
Chapter 035: The Warlord of Heroes

" Emperor Armaros another Delvean Army consisting of 5,000 soldiers have been scouted coming to our direction." Prince Dyren reported while Emperor Armaros gazing at a table where a Delvean Map imprinted.

" Prince Dyren how much Delvean soldiers was been sent by their Emperor to grave just for a failed distraction?" Glancing at Prince Dyren who was at the entrance of the tent counting his fingers.

" I believe they already have a total of 30,000 if we add those upcoming Delvean Army and for our side from 25,000 Acun Army to a remaining 20,00 Acun Army if we didn't lose any in this next victory, also its been over a month since we proceed with your plan and only 4 more months we will arrive at the Delvean Capital." Prince Dyren said near at the Emperor side pointing their location to the location of the Delvean Capital.

" Today is Lucifer 03, 815 E.E the seventh month of Eclorst and 2 months have already passed since you came as a substitute for Sir.Lucian Herean." Passing a cup of wine to Prince Dyren and look back at the entrance first if someone can see them drinking.

" Emperor Armaros you're only 13 & 15 yet drinking already before another victorious battle, also cheers for another victory I'm older than you by 2 years only." Drinking the cup the Emperor gave to him and empty it for just seconds wiping his lips puts down the cup at the table while Emperor Armaros do the same but much earlier than him.

" Yet you still agree with me drinking wine at young age and for my belated reply cheer for our another victory now shall bring them to their grave." Pats Prince Dyren shoulder and exit the tent King. Cadma & Lady Cathrinia who was escaping the Emperor sight together with the other commanders with the entire soldiers waiting outside well prepared.

" Emperor Armaros you should invite me your Master with your Glorious toast and not solo it with just the two of you young royals, your cousins, aunties, uncles, even your grandparents here quite disappointed for not inviting any of us." Everyone laughs after King. Cadma words Prince Dyren smirk at him immediately after he left the tent.

" I'm sorry King. Cadma but all old people should not participate on young people celebration." King. Cadma approach him putting his hands on his waist and stare at Prince Dyren with his narrow eyes.

" Because I'm just married and had already children doesn't mean I'm already Old, Prince Dyren I'm still young you know ask my people how young am I." Spreading his arms to the crowd waiting for an answers from his people then the crowd yell his age " King. Cadma is already around 40 & 50!" Prince Dyren laughs so loud when King. Cadma facial expression change like been shock of his people betrayal.

" All of you gonna trained 10 times harder than before you Traitors!!!!!" Emperor Armaros wear his helm and pats King. Cadma's back.

" Master I'm sorry I didn't invited you but we have another victory to claim now before it expire, so shall we claim the victory that our enemies prepare for us my Acun Army." The Acun Army answer him by a cheer so loud that maybe heard or not by the enemies coming another yes from their mouths.

" Emperor Armaros How much Acun Soldiers shall be bring against 5,000 Delvean Army?" Prince Dyren asked holding his scimitars and King. Cadma together everyone glance at the Emperor waiting for an answer.

" 5,000 against 500 that would be enough for another Glorious Victory for our Acun Empire." Emperor Armaros answered everyone was shocked even Lady Cathrinia who was avoiding his sight stare at him.

" My dear Disciple we're fighting 5,000 enemies and you want us to confront it by 10 times lesser than their number, we know that your decision always right and successful but where just clarifying are you sure of this?" King. Cadma asked and Emperor Armaros look around at his surroundings his people was waiting for an absolute answer.

" 500 Great Acun Soldiers would be enough against 5,000 enemies coming Prince Dyren choose the soldiers who will participate." Emperor Armaros commanded Prince Dyren choose the participants in just a short of time.

" 100 Hereans, 100 Novuns, 200 combatants from House Knigean, and 100 mages from House Magean, Emperor Armaros I'm already done choosing 500 Great Acun Soldiers and the enemies we reach us in just 2 hours." 500 people together with King.Cadma, Lady Cathrinia, Prince Dyren, and the Emperor himself gathered the remaining Acun Army left the area after the Emperor order earlier moving to another area at west.

" Where's the enemies position?"Emperor Armors asked.

" At the North direction from us Emperor Armaros what would be our strategy?" King. Cadma riding his Trichakllion moving forward at the side of the Emperor.

" From the North Direction there's an small lake around there about 1 hour moving from here and a rocky land about 30-45 minutes moving." Lady Cathrinia said when the Emperor glance at her she escape his eyes move near at the Knigean combatants.

" Emperor Armaros, 3,000 Elven Cavalries was on the front line and 2,000 Dwarves Archers on the back, we need to handle the archers first but if we fought them at the lake we're disadvantage with the elves at the rocky part the defense of the dwarves will strengthen."

" Prince Dyren lead the Hereans & the Novuns to fly at the sky and handle the archers at the lake, King Cadma and, Lady Cathrinia prepare to confront the cavalries at the rocky area, for the Magean soldiers cast an spell to separate their army into two I will help at casting that spell so please hold the enemy first."

After Emperor Armaros command King. Cadma & Lady Cathrinia together with 200 Knigean Combatants waiting at the Rocky are who reach it by 20 mins only, Prince Dyren with 200 Hereans & Novuns approaching the lake after 50 mins of moving they still have over an hour before the Delvean Army reach the lake, while Emperor Armaros and 100 Mageans mages casting an spell together.

Elven Cavalries riding an magical beast with a body of a reindeer with 6 legs, 4 horns, feathers of birds as their skin, a beak, and tail with a feather on the end called Raveer holding spears with curved edges together with rapiers on their waist wearing an helm with a two horns image like their beast and a front face of a bird wearing an armor covered their bodies together with a robe dyed on blue, dark purplish blue, and violet.

Dwarves Archers holding bows attach to their hands a pair for each of them wearing an chain mails and cape with a golem-like support to their lower body wearing an helm that look like have some scope from all direction those helms can rotate perfectly.

An hour have passed the Acun Army was now observing them above the lake Prince Dyren and his people drop a bottle together with a scrolls inside and when it reach the lake it glow so bright and a gigantic circle dividing into was imprinted to the lake, Emperor Armaros and his people cast a spell connected to those bottles & scrolls when they received the signal a glowing light from their emblems temporarily on their palms their spells was activated 3,000 Elven Cavalries was teleported near at King. Cadma & Lady Cathrinia location and been surprise immediately by them resulting for half of them fall to the glad from their Raveers.

Prince Dyren and his people strike the Dwarves Archers below being distracted by the lights from the water and for Emperor Armaros side they disappear and divided into two Emperor Armaros with 50 Magean mages teleported behind Elven Cavalries mages capable of close & range combat casted their spells continuously for hundreds of enemies falling, 50 Magean mages teleported at the front of those Dwarves Archers summons an army from different magics push the enemies into a single location.

But Dwarves Archers shoots two arrows at the time pointing above and front where the Acun Army located they're battle formations was moving forward & backward with a rotation surrounding thanks to the golem-like armor on their lower bodies and their helms which aid them at finding where the Acun Army from the sky positioned together with their bows which automatically reloading and waiting for them to shot its all thanks for the technology of Delvean Dwarves & the Easterian Dwarven Method.

Elven Cavalries goes at four different ways from the sides riding their Raveers moving faster cause of agitated trait of these magical beasts that result for the Raveers to lost consciousness and being controlled fully by their riders the weapons they hold together the swords and the spears coated by the natural earth magic around together with their own magic some water, some wind, some woods, some leaves, some vines, and more coated their body for defense and speed.

The battle of both sides seems equal and fairly yet chaotic moving faster and faster its just been 10 minutes but the battle seems ending already.

" Emperor Armaros Novun am I too late for our victory?" A man riding a black Pegasus holding a sword coming from where the lake is located a body covered in blood smiling before landing at the ground.

" It took you two months Sir. Lucian Herean our Warlord of Heroes." Sir. Lucian approach the emperor and pats the back of his helm before swinging his sword once only to a dozen of Elven Cavalries a swing gave an arch-shape slash dyed on a Darkness Blood.

" Thank you for waiting for me Emperor Armaros Novun and same to you too Prince Dyren Skyetiello your father was worried fro you." Looking above where Prince Dyren on his [ Twilight Warrior ] form covered in black blood some of his flames are fading.

" I believe my Father would not worry of me cause he knows I'm strong enough to fought an numerous battle, also Thank you for the aid earlier Sir. Lucian Herean we could have lost more than what we had." Prince Dyren and his remaing people strike the Elven Cavalries behind together with the Emperor.

" How is the Dwarves Archers?" Emperor Armaros asked.

" Fuck them they're difficult to handle than I thought we the aid of their machines & their method keeps moving forward, backward then rotate the area I hate their helms where scopes searching for us." Prince Dyren replied.

" I see now shall I receive an aid here?"

" Of course Emperor Armaros Novun now that I'm back let me handle hundreds of them by myself." Sir. Lucian riding his black Pegasus catching at the speed of those Elven Cavalries at the north-west direction swinging his sword to the left, right , and even below his riding skill was unique only him mastered that skill cutting the legs of the beast so there riders will fall surprisingly then he stab them when they face to the ground.

" This my first time seeing & fighting together with you Sir. Lucian Herean, please let me aid you." Prince Dyren kicking the enemies at their chest bringing them down to their rides spinning together with his scimitars then goes up then strike down the enemies feet not like Sir. Lucian way.

" Prince Dyren how hard is their chest your feet seems quite not on a proper looking even its on your current form." Emperor Armaros riding his Sun Lion King and his Phoenix King following Prince Dyren movements he was clashing his swords against the enemies coming from his side and cast spells on the other hand to support their allies [ Flame of Wrath ] [ Lava Howl ] [ Rain of Magma ] [ Thunder Slash ] [ Shards of Light ]

" It was not harder than Sir. Mylon body together it just I'm quite exhausted same us you who was losing your bright than before." Kicking the enemies, Stabs his scimitars, Bursting flames at the enemies sweating a lot as in a lot and his movements are quite sloppy.

" Kids rest for now let me handle the rest just aid our allies and stop exhausting yourselves we're winning now let me met my friend at there together with his daughter good bye both of you." Sir. Lucian moving faster where the other are located leaving a path of impacts where the enemies blow from their standing his swords reaching their backs, fronts, sides, and he was being covered by dark blood more than before.

" Hey I took you so long to come my dearest friend!" King. Cadma yelled pulling his sword stack from three bodies and spits on the ground.

" I'm sorry my friend for my late arrival but let me handle it for now, same to you Lady Cathrinia Knigean!" Lady Cathrinia look at Sir. Lucian and nods her head commanding her remaining people together.

"Now Sir. Lucian may you show the Warlord of Heroes to our fellow living beings soon to die." King. Cadma said moving away from him.

" It's an honor fighting the Delveans to death so please experience my strength." Sir. Lucian said his Black Pegasus flew the sky leaving him from the ground his body, his sword, changing to another form a person with Four Wings dyed on Dark Red a wing that seems made of blades an armor covering his middle to Lower body an emblem of House Herean glowing with its Dark Red color his sword who gets longer for another meter and gets wider for just 10 centimeters where a shadow dyed on Darkness Blood lastly his face where Four horns pointing upward from the side of his head grows, his eyes which was white and red before turns into darkness together with the markings from the edge of his eyes to his cheeks on its Blood Sir. Lucian Herean form

[ Evening Sun ]

" Now Victory is in our hands."

The Battle lasted for 15 minutes only 3,000 death to the Delvean Army and 300 deaths to the Acun Army the one who came victorious was The Acun Army once again The Novun Savoir, The Phoenix Prince of Sky, and The Warlord of Heroes.