
The Dynamic World

A New Virtual World is combined with the real world, making it an occupation for players to fight for both wealth and riches but not most people like Ron

Danicious_King_ · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Beginning Of A New Virtual Life


Ron attempted multiple times to log out, but to no avail. It was at that moment that he realized he was trapped in the virtual reality game, embodied in his new character.

"Why do unfortunate events always befall me?" Ron pondered, lying on the ground, lost in his thoughts.

A sudden realization struck him. "If I am a non-player character, does that mean I lack any stats or skills that could aid me in surviving?" Ron questioned, his voice filled with uncertainty.

In the vast expanse of The Dynamic World, a virtual reality game, new players materialized in the bustling capital city. Most wasted no time and swiftly joined guilds to register themselves, eager to embark on quests displayed on the Quest board.

Meanwhile, in the Midwest corner of the capital city, other players formed their own groups, preparing to embark on their own adventures.

Ron began to experience the sensations of a living being, feeling hunger, detecting scents, and even possessing enhanced vision to perceive things from a distance.

"I am famished. Who would have thought that I would be trapped in a virtual reality game, experiencing the pangs of hunger like a velociraptor?" Ron mused in his thoughts.

Realizing he had no other choice, Ron resolved to commence his hunt while it was still daylight in this virtual world. He stood up, ready to embark on his quest for sustenance.

As he scoured the forest for something edible, a new adventure group called the Whitestone was nearby, eager to level up and gain new skills by hunting their first prey. Undeterred,

Ron continued his search, eventually stumbling upon a pack of goblins. He carefully camouflaged himself and swiftly took down one of the goblins, but realized he needed to find materials to cook his meal. Meanwhile, the Whitestone group was determined to make their first day in the virtual world an epic one by leveling up as quickly as possible.

In the goblin camp, a sudden realization struck the others as they discovered that one of their own was missing. This prompted them to heighten their alertness, knowing that danger could be lurking nearby. A few keen-eyed goblins noticed the faint footsteps of Ron leading back into the depths of the forest, on the opposite side from where they currently stood.

The goblins, known for their agility and adaptability in this dynamic world, were said to have been programmed with the highest and most balanced stats among all other creature characters. This meant that they possessed the ability to engage in combat on equal footing with any human adventurer.

Driven by concern for their missing comrade, two of the most skilled goblins from the group ventured deep into the forest. After hours of relentless searching, they stumbled upon the lifeless body of their fallen comrade. Bowing down to examine the marks on the deceased goblin, they were caught off guard when Ron, who had cleverly concealed himself amidst the grass of the forest, emerged from behind them. With his body camouflaged, he was prepared to swiftly eliminate the two goblins.