

A long time ago, there were four powerful werewolf kingdoms in Europe. The Arcas from the North, the Sarca from the South, the Esca from the East, and the Wesca from the West of Europe King Dominic was a stubborn King Alpha who ruled the entire kingdom in Europe named the Arcas Kingdom and conquered the other kingdoms he wanted by any means. He fought with his might, together with his warriors, and became the strongest in the nation. But the goddess of hope didn't take sides with the heartless King Alpha and his drastic regime. When the Arcas Kingdom took the battle with the last kingdom named Esca in the east, a powerful Goddess of Hope cursed the entire warriors, including King Alpha. Dominic hides his identity from the mortals, lives in a secluded place in Alaska where no one would know about him, and changes his name to Neeco Taylor, but he has no kingdom. And every time he felt guilty, he drank until he became exhausted. Until he met the woman who would change his worthless life, Zarina was an urban woman who came from the city of New York. She lived and worked alone at her famous wine bar in the city until her parents went to her place to tell her something unpleasant. Her pack was different from the other mortals around, but she didn’t embrace it as part of a change. Zarina was the last in the bloodline of the Esca Hybrid Clan and the child in the Esca prophecy who would lead their entire pack to find peace and hope and return the honor of their kingdom for the last two thousand years. She also has the greatest blessing of the Goddess of Hope to maintain peace and harmony in the future. Her parents told her that the new King of Sarca, a kingdom in the South, dispersed his evilness and conquered the other clans, kingdoms, and profiles of werewolves who became slaves or slaughtered. Her parents told her that she must preside over her throne as the new Queen of Esca and protect her kingdom. But how would she do that if she’s no match for the ruthless King of Sarca? But how's it possible if she’s no match for the ruthless King of Sarca? What if she needs the help of the Legend of a Drunkard Alpha and falls in love with him?

Magzz23 · Fantasie
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Two thousand years ago, even before modern generations of werewolf races emerged, four kingdoms were ruled by different werewolf Alpha and vying for territories. The Arcas from the North, the Sarca from the South, the Esca from the East, and the Wesca from the West Europe King Dominic is a stubborn King Alpha who ruled the entire kingdom in Europe named the Arcas Kingdom and conquered the other kingdoms he wanted by any force. He fought with his might with his warriors and became the strongest in the nation.

Blood, violence, and various inhumane acts were shed by the king's subjects just for his ambition to conquer and rule their race. It doesn't matter if he can run over those on the fringes of the area they occupy.

"Long live the King! Long live the King! " The warriors shouted in fierceness as they fought for the last kingdom to overthrow it, named the Esca Kingdom of East.

"If you do not kneel before me and enslave to my power, kill everyone! "King Dominic shouted grimly.

His warrior pack screamed again in fierceness, and some other warriors were growling in the middle of the blood moon eclipse. These warriors are the kind of shape-shifters werewolves that are quite ferocious while showing their real form. These are large werewolves' kind with long claws, furry, sharp eye sense, and most of all, their large fangs. Some of them were werewolf races of Lycans who had conquered and had already joined their forces.

While there's turmoil outside of the Esca Kingdom, there are two women in white dresses along with a young girl. The girl's face showed fear because she knew what was going on around her.

"Imari, you take care of the princess. I will take you to the present era, where you can hide the princess from the cruelty of the king of the Arcasians. Use the magic that you learned from me," Queen Esca said to Imari.

"My Queen, I am not a well-trained sorceress of Esca Kingdom, but I will try my best to protect the princess." Imari took her gaze to the young princess.

Princess Eliana approached the queen and embraced her. "Mom! I'm afraid! "

"Eliana." The Queen tightly embraced her daughter. "You have to be brave and remember all the things I have thought for you."

"I will." The ten-year-old princess parted herself from embracing the queen and went to Imari's side.

"I will cast a spell to divert both of you to the nearest future." She raised both her hands.

The queen's two hands shone in incomparable white power, along with a circular symbol surrounding the two, Imari and the young princess. This white power covered the queen's whole being, along with her sight, which resembled a golden wolf's eyes. The queen and her domains are the packs of werewolf shape-shifters endowed by the Goddess of Hope with magic that is used only for their well-being and to keep peace in their realm. But the power of the Arcasian King, King Dominic, has been too great; that's why she needs to bring her daughter Eliana to the future world.

"Daiverto Vanishio, El Novae Terrae! Daiverto Vanishio, El Novae Terrae! (Divert and vanish into the New World!"

A large white light covered the entire place until Imari and Princess Eliana disappeared. It was a hard decision by the queen, but she had to do it before their race was extinct while her tears welled up in her face. She must go and fight for what is right. Until the destruction of the kingdom of Esca continued, and it was the moment that Queen Esca confronted King Dominic.

Curse you as one of the races of wolves in our generation, King Dominic! "The queen clenched her fist as she faced the terror and heartless king.

"I will conquer this world together with your race and the powers that you have right now, my dear Queen Esca." He showed his fearless emotions to the queen.

"You will never be the King of all kingdoms! "Queen Esca showed her real form as a shape-shifting white wolf.

"That's my queen! "King Dominic transforms himself into a white Lycan wolf.

As the red moon showed its beast form, the two powerful shape-shifting wolves fought each other using their abilities. The cold wind and the thick white snow around seem to be covered by the blood of all the defeated werewolves in both packs. As the queen sees this in her fight with the king, she wants nothing more than peace and to be able to defend her race.

King Dominic, on the other hand, will not be defeated by the ability he has; he will only get the success he desires. He used his fastest moves and his sharp claws to defeat the queen. They both jumped into the trees, ran to the thick snow, and collided with each other. Their sharp fangs showed their prowess and anger while using their claws to lay it on their pelt. But King Dominic was so strong that the queen flew away with just one blow of his claws. It rolled in the thick snow until its body was caught in the protruding wood.

The queen howls as she feels the pain in her back and the wound on her flank. She gasped until it gradually transformed into a human being. She was gently held on the scratched side, and blood flowed. King Dominic gradually approached her in conjunction with his transformation into a human.

"Surrender your kingdom and kneel before me. You will remain alive with the others. Well, if they are still alive." He smiled, which shows his triumph.

She was trying to keep herself calm. "I will not surrender to you my kingdom and my pack. I will destroy you and your entire kingdom into your nightmare chaos," she emphatically said to the ruthless king. She holds her blue sapphire necklace. "You will regret this moment as I put you under a deep curse! I am Esca Hope, Queen of the Esca Kingdom. I summoned the Goddess of Hope to curse the wicked king! "She shouted.

The sky opened with a large white light that hit directly where Queen Esca and King Dominic were. King Dominic's face showed shock, and then he backed away when he saw a mysterious woman in the sky. It was the goddess of hope, Hazna. She has long white hair, a long white dress, and a magical long scepter with a sapphire stone at its end.

"You are the ruthless, wicked, and territorial king of all shapeshifter Lycan wolves in this era, King Dominic," in her echoed, beautiful voice. "I will put you on your last journey as I bury your entire kingdom in a deep curse. From this day on, I'll disrupt your hegemony realm. The entire Arcas Kingdom was buried in snow, and the King would pay for his transgression. The King Alpha will live eternally alone and suffer the deep sorrow of his kingdoms having fallen from impetuosity until the present day! Until he accepts his woes and delinquency and helps to bring peace in the future with the last queen of Esca! And the worst thing is, you will no longer use your magical dark power but an ordinary shapeshifter! " 

"The goddess raised her magical long scepter to the king, and the blue light from it dispersed.

"No!! "The king shouted as he turned into a wolf again and growled.

But then again, it was too late to realize that King Dominic was under the curse spell of the Goddess of Hope and the end of his reign and realm. The entire world of the shape-shifter pack vanished as Queen Esca died. The Goddess of Hope makes a new world for the four kingdoms, but the name remains with the new generations of the pack, and she sets her rules to maintain the peace of every pack shapeshifter.