
Chapter Eight: A Corner Office Of My Own

 SooYun stood in the center of her flat and looked around. She was actually in another country! She explored her bedroom and went into the bathroom to find it had everything including soap and shampoo waiting for her. She took a quick shower and put on her pajamas. She got into bed and looked over at her phone. She picked it up and set her alarm to go off at 6:00 a.m. Then she opened the text app and typed a message to Professor Jin. She thanked him again and let him know she was happy. SooYun looked at the two names in her conversation threads. Professor Jin was one and the other was Director Jin. Should she send a message to the Director? Would he respond? He really had not been what she was expecting. She sighed in frustration then clucked her tongue at her line of thinking. "I'm probably not what he was expecting either!" SooYun felt like apologizing, but why? She placed the phone back on the charging mat. She curled up under the duvet and smiled. She fell asleep and did not stir until the alarm began to chime.

 She sat up, stretched her arms over her head, and then got up and headed to the bathroom to prepare for the first day of orientation. Mr. Lim had told them during dinner what they would be doing and that they were to assemble in the large conference room before 7:00 a.m., with no excuses. They had a quick tour of the facility and were shown where to meet. 

 She went through her suitcases and found a royal blue thermal under armor set. She would have to layer up until she could buy a heavier coat or jacket. She had decided on a crushed velvet tunic that matched her underarmor and a pair of black jeans. 

 She pulled her hair up in a loose ponytail and applied light makeup. Mascara and a touch of lip stain were all she ever used during work, this was no different. She went downstairs, switched from her house slippers, and pulled on her black high-top sneakers. She had placed her ID tag and lanyard on the hook at the front door. It held a chip that opened the doors of the facility. She checked her face in the mirror took a deep calming breath and headed out. She met Gustav on the walk, and he greeted her with a quick nod. "Good morning!" she said and fell in step beside him. The icy chill hurried her along with him to the side entrance. 

 "Wait up!" 

 Both SooYun and Gustav stopped and turned to look behind them. Warren trotted up feigning exhaustion. He looked smugly triumphant as he nudged SooYun's shoulder. "The doc hooked me up early this morning! I am now the master of my domain!" He glanced up at Gustav, "How you doing, Gus?"

 "Recovering well," he replied.

 SooYun looked at Warren who leaned in conspiratorially to whisper in her ear, "We drank a bit too much Korean beer to celebrate the beginning of our adventure."

 Gustav managed a faint smile, pressed his ID tag to the pad, and held the door open for SooYun and Warren. They walked in. Just inside the entrance was a stack of storage cubes where they were to place their shoes. Felted slippers were waiting for them. SooYun placed her sneakers on the shelf with her name and slid her feet into the white slippers. Gustav and Warren followed suit and they headed up the flight of stairs to the second-floor conference room. When the three of them walked in, Brittany and Mr. Lim were already seated and waiting. There were name tags on the conference table, and they quickly found their spots and sat down. The screen on the wall lit up with the Aquila Studio logo and they all prepared for the arrival of the Director.

 He nodded and greeted them in Korean, then switched to English. "Good morning to you all. Let's begin with the first item of business. In front of you is your contract agreement with Aquila Studios and Production. I suggest you carefully review the details of this contract before you sign it. Should you sign, and breach any part of the contract, you will be dismissed and placed on the first available flight to your country of origin. I will not tolerate disrespect among colleagues, mentors, or anyone in my employ. All grievances will be directed to Mr. Lim, and you will abide by his decisions." 

 "Only one of you currently has a direct-hire employment contract to consider. That is Ms. Shin SooYun. Review your contracts and sign them. Mr. Lim will explain the contents of the box in front of you. You each have been assigned a mentor. They will guide you and counsel you as necessary. Your revisions and continuing work will be reviewed by either Mr. Lim or myself. I have the final review and edit changes. If you disagree with any revision made to your work, you must be prepared to defend your protest and convince me I am in error. I suggest you consider carefully before lodging any such protest. I will not tolerate frivolous challenges. Do you have any questions?"

 SooYun received a hard look from Brittany then she glared at the screen, then down at Mr. Lim. SooYun looked across the table at Warren, he already knew the circumstances of her contract. He met her look, then dropped his gaze to the folder in front of him. She looked down the length of the conference table to the screen. Director Jin's expression was severe, and his black gaze was fierce as ever. He nodded to them, "Mr. Lim will continue with the rest of the orientation." The screen went black, and all eyes turned to Mr. Lim.

 He cleared his throat, adjusted his tie, and tapped the screen of his tablet. "Let's go over the contract agreements, shall we?" 

 "Why is she here if she's not competing?" Brittany asked and looked at SooYun.

 "Ms. Shin is a direct-hire employee." Mr. Lim replied. "But she is still under the same provisions as the three of you. Take a look at your contracts and let me know if you have any questions."

 SooYun flipped open the folder in front of her and everyone followed suit. The contract was specific to the industry. All entrants retained rights, but if they were one of the two entrants selected, and the screenplay was placed into production, the work became the property of the company. The author would be credited and compensated according to the salary scale. If a network or a streaming company picked it up, the author would receive percentage residuals. 

 The entrants were considered temporarily employed by Aquila Studios as screenplay writers. There was a six-week probationary period and at the end of the period, they would continue employment and fulfill the terms of their 6-month contract. Whoever was selected to remain at the end of the competition, their contract would extend for an additional 6 months. If they wished to continue employment, they could renegotiate their contract. For those who were not selected, the contract would end, they would be released, and their flight home would be provided. A pen was in the folder, and Warren signed and dated his contract. He slid it over to Mr. Lim. He leaned back in his chair and looked at the others still reading carefully over their contracts. 

 Brittany flipped over to the signature page and after a moment, she scrawled her name at the bottom, flopped the folder closed, and shoved it across the table to Mr. Lim. Gustav read his contract and considered it thoughtfully then signed it. He rose, stepped behind SooYun, and handed the contract to Lim. 

 Sabra Chandler a.k.a. Shin SooYun read over the direct-hire contract and there was an extra page included as to how she wanted to be credited going forward. Brittany scowled at her, "Sign it already!" she hissed at her.

 SooYun looked up at Brittany her pen poised over the signature line, "You seem to have an issue with me. Why don't you say what's bothering you."

 "Professor Jin arranged all this for you! You always got special attention, it was obvious on the boards that he favored you over the other online students and even those who were in attendance in his lectures," Brittany said. Her voice started calm, but as she continued, it took on a strident tone that SooYun recognized as immature jealousy. 

 There was stunned silence in the room and then SooYun put her pen down and looked over at Mr. Lim, "Sir, could Brittany and I have the room please?"

 Before he could respond, his phone chimed, and he looked down at it where it lay next to the stack of contracts. He picked up his phone and read the text message. He nodded silently and got up, "Gentlemen, let's step outside for a moment." Gustav and Warren hesitated, looking between Brittany and SooYun, and then Mr. Lim motioned them out. They got up and walked out of the conference room with Mr. Lim left to close the door behind them. He glanced at the LED screen, the video link had been closed but the audio feed was still active. The Director was indeed listening.

 Once they were alone, SooYun leaned forward. "Okay, what's bothering you, Brittany."

 Brittany glared down at SooYun, "With you here, I don't stand a chance!"

 "What are you talking about?" SooYun asked. "Your chance? It's the same as the rest of us. Why would you think anything I'd do would somehow steal your chance?"

 "Because you were always the example Professor Jin used when critiquing my work!" Brittany told her angrily, "Look how SooYun transitioned between scenes, Study the way SooYun introduced her B story!"

 SooYun scoffed, "Professor Jin did the same thing with me, Brittany. He wasn't doing anything but offering peer-to-peer examples." 

 Brittany jumped up from her chair, "You were his favorite, and now your Director Jin's favorite!"

 "Professor Jin did not play favorites, Brittany," SooYun told her, "The fact that I was an older and more experienced student may have played a role in how he felt about me. There was more common ground between us, but he never played favorites. But none of that has anything to do with you or your talent and writing abilities. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here! As for Director Jin, he cannot afford to play favorites with anyone in his employ. As a successful businessman in a highly competitive industry, Aquila is his priority. He would never jeopardize that over an employee! I might have been offered a writing position, but if I don't make the cut in the next six to eight months, then it's back to South Carolina for me."

 Brittany sat down in her chair and dropped her head in her hands. "I don't want to go back! I can't go back!"

 "We're all here for different reasons," SooYun said, "I don't know what your reasons are, and I don't want to know. But I do know this: we're here because of our writing abilities, not because we were on friendly terms with Professor Jin or the Director! You came here to prove that you don't need anyone to take care of you! Isn't that why you came? Isn't that why you just signed the contract?"

 Brittany looked up at SooYun through her fingers, "How did you know?"

 SooYun shrugged her shoulders, "I didn't. Listen, I have different provisions in my contract, and they have nothing to do with the contest. But I am bound by the same probationary restrictions as the three of you. If I don't perform, I get sent packing! But you see, for me - I've already won – I'm going to learn, and be challenged, I'll be mentored by professional screenplay writers, I'm going to learn a new culture, taste new foods, and hopefully, learn more Korean along the way. I get to write a screenplay and have the Director of Aquila Studios hone and polish my work. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for me!"

 "What if you don't make it past the probation?" Brittany asked.

 "I'll be disappointed and sad, and I'll probably cry and be angry for a while," SooYun replied. "But it's not the end of the world and I'll go home with no regrets. But I'm going to give this opportunity my best and we'll just have to see what happens. You should do the same, Brittany."

 "How can you be this kind to me," Brittany asked her, "I said terrible things to you."

 "I'm not all that kind," SooYun said, "I'm still pretty pissed at you, but I'll get over it."

 Brittany laughed and nodded to the conference door, "What about them? They hate me."

 "What do you care? You're not here to win any personality contests! But no, they don't hate you," SooYun told her. "They're scared of you."

 "Scared?" Brittany scoffed incredulously, "Warren is mean to me every time we cross paths, and Gustav won't even look me in the eye!"

 "Warren is a pain in the ass – that's part of his charm! Think about it – he's diabetic and a frosted strawberry Poptart is something that he can't have – ever. He calls you Poptart because maybe you're just out of his league and being the jerk he is, he's going to keep poking at you as long as he knows it gets under your skin. As for Gustav, he did offer to switch flats with you, and he lit up when you got moved to the SUV last night."

 Brittany had not considered what SooYun had observed. "And the Director? When he was sick, he just told me to get away from him. But he listened to everything you told him and even let you help him to the car."

 "I can't answer for Director Jin," SooYun said, frowning in thought, "But Mr. Lim did caution us. He was in terrible pain last night and you didn't even consider that. He is the way he is for reasons that are none of our business – we need to respect that and do our job."

 Brittany gave an exasperated sigh and looked over at SooYun with a look that was one of grudging respect. She glanced over at the conference room door, "Should we let them back in?"

 "I think so," SooYun said. "Are we good now?"

 "For now," Brittany told her and even smiled slightly. "I'll go call them back in."

 "You should also apologize to Mr. Lim," SooYun told her then added when Brittany turned to glare at her. She raised her hands in surrender, "That's a suggestion, you decide."

 LiYul sat back in his desk chair. He had listened to the whole conversation and was now even more impressed with SooYun. He picked up his phone and texted to Jae-Ho:

Jae-Ho, when you assign offices, put Ms. Shin in the first office down from yours. She will be Aquila's first senior writer once her probationary period is over. 

 Lim looked down at his phone when it chimed. He nodded. He had already set up SooYun's office down from his anticipating LiYul's request. He slipped his phone into his inside jacket pocket as Brittany pulled open the conference room door, "We're done, please come back in." 

 Warren and Gustav took their seats and Mr. Lim came and sat down at the head of the table. SooYun signed her contract and slid it over to Mr. Lim. He looked at it and nodded, "Let's continue, shall we?"

 They nodded. Mr. Lim indicated the boxes in front of them. "Go ahead and open the boxes." When they did, they each found a smartwatch nestled in padding. "These can be synced to your smartphones if you wish. Each watch has been configured especially for you. I suggest you wear them when you are out and in the office. An account has been established with your first month of salary which you will be paid at the beginning of each month. Be mindful of your expenditures if you overspend, you cannot request loans. There are bonuses and you will be compensated for certain items you buy that are business-related. There is also a location tether programmed into the watch, so we can locate you if you lose your way." 

 "What kind of bonuses are we talking about?" Warren asked.

 "That is at the sole discretion of the Director," Lim replied. 

 Warren had already synced his phone to the watch and glanced over at SooYun, "You need help, Reb?"

 Gustav held out his hand to Brittany, "I can help you if you'd like, Miss Woods."

 Brittany, who had been frowning at the watch for several minutes, looked up sharply at Gustav and saw his wary look, and smiled handing the watch and her phone over to him. "Thank you, Gustav!" 

 Warren caught the look between Brittany and SooYun. "Hey, Reb?"

 SooYun was frowning at her watch, "Maybe…Yes, come show me how to sync it."

 He came over and leaned over her shoulder, "You're nearly there Reb." 

 Lim watched the interaction. It was far too familiar. He knew that LiYul was already uncomfortable with Warren's casual manner with SooYun. SooYun happened to look at Mr. Lim and saw the disapproval on his face. "Warren a little respect for your elders, yeah?" He chuckled but she turned to look at him, her expression gave him immediate pause. He eased away, realizing he had crossed the line.

 "Sorry," He took the phone and the watch and stood up. "You were in the right spot," He went through the last few steps, and her phone, and watch synced. He handed the phone and the watch back. "All done, Reb!"

 SooYun looked up at him, "Thanks," she strapped her watch on her wrist.

 Warren went back to his seat and studied SooYun. She had pulled seniority rank on him. He had crossed the line and she had pushed back. As he was looking at her apologetically, she met his look and gave him a small lopsided smile. He smiled back, feeling forgiven, and turned his attention to Lim as he continued. "You have all been assigned offices. You will work on your projects there. Your flat has connectivity to the server in the facility so you can continue working after hours if you wish. Your laptop is also in your office."

 "How do we get our revisions?" Warren asked.

 "They will be uploaded to the server and placed in your folder," Lim replied. "Your folder will be password protected and only you, the Director, and I will have access."

 "And will we have one-on-one meetings?" Brittany wanted to know. "How will those meetings be conducted?"

 "Only as necessary. If they do occur, they will take place either by video, chat, or both," Lim replied, "It depends on the circumstance."

 Warren glanced at the LED screen. "How often do we have group sessions?" he asked.

 "Every morning," said Mr. Lim, "We will meet every morning at 7:00 a.m. The Director may or may not be present at these group sessions, it depends on his availability that day."

 "When do we meet our mentors?" SooYun wanted to know. The others nodded expectantly at Lim. 

 "I think during lunchtime," Lim replied. "That is a good time to get to know your mentor. I should also mention that our writers downstairs have different schedules unless they're working on a group project. Most of our staff have families and school-age children. The young children come just after 2:00 p.m. and go home with their parents."

 "What age are the children?" SooYun asked. 

 "They range from first grade up to about third grade," Lim said, trying to recall the faces of the children he had seen. "Occasionally there are a few teens, not often. Why do you ask?"

 "Because I need to learn more of the language," SooYun said laughing, "I only have just basic words down. Little children are already learning English and they can teach me Korean."

 "I can help you too, Ms. Shin," Gustav replied, nodding at her, then casting a hopeful look at Brittany, "You too, Miss Woods."

 "You savvy Korean, Gus?" Warren asked throwing a surprised look at Gustav.

 "I speak six languages," Gustav replied. 

 "You've been holding out on me Gus!" Warren declared and frowned at SooYun, "I don't know Reb, I may have to throw you over for Gus here!"

 SooYun rolled her eyes heavenward. "I'll cope!" She nodded to Gustav, "Thanks for the offer, Gustav."

 Lim closed the meeting, and they filed out with Brittany lingering back. "Mr. Lim, a moment, please?"

 Lim turned to Brittany. "Yes, Miss Woods?"

 "I wanted to apologize for my rudeness earlier and for disrupting our group meeting." Brittany even put a quick bow in for good measure. Lim returned the bow, "Thank you, Miss Woods." 

 The assigned offices were all identical to each other. Just across from the conference room was a small sitting area, then Gustav's office, Warren's office was next, and then came Brittany. There was an elevator and a mechanical room. A staircase down to the first floor then Mr. Lim's deluxe corner office suite and a small conference room. Positioned past a small lounge, bathrooms, and sitting area, was another set of offices identical to the others. SooYun was placed in the first office next to the sitting area. She stopped and looked at the plaque on the door, "Shin SooYun" There was a large window with a miniblind that could be closed for privacy or left open to allow light in. She walked in and looked around. It was small and modular, but it would do nicely! In the window with another miniblind that was raised halfway to let the morning sunlight in, was a green plant with a welcome card tucked in the leaves. On the desk were the printed revisions of her first three episodes. She was scared to look, but flipped over the cover sheet and felt the odd sensation of relief at the amount of red ink on the very first page! The green Post-it note that was in the middle of the first page had something written on it, and then below it in English: "A good beginning. Needs tightening up."

 As she was exploring the rest of her new office, Warren rapped his knuckles on the window and poked his head in the door, "Well Reb, I'm glad we're not in competition with each other."

 She was feeling emotional sitting in her office. A new employee in a new career, a new country, and a whole new set of customs and rules to follow. She held up her packet, "Yeah, me too. But I think we all have a ton of work ahead of us!"

 Warren smiled grimly, "Yeah, My three episodes are bleeding red ink!"

 "It stings pretty bad, doesn't it?" SooYun said looking at her episodes. "But that's what I came for."

 Warren smiled and gave her a two-finger salute. "Guess I'll head on back and get to work. See you a lunch, Reb!"

 "See you then!" she called back.