our duel I had the Ench Coven witches stationed at the public square from every corner they'll join if some civilians died by their hands, my uncle Lord Hiller have a order of knights called the ' Morning Cloak ' they're wearing an armor with chainmail together with a cloak on color proportion of desert sand & grizzly brown it was the reserve knights of the 98th Acun Emperor he was bringing hundred of them to the capital but I know my Bronze Crusaders would surpass them, I'm strong and powerful but my uncle is stronger and much powerful than me yet I have my own will to follow and its to aid Empress Amaris until the day his purpose to the world ends.

" Lord Hiller why did you brought hundred of us here at the capital?" one of the Morning Cloak asked to Lord Hiller riding a Trichakllion.

" I need to station all of you to my niece as she is the Noble Consort I will force her to rise to power and replace the empress." Lord Hiller replied riding a Trichakllion with gray skin and brown eyes & hair.

" But Lady Cathrinia & Empress Amaris are best friends what about their relationship?" Lord Hiller looking around the public square where the crowd are decreasing.

" They might be but I will destroy, I can't trust the Hereans especially when Lucian Herean killed the 98th emperor due to Novun Madness fuck that reason and I can't believe the 99th Emperor Cadian Novun sworn brotherhood to his father's murderer." Lord Hiller respond spitting at the ground he wearing a armor, chainmail, a cloak where the Knigean Sigil together with Novun Sigil and Morning Cloak emblem a Sun rising with swords around it.

" Lord Hiller your nephew Sir. Mylon is approaching us." the knights stopped together with the others Lord Hiller goes to the front holding the grip of his basket-hilted sword.

" My nephew Mylon the dog of the empress or the bull of the empress." looking up and down to Sir. Nylon standing on the ground a half meter far away from him.

" My uncle traitor to the people and the serpent to the leaders state your business here." Sir. Mylon stated where one by one the Bronze Crusaders hundred of them all around the public square Lord Hiller notice them.

" I believe the Hereans are the traitors to the leaders and the serpents to the people, also I have a business with my niece the Noble Consort." the crowd was listening to them before their numbers decrease being evacuate then Sir. Mylon pulls out a crystal out of his pocket and a holographic image or a hologram of his cousin Cathri.

" My dear cousin did you request or order Lord Hiller to come and visit you at the capital." looking straight to Lord Hiller eyes with a smirk on his face.

" I didn't maybe uncle was just desiring, I mean wanting to set foot again to the Novun Palace am I right uncle and cut the call immediately I have some other business to do bye." Lady Cathrinia said everyone here hears it clearly thanks to the spell of the Ench Coven witches.

" Now that my cousin said it clear what are your plans here Lord Hiller." holding tightly on his long swords hilt.

" I'm here for the sake of House Novun, and why are your soldiers equals my number and it seems the crowd are evacuated are you challenging me." everyone's pull their swords out and Sir. Mylon summons his Trichakllion.

" As one of the sword of the Hexablade of Eclorld its my duty to secure everyone life and you're threatening people life so I challenge you on a peaceful duel, Lord Hiller." riding his beast back holding his two long swords Lady Xialith and dozens of Ench Coven witches are hiding above, below, and at the corners.

" Sword of a traitor we never defeat me a Sword of a loyalist." coated his sword and his entire body with his gray magical aura same too Sir. Mylon with his hazel magical aura.

" Then let us see who is the true traitor and loyalist here."

Lord Hiller swung his sword and been swung back by Sir. Mylon swords together their beasts bumped at each other sides and the Morning Cloak & Bronze Crusaders clash all of them swings their swords at the sides, stabs their swords at the fronts and at the backs, punch to someone's armor, kick someone's feet, thrust their body to the other, a battle of strength between two sides freely moving at the Public Square.

Sir. Mylon swung & stabs his swords to Lord Hiller moving from the side and jumping from the soldiers around while Lord Hiller was swinging his sword as a counter attack to his nephew bumping his beast to the other then give blow a Sir. Mylon side, even though they're riding a beast their swords meet freely running around their soldiers and bumping at each at each other one sword against two swords their seems tenseful at the ground but.

While riding their Trichakllions both of them continue their clash while going up the sky like it was battlefield for both of them only stepping on the thin air much faster and much chaotic than the ground where they're releasing each other slashes [ Bull Swung ] [ Bear Claw ] a hazel slash & gray slash aura clashing together with [ Bull Shot ] [ Bear Bite ] from their kicks, punches, and stabs it was like explosions a sky where a chaos is known.

" You're strong and powerful Mylon but you still need more time to surpass me, like a century if you can live long." Lord Hiller was like standing on his beast back swinging his sword and releasing a aura kick from his feet being supported by a single hand then ride on its back again facing the other side.

" I'm impress with your horse riding Hiller but Its nothing to brag to me." Sir. Mylon who was like going to the left side then to the right side while clashing and dodging his uncle attack from the start he was not holding any leash from his beast and sliding from its entire body.

" You got your Master horse riding but still not enough to defeat me your not even at Lucian level this is a clear victory to me." swing his sword down to Sir. Mylon who was attempting to slice up at Hiller's beast side.

" I'm not on the level of Sir. Lucian but your not on the level with him too so we're just equal." while running around at the sky below them some are bleeding now and almost being killed but the Ench Coven casted an spell against the Morning Cloaks aiding the Bronze Crusaders this is now a Chaotic Duel to death.

" Your a cheater asking for Xialith aid where is your honor." looking at Xialith riding her staff casting an spell to heal the Bronze Crusaders.

" I'm not a cheater, I'm a schemer and its your soldiers fault I ask for a peaceful duel but they tried to kill some of my soldiers so we're not the one violation." Their beasts was like having a wrestling when they meet front to front while their owners clashing at their sides.

" You can't defeat me like how your father & mothet failed to do." A malicious smirk on his face shoving Sir. Mylon beast with his.

" Yeah this is a deja vu right you ask my patents for a peaceful duel but you turned it to a chaotic duel to death killing your own family disgraceful." with a calm face but putting lot or more pressure to the enemy resulting for some wounds to Hiller & his beast.

" Good this wounds on me will be your last honor your parents are protecting those traitors so its rightful only to kill them."

" Yeah killing your King & Queen who's the traitor now, Lord Hiller."

" Your parents are not worthy to be the King & Queen of House Knigean its only righteous to kill them."

" Killing them while laughing and chopping their body parts into pieces where is your righteousness there you traitor!"

" I did what need to be done."

" Then forgive me for what I did cause its needed to be done."

Clashing for couple of minutes running all over the sky of the Public Square a moment will revenge is waiting to brought to justice Lord Hiller from the other side Sir. Mylon to the other side riding their beasts runs to each other faster, faster, and faster they almost meet Lord Hiller swung his sword but Sir. Mylon slide to the side and push his beast with an Magical Aura Burst he was like falling but slowly until his swords slice two legs of Hiller's beast and release an slash cutting the remaining, Lord Hiller falls to the front from his ride without his beast his falling to the ground but Sir. Mylon was save by his Trichakllion with a bruise on its side without hesitation he goes to his uncle position falling from the sky and swung his swords cutting the head from the neck and destroying the breastplate into pieces and slice him body into two, the Morning Cloak was dying one by one being overwhelmed by hundred of Bronze Crusaders & dozens of Ench Coven Witches no mercy shall be seen for the Morning Cloak was also the accomplices and celebrating the Knigean previous King & Queen.

" You finally killed him good job my nephew." Lady Xialith said with a smile on her face Sir. Mylon landed on the ground patting his Trichakllion and climb down from its back.

" I finally avenge father and mother, are you happy now Auntie Xialith my mother your sister death is finally justified." Sir. Mylon said goes near to Lord Hiller body and Lady Xialith goes to side and cast a spell.

" Not yet I should shred him more than what he did to my sister and my brother-in-law." [ Mourn of Forsaken ] a humanoid figure crying tears and surrounding Hiller's body with its dark violet magic the body was being cut, mince, burn, and Turing into ashes finally revenge had arrived.

" Everything's done I let you handle the consequences Auntie Xialith." Sir Mylon said goes to his Bronze Crusaders still alive some are holding their companions body injured and some are dead the battle ended about half hour the Ench Coven treated the Morning Cloak bodies into every cruel way celebrating their victory a Blood Battle of Kngieans.


A week passed after Sir. Mylon battle against Lord Hiller news spread to the empire it was his decision and I'm not gonna question him, he seems much happier or much active than before did he got what he wanted now.

" Sir. Mylon are you regretting your doings?" I asked I know I'm not gonna question him yet.

" I didn't regret anything I promise I will never regret my doings, I'm not that shameless to regret and ask my relatives for forgiveness or pardon for killing him." Sir. Mylon replied and someone knocks at the door rapidly.

" Come In and immediately state your business." I said and it was a woman butler streaming with sweats holding a letter or a poster.

" Rumors about the Empress and the Emperor have started to spread please look at this Empress Amaris." She place the poster and.

" The Emperor is Homophobic and acting perfectly with his political partner, The Empress."