
The Drug Dealer Ended Up Going To Another World

Chris the the drop out that ended up dealing drugs in the city of Detroit as did to much drug dealing the cops tried to arrest him he suddenly vanished through thin air as Chris began to open his eyes it was clear to him that he was transported to another world how will make living the only skill he has right now drug creation he will end up using only to make a living but what will be the price at the cost blood, violence , and crime

Jonathan_Bencomo_2348 · Aktion
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17 Chs

Chapter 13 prostitute part 2

As Chris and Alice partnerships had been built cocaine is now being distributed around the lower district of the capital but for Chris its not enough the will need the prostitutes

Few days have past and business have been very well towards for the both of them

Chris comes in the brothel and the girls seem very energetic

Male customer 1 : ahahahaha!

Male customer 2 : (long Sniff)

Prostitute 1 : oh what cute man ! , come on I'll show you a good time

Chris : this is great

Bouncer 1 : hello sir great to see you again

Chris : oh it's great to see you to my friend

Bouncer 1 : the boss it up stairs she's waiting to tell you good news

Chris : thanks men

As he goes up the stairs and heads to the office

(Step , step , step , step)

(Knock , knock , knock)

As the door opens

Bouncer 2 : sir please come in

Chris (thinking) : ever since I made a deal with Alice everyone in the brothel started being all nice which I kinda like it

Chris put on a cheerful face

Chris : Alice ! …how are you ?

Alice : everything has been very wonderful since you've have supplying us with this wonderful cocaine !

Chris sits down and ask how much

Chris : okay how much did we made ?

Alice : in the past five days we made about five thousand, eight hundred and fifty gold coins

Chris : great…..

As Chris wasn't exactly pleased by the amount not the numbers he was looking forward to

Alice : why do you sound unpleased by this this is worth a lot

Chris : yes to you it's a lot , but to me it's not enough

Alice : what can I do right now the drugs are being shipped to the next town and the rest are scheduled else in the continents

Chris : then we improvise on making more money

Alice : okay tell me about you suggestions?

Chris begins to think how to improve the business speed

Chris (thinking) : how the hell am I supposed to make as much , the slums are piss poor but on the other hand the upper district could be good

Chris (thinking) : no then the royal guards will notice people in the slums trying to enter the upper district

Chris (thinking) : shit ...,…!

And finally he thinks of an idea that would be great for business

Chris : Alice I came up with an idea

Alice : okay I'm listening

Chris makes a bunch of suggestions

Chris : do you know girls in the upper district that works in a make up shop ?

Alice : yes I know a few what of it ?

Chris : what if we replace the white powder make up with cocaine that way none of the guards will begin to suspect from honest people right

Alice …..

Alice : that could work !

Chris : and not only that kids that will do anything for money and deliver package in mails and baskets

Alice : oh that's perfect !

Chris : also Alice is their any connections with royal guards that more willing to help us ?

Alice tells Chris about one of the corrupt high ranking officers

Alice : there's paladin Jean , captain zack and captain Quinn

Chris : good right now we need them to have our back and to securely transported the drugs inside and outside of the capital

Chris : Alice and give them the percentage of the profits we get from it

Chris : and that way everyone one of us gets paid richer

Alice : honest Chris that is the greatest plan you had said okay I'll get the arrangements and deals !

Chris : great I am looking forward to our business Alice

As both of them Shook hands


Upper district

Make up shop

Female shop owner : Alice we have been friends for such a long , but now you want to have shop with his drugs ?

Alice : I know it sounds a lot but here us out he's more then willing give you more gold and coppers

Female shop owner : and how do I know he want lie about it

Chris says something

Chris : I know you do not trust a man such as me but I assure you it is no lie about the gold

Chris : and believe me when I say it I man of my word

Female shop owner : ....okay , but what's if the royal guards -

Alice : you don't have to worry we'll protect you and your family

As the shop owner was hesitant but right now she has to trust Alice and Chris

Female shop owner : ok I'll trust both of you

Military police barracks

Interrogation room

Paladin Jeen : boy do you trying to bribe an official officer is punishable by imprisonment

Chris : I am fully aware of your position and my mine but I'm bribing let's just say it's to support your troops and gear they need right?

Captain Quinn : hmm please continue

Chris : I notice that the military police her are lacking equipment and getting little food

Chris : and your guys soldiers could get new gear also and better food

Captain zack : and why we should believe a blood sucker like you

As Chris shown a very serious look a look that had killing attention

Chris : because this blood sucker can be very violent….and I advise you to calm down

Captain zack gotten angry

Captain zack : someone like you should know his place !!

Alice : wait!

As he begins to unsheathed his sword ,mercy appears behind the captain right now she had a NRS-2 knife by his throat

Mercy : you dare try to assault my love huh?

As she was furious with zack and him terrified

Chris (whisper) : holy shit she can be scary

Chris gave the signal to stand down

She sheathedher knife

Captain zack : I …must apologize for my arrogance

Chris continues

Chris : what I'm making will make everyone muc much rich

Chris : and people in the slums will adore you guys as saviors of the common people

Chris : and in return you must let us know what the knight are doing and what's going and includes the hero's party

Chris : lastly free passage through the checkpoints and gates

Paladin jean takes the offer

Paladin jean : then by the knight and Paladin we offer you our services

Chris (thinking) : perfect we'll get more then what we had

End next chapter