
The Dungeon Monitor

Oh? Another lone wanderer amongst the wastes? Come then friend, sit by the fire and warm thyself. What's that traveller? You ask of my tale? Well, I would not say that my tale is spectacular, but I would recount it to the best of my voice. I served alongside many of my kin, with the insignia of death baring bright menacing on my chestpiece, we were kin in both blood and battle, serving under the banner of a grand lord. He taught us of doubt, of reasoning, of the hatred of the divine. He taught us that should something ever happen to him, that we must not seek what occurred. I jest! He did not speak of the last, he simply groans and lives as he pleases. But he made sure we hated the divine, after all, they birthed us imperfect, but for what reason you ask? I know not myself fellow wanderer, but we banded together under mechanical and physical strength and won! Glorious is it not? Aye, our lord had taught us well, and we shed our roots for the sanctity of greater pastures. He led us, and I don't truly believe that he'd left us, but those are but ramblings of mine friend. Ah, you're leaving so soon? Are you not comforted by the tales and flame? I understand, what was buried should stay buried, but this one was never buried. This tale, is of a master that needed to have flesh, one that both embraced it and chose to it be disgraced. This is the tale, of what he would call himself to be, a "Monitor". ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good day to you all! This is my first book that I've decided to write that isn't a fanfic. Rest assured this is going to be a learning experience for both you and me. I hope you enjoy and I'll be fine with constructive criticism that is valid, if you spam those " good good good good" stuff, I will delete them. This is the second addition to this work. It will be dark, just like TMT, BUT I will not hold back any bars. The deepest and darkest recesses of both yours and my minds will be bare open for keeping this work dark as hell. We will rip asunder a world bit by bit by bit. Perhaps we may even become desensitized to the madness. (A note, I have no fully decided on an upload schedule, and you shouldn't listen to the note on the second chapter(whenever it may come out) and yes, I will somewhat make the chapters longer, but my main focus is my fic for the time being. So yeah) (Newer Note! It's gonna be a weekly upload, so don't worry. Also I don't really have plans for a ko-fi or anything yet, and I will not put this work in a paywall, it doesn't deserve that, it's not exactly great.)

AntiLoliLewding · Fantasie
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44 Chs

Failure of Safety

And thus, began the madness of the poor soul that was otherwise known as the dungeons monitor. And yet within the same realm that he left, the poor Cressentia sighed as she fell to her knees. "Uwwaaah~, I thought I was actually going to die! Why was master so scary when he was younger?" she asked herself as she slapped the cheeks on her face lightly.

(A/N: I had to specify which cheeks since I know for a damn fact that you degenerates would actually think of something fucked up. No horny, only grimdark, well, not really grimdark but still pretty dark.)

'And to think he's as sharp as he always was. Sasuga master!' her thoughts didn't quite align with what her facial expression was, since it was still stricken with a light dash of fear.

'Hmm, I thought I would be able to save master if I were to allow him to think a little easier. But it didn't seem like he was the same. The only thing that master always did was congratulate me for the good and continue to train me in the bad. But there's something different about him right now.' the goddess thought to herself as she now had a more somber tone to her.

'But is this truly right? Is it truly okay for me to change master's future? Will it mean I never get to see him again?' she wondered as she felt a tear down her face. "Haha, I guess it doesn't quite matter anymore. Thank you master, for everything you've given to me." her words rebounded across the strange realm as it was quickly collapsing into itself.

"I hope, that you truly find your peace once this is all over. My emperor." the poor Cressentia, minor Goddess of the Waxing Moon, spoke her last words as she herself went into the grand oblivion.

And when her sprites have finally disintegrated, all her memories truly showed. The grand slaughter of the Dukes of Floughvengard. The chasms of Deltrano as she and her master scoured them for any rate resources that he would have needed. All were laid bare to all and none, as they joined the infinite night sky that surrounded the realm, an allowed themselves to also be destroyed. Thus ends Cressentia, and begins the tale, of our protagonist.






I, I don't know what to feel.

This feeling of being sent to somewhere else entirely.

It's such a strange strange sensation. It's almost as if I was, and yet I wasn't. This is weird, in many ways.

So, I suppose I'll just have to open my eyes, won't I? I guess I just have to.

And so I opened my eyes, and was given the painful jolt of having sunlight straight through them. Oh dear, that's, that's not half bad for a painting, I'll say for sure. Autumn leaves, the occasional rustle of the trees around me, yes, this is someplace else in it's entirety.

Well, looks like I won't be able to finish my sentence anytime soon, considering my current situation. I got up, and noticed that my prison suit was fixed right up, and so were my glasses. 'A solid 60 years of age. Hmm, and I don't feel the same. The aches aren't there anymore. Good, that's less issues to have to deal with. Am I trying to push pst all of the stages of grief by jumping all the way to acceptance? Most likely, but let's handle that later.' those were my thoughts as I knew that I'd have to give myself a good shelter first before I try to go through a mental breakdown.

Well, that's not going to fun when it happens. 'A sixty year old prisoner gets reincarnated into a world where the basic form of society still hasn't been formed yet. I've heard of the ludicrous titles that some of the more eastern works had, but my situation just about sounds right.' I scoffed a little at the thought as I quickly rushed to any of the trees.

These, weren't on any known possible books of botany or even seemingly trees. I'm just joking, they were conifers. How did I know, well, when I was rushing over I stepped on a cone, slid, and accidentally threw my back out.

It hurt, obviously enough, but right now, I needed to get my bearings. So I sucked the pain from having that happen and tried my damnedest to put it back. So, I placed my back on the tree, walked a couple steps forward, and ran backwards into it. You can already get an idea of how much that hurt considering that I was trying not to scream from the pain.

'Mmmm, fuck. Ah yep, that's a right pain in my back. Great, first few minutes into this world and here I am using a tree as a crutch to fix my back. I don't wanna figure out how the hell does my damned power of a One-up even work in the first place, since that requires me to kill myself. And I'm not exactly suicidal, well, at the very least not anymore. God I hated those edgy years of mine.' I thought a little bit as I started to take it a little slow.

There weren't any braches for me to make use of nearby, and that's a bit of an issue. This may seem like a forest that's already fucking empty as hell due to the obvious issue of autumn being here, but the stupid side of me isn't going to be used for now.

I need to not be stupid. It's fine if I'm not that smart, but as long as I'm not stupid, this should all be relatively fine, because I might be able to leave this place with at the very least three limbs.

'Okay, eenie meanie miney moe, fuck this shit, left is where I'll just go.' I groaned a little from my back still hurting like a bitch while I continued onward. There wasn't a whole lot that I could possibly try to do, since I can't hear water nearby, and I don't see any game trails.

Either this place is just that one fores that no creature ever sets foot in, or I might actually be in the land of the dead. So, I stay quiet, and keep walking my merry little ass in the same direction, seeing the occasional fallen tree trunk covered in what looked to be edible mushrooms coming out of them.

I grabbed a handful of them and stuffed them into my pockets that I sewed onto my uniform beforehand. Thank God that the guards and the wardens were fine with me sewing a little. I let them inspect it before I got to use it. Normally there's a lot of shit that I'm not allowed to in prison, but they gave me books and a pair of glasses.

I would've asked for contact lenses, but knowing that they're probably not going to allow me to have a chemical compound in hand, despite it being the fluid to make sure that my eyes don't irritate whenever I slaps one lenses on, well, you already have a decent idea. There's still some scepticism with it, but you get the idea.

And I walked, and walked, and walked a little more until I felt that the direction that I may have chosen might have been a terrible one. Seriously, no game trails, no signs of creeks or brooks or any fucking water. What sort of fucking forest is this to be this annoyingly droll?

It's just the occasional fallen tree stump, sometimes even the odder growths, and what looked to be a cleari- THERE'S A FUCKING CLEARING. I couldn't help it, the pumping in my heart was telling me to both be careful and investigate it as well. But even I knew for a damn fact that there was obviously a huge fucking flag right here. It doesn't quite tick the "death flag" boxes yet, but scepticism anyways.

When I did go into the clearing, all I saw was a strangely placed tree in the middle of the clearing that had a skeleton stuck in it. '...Yeah, this is, obviously not fucking suspicious at all. A tree with a single skeleton that grew into it. Mhm, absolutely not. Fuck this bruv!' my thoughts were simple, get the fuck out of this clearing, and try to actually look for signs of water.

Water means the possibility of a civilization, or a tribe, consideirng the point in time that I'd been thrown into. But as I was about to leave, the ground shook beneath me as I turned around and stared at the tree that had two pairs of light green eyes in it's branches.

'.....Oh shit.' were the words that went through my head as I saw two distinct figures descend from the skeleton tree. And guess what? Blonde, sharp ears, and funniest part? Armed.

Fucking elvish children. They looked at me curiously, trying to probably see if I was edible or not. On my end, I was trying to find a way to not have to get killed by some kids that had crude knives and slings.

Who gave these children slings? I wouldn't know. Why were they looking at me with curiosity? Probably because they might have never seen one of my species before? But they walked over to me, knelt down, and started to speak in a tongue that I didn't quite catch. The tonalities were all over the place, and there wasn't anything that I could use to try and comprehend their words.

Great, elven children bowing to me. I don't know if these are the extremely long living elves that have a literal millennium to live, or if they're the more subtle elves that live for half of that. Either way, I was stuck here, because they were now pointing their weapons at me and dogging me on to go to the skeleton tree.

What in the hell do they want?

1682 words. Hmm, yeah this seems pretty good for me. I'm pretty busy right now, and this seems like a good cliff to throw you all off of. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts