
The Duke's Daughter's Third Life

Aeliana was born into a Duke household as the only daughter and the youngest child, and at the age of four, on her birthday her previous life memories returned after surviving a near-death experience. In her first life, she was a simple office worker and the oldest in her family. In her second life, she had been reincarnated but became a shut-in, never leaving her room unless it was for meals. Yet, she died at the young age of 17, full of regrets. When she opened her eyes, she returned to her four-year-old self. Aeliana, wanting to change her life, decided to go out of her comfort zone, trying to fix her mistakes and regrets made in her second life. And the one regret she had was never growing close to her family, especially her brothers. However... 1st brother; "Get away from me." 2nd brother; "Don't talk or look at me." 3rd brother; "I hate you!!" 4th brother; "...." None of them liked her. Art cover by ahkinie (Instagram) This is my own story! I did not copy from anyone. The characters are my own that I made as well. This book is published on Wattpad & Tapas as well!

notwhippedhours · Fantasie
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38 Chs

Chapter 4

Aeliana shot up, gasping for air. She frenziedly looked around only to realise she was inside her room. She removed the covers and checked her legs. They were intact and wrapped with a bandage. Her arms weren't any different from her legs.

She touched her left eye before touching her head. Everything was fine. She wasn't bleeding out. Aeliana let out a shaky sigh, covering her face with her palms. She's back to the time she first realised she had reincarnated.

She couldn't believe it. Her wish at her final moments came true? Was this a good thing?

After thinking a bit, she nodded her head, 'Yes it's a good thing. I can finally do things differently.'

Thinking a bit more again, a frown rested between her brows, '...reincarnation then regression..'

How was she able to return back in time?

Aeliana sighed again, resting her head back on her pillow, 'Forget it, my head hurts too much to think. Let's go back to sleep.'

Just as she covered herself back, the door swung open and a boy with silver-white hair and pink eyes walked in. She made eye contact with him which lasted for five seconds before he walked out, slamming the door shut.

"What the—"

Before Aeliana could finish her sentence, the door swung open once more but this time it was her father along with the other four brothers and a man in a white-golden coat trailing behind.

"Eli! You finally woke up!" Cassian said, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into a hug.

"How long was I sleeping?"

"Three days." she heard another voice answer her.

She looked to her right where her brothers were standing. The one who spoke was her second brother, Claud who had silver-white hair and blue eyes.

Then the man in the white-golden coat came forward and showed a kind smile at her. Cautious of the stranger, Aeliana tugged on Cassian's sleeve.

"He's a magician, Eli. He's here to check on your injuries."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my lady." the magician said and bowed.

"..Hello.." she responded, still slightly wary. She remembered him as it was the same person that came when she first woke up.

The magician sat down on a chair beside her bed and spoke, "May I look at your arms and legs?"


The magician briefly thanked her and removed the covers. He glanced at her legs and arms, lightly touching them before nodding.

"It looks like everything is alright after the first round of using magic. Her body is healing by itself now so there is no need to worry," he said, allowing Cassian to sigh with relief.

Cassian turned to Aeliana and asked with worried eyes, "Are you still tired? Do you need anything? Daddy will get it for you."

To Cassian, it would be only a few days since he talked to her but for Aeliana it had been years. Aeliana swallowed back the words she initially wanted to say to him and instead showed him a bright smile.

"I'm fine daddy, just a bit tired."

Cassian quickly nodded, "Alright, sleep more I'll wake you up for dinner later."

He placed a kiss on her head before leaving the room.

"Come on boys, let Eli have her rest. We can go play outside."

Thanks to her father, everyone left without putting up a fight. The magician waved goodbye to Aeliana and closed the door shut.

Aeliana buried her face into her pillow. Barely even up for ten minutes and she was already exhausted.

She fell asleep not long later and woke up when her maid, Flora, lightly shook her body.

"My lady, it's time to wake up."

Aeliana groggily opened her eyes, looking straight at Flora.

"What time is it..?"

"It's half past six, my lady. His Grace is waiting for you in the dining room."

"Alright," Aeliana let out a yawn, rubbing her sleepy eyes and was about to leave her bed when she felt her floor growing further away.


"His Grace said to carry you so you won't strain your body."

Aeliana didn't question further and wrapped her arms around Flora. They left her room and reached the dining room not long afterwards. Everyone else had already arrived before her.

Flora placed her down inside her chair which was beside her father's.

"Sorry baby, I couldn't bring you down instead." Cassian apologised.

She looked up at him. If she wanted to change, she should start now.

Aeliana shook her head, reassuring her father, "It's fine daddy. Flora helped me!"

One thing Aeliana regretted was how she never acted like a child ever since she got back her memories.

Cassian smiled, patting her on the head as he spoke, "That's good, I'm happy to see you feeling better."

"Dad, can we eat now? I'm starving." her brother with silver-white hair and blue eyes cut in.

He was the second oldest with a five-year age gap between her and him.

Cassian chuckled and nodded, "Alright Claud, let's have our dinner now."

"Finally!!" Marius cheered before devouring the food on his plate.

"...Marius manners, remember?" Cassian sighed as he looked at his third son.

"Marius here..napkin." the boy who had walked into her room first, spoke and handed a napkin to Marius.

He was her fourth brother and Marius' younger twin brother. His name was Darius and they had a two-year age gap.

"Nobody is going to steal your food, Marius." Claud laughed, shaking his head.

Aeliana quietly ate her food, lost in her thoughts. Even before she got her memories, she already somewhat knew all her brothers hated her. It was more blatantly obvious when they grew older.

'A four-year-old kid already realising that is just sad'

'Too bad I'm that kid. Hah! Sucks to be me'

She felt a stare at her so, she lifted her gaze and locked her gaze with her first brother, the one who had black hair and blue eyes, looking like an exact carbon copy of their father but a younger version.

They had an eight-year age gap with him being twelve.

"..?" she cocked her head to the side, wondering why he was staring at her.

In return, he gave her a cold look before returning back to his food.

Aeliana: "..."

'If you were gonna give me a cold look, why stare at me for so long!?' she yelled in her head whilst she kept a smile on her face.

Dinner ended with everyone except her and her father left in the dining room. Cassian glanced at his daughter.

"Eli," he called out to her.

She looked up at him, waiting for him to continue.

"What you heard from before..it's not true okay? Your brothers really love you." he gently spoke, brushing strands of her hair behind her ear.

Aeliana didn't reply back which made Cassian grow anxious. He was worried if it might affect her deeply and he didn't want that. He wanted her to have a happy childhood and life.

"I know daddy." Aeliana finally spoke, swinging her legs back and forth.

She didn't want to be a burden again.

She had a wide smile on her face as she spoke to him, "Daddy loves me and so do older brothers! Brother Marius was joking around, I know that!"

Cassian heaved a sigh before smiling, "That's right Eli. Marius was only joking so don't listen to those words."

She nodded, "Okay daddy!"

He chuckled, pinching her chubby cheeks filled with baby fat, "My baby is so cute."

Aeliana giggled in response before hugging her father tightly. Cassian looked at his pocket watch before gazing back at her.

"Baby, daddy has to finish up some work first so why don't you head back to your room and get ready to sleep?"

"Okay but you have to carry me back there."

Cassian laughed, nodding. "Of course, come here baby."

He carried her in his arms and walked to where her room was. He placed her down on her bed and kissed her cheek.

"See you tomorrow. Have a good rest and recover well okay?"

Aeliana nodded her head repeatedly and with a serious face she answered, "Yes daddy."

He waved and left her room, shutting the door closed. Aeliana's bright innocent smile faded away once she was alone.

She knew her father would worry more if she didn't pretend she thought Marius was just joking. It was evident how much those brothers despised her.

Aeliana heaved a sigh, grabbed the teddy bear she had gotten ever since she could remember and hugged it tightly. Aeliana was also partially to blame for their unstable relationship.

Although she wished her brothers would come to like her, she never did anything for it. Never trying. And when they grew older, there was just never a chance to try fixing. She too was caught up in her stupid actions and thoughts.

Aeliana, thanks to her memories, knew they were just kids who aren't able to move on from their mother's death even as they grew up. Aeliana knew what they were going through. She went through that process as well.

'But blaming it on a four-year-old isn't the right way'

Staring at her bear, she played with its stubby arms. She decided she should try getting to know her brothers and become close in the process. Something she had never done previously. She was close to her siblings in her past life so she would like to be close to her brothers as well. For her, the best way to move on was by being together with people you cherish.

She squeezed the paws and nodded with resolution. Snuggling with her bear, she fell asleep, not noticing the door to her room slowly opening. Two figures loomed over her, casting a soft shadow.