
The Duke's Daughter's Third Life

Aeliana was born into a Duke household as the only daughter and the youngest child, and at the age of four, on her birthday her previous life memories returned after surviving a near-death experience. In her first life, she was a simple office worker and the oldest in her family. In her second life, she had been reincarnated but became a shut-in, never leaving her room unless it was for meals. Yet, she died at the young age of 17, full of regrets. When she opened her eyes, she returned to her four-year-old self. Aeliana, wanting to change her life, decided to go out of her comfort zone, trying to fix her mistakes and regrets made in her second life. And the one regret she had was never growing close to her family, especially her brothers. However... 1st brother; "Get away from me." 2nd brother; "Don't talk or look at me." 3rd brother; "I hate you!!" 4th brother; "...." None of them liked her. Art cover by ahkinie (Instagram) This is my own story! I did not copy from anyone. The characters are my own that I made as well. This book is published on Wattpad & Tapas as well!

notwhippedhours · Fantasie
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38 Chs

Chapter 22

Aeliana stood at the entrance to her father's office room. Her father looked as if his soul had flown out of his body. She wondered if she should have at least consulted him before chopping half of her hair off.

This all happened when she finished her test with flying colours. Madam had given her extra harder questions and tasks but she succeeded in passing them. Her curtsy and manners were up to her standards as well.

Once the test was over, Madam even said; "I'm quite surprised at how fast you are able to learn almost everything, especially at this age. It is quite a breeze teaching you, Aeliana."

Aeliana smiled in response and replied; "That is because I had the perfect teacher teaching me. Without Madam, I wouldn't have been able to learn this much."

"My, you are quite good at complimenting aren't you? Such a young age yet such an excellent student."

After Madam had dismissed her for the day, she went back to her room and called for Flora. Unable to hide her excitement, as soon as Flora came into her room, she asked her to cut her hair off.

Of course, Flora hesitated but wasn't able to resist Aeliana's puppy eyes and did what she requested. Aeliana now had short hair instead of long, reaching just a bit above her shoulders. She still had bangs as she still liked them.

Back to the present moment, Aeliana was now sitting on the couch in her father's office with a cookie in her hand.

Cassian regained his footing and told her to come inside to talk. As the maids placed some refreshments on the coffee table and left as Cassian had ordered, he looked at Aeliana with a piercing stare.

Aeliana could tell her father was trying to sort out his mind before speaking up about the situation. She simply smiled at her father and ate the cookies, and drank some milk.

"Eli I..." Cassian started but instantly was lost for words.

"Daddy does it not look good?" she questioned as she held the cup of milk in her hands.

"No it looks good!" Cassian hurriedly said but sighed afterwards and glanced away.

"But why did you suddenly cut it, Eli?" he asked as he looked at his daughter.

Aeliana lightly swung her stubby legs and said, "Because I felt like it."

Cassian blinked in astonishment before he began to laugh. He continued to laugh until his stomach hurt.

He wiped a tear from laughing and said in a gentle voice, "Do you like your short hair, Eli?"

"Yes daddy! I like it a lot!"

Cassian leaned forward and placed his hand on top of her head, stroking it softly.

"That's all that matters. I think short hair suits you too baby, I'll always support what you do, okay?"

Cassian's words reminded her of her father in her first life. Her father used to be strict yet caring, always supporting her and doing what she desired to do. The resemblance between her two fathers brought her close to tears.

She quickly shook away the thoughts and smiled happily, "Thank you daddy..!"

"Ahem!" a low-pitched voice was heard.

Cassian and Aeliana looked in the direction of the voice. It was Cassian's secretary, Oliver. He had straight short brown hair and dark green round eyes.

"My apologies for interrupting your time with your daughter, Your Grace however there are some documents that must be looked at and signed by today," Oliver spoke in a polite yet firm tone.

"Oh..yes that's right." Cassian muttered and glanced at the large pile of documents on the table.

He turned back to Aeliana and sighed. He pulled her into a short hug before getting up from the couch.

"I'm sorry Eli but I have to return to my work now.." he said with a sad expression on his face.

Aeliana could clearly tell he didn't want to continue working. She laughed at her father before nodding.

"Alright daddy, I'll be going first then. See you at dinner later!!"

"Yes of course my baby, I'll see you at dinner." He smiled before looking at the documents with disdain.

"My lady, I will escort you out," Oliver spoke and bowed.

Aeliana lightly smiled and nodded, "Thank you, sir Oliver."

As the two walked out of the office, closing the door behind them, Oliver began speaking; "Your Grace is always happy every time you visit, my lady."

"Really? I'm glad that he likes my visits."

Oliver chuckled and added, "Of course, he loves when you and your older brothers visit him. He gets to ignore his duties for a while."

Aeliana laughed at his words, "Sir Oliver must have been with daddy for a long time."

"Yes, I have been by your father's side since before he and the duchess wed."

"That's a very long time!!" she gasped in shock, not expecting Oliver to be working with her father for that long.

"Sir Oliver, are you married?" Aeliana asked out of curiosity.

Oliver laughed at her straightforward question and nodded, "Yes, I have been happily married for almost five years. I have a child your age as well, my lady."


"Yes, I'm sure you will see her at your tea party next week."

"I'm excited to meet her!" Aeliana smiled brightly.

'The tea party really is a great chance to make friends!' she thought to herself, getting excited about the party held next week.

She continued chatting with Oliver until he had to excuse himself to continue working for the day.

"Your father might get upset if he sees that I'm spending so much time with you."

That was the last thing Oliver had said before laughing lightly and heading back to the office.

Aeliana didn't want to return to her room just yet so she headed to the library instead. Her shoes clacked against the hallways with soft thuds as she made her way to her destination. While she walked, she had come across the maids and servants who greeted her with a smile before complimenting her new hair.

"My lady you look cute in your new hairstyle!"

"Indeed! This new hair look suits you well!!"

"Anything lady does, she will still look the cutest!"

Aeliana wasn't used to the praises and compliments she was getting so her ears were tinted red as she muttered a soft thank you. The maids and servants didn't seem to mind and found it cute instead, putting a smile on their faces.

When Aeliana reached the library, she slowly opened the doors. Loran, who was sorting out some books glanced in her direction and greeted her.

"Welcome back, Lady Aeliana. Back to read more books?"

Aeliana nodded to his question before heading over to a section she had in mind. She looked around the shelves and finally came across a book that caught her eye. Grabbing the book, she headed to the back of the library instead of the front where she usually sat down to read.

She remembered that Loran once mentioned how the seats at the back of the library may not be as comfy as the front but the view was more stunning.

As she came closer, she heard some voices and muffles.