
The Drug Dealer Ended Up Going To Another World

Chris the the drop out that ended up dealing drugs in the city of Detroit as did to much drug dealing the cops tried to arrest him he suddenly vanished through thin air as Chris began to open his eyes it was clear to him that he was transported to another world how will make living the only skill he has right now drug creation he will end up using only to make a living but what will be the price at the cost blood, violence , and crime

Jonathan_Bencomo_2348 · Aktion
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17 Chs

Chapter 10 Raiding mine part 1

As Chris gotten what he truly wanted more recruits that were once slaves , but now they have new purpose becoming his soldiers and right now Chris attends to raid resources to improve weapon quality


Former slaves now soldiers are on mandatory training

Chris : you tiger girl keep up with hand to hand combat !

Nina : it's not tiger girl it's Nina !

(Fwoosh , Fwoosh)

Chris : good work evading her attack myu

Myu : I was former martial artist!


Myu landed a strike on Nina stomach and another one at her chest


Nina : gaah!



Myu had a knife at her neck as sign of defeat

Chris : myu is consider the Victor and earns the rank as sergeant and Nina you'll follow her commands

Chris : I don't care if she's rabbit race you'll respect those with ranks and achievements

Nina : tck! …understood

Myu : yay!

Myu was declared a winner for the promotion and new he's given her a patch

Chris : for you successionyou have been promoted to sergeant of first military branch

Myu : yeah!

As she was excited about

Chris : go train your troops outside they need to improve stamina and agility

Myu : yes!

Myu : come on everyone

Everyone : yes ma'am

Chris : Jane I have to go to the capital I need to scout some info at the guild

Jane : okay but please bring some alcohol

Chris : yeah sure


Chris : see ya

Chris leaves the base and head to the capital slums to see how everything is progressing at the bar

Potato pub

Male bartender : we need that food quick couple people getting impatient!

Male cook 1 : roger

Male bartender : okay please bring the beers and appetizers to those guy girls!

Female waitresses : okay !

Chris : holy shit this place is even busy then before aye !

Male bartender : manager ! Ohhh!

As he quickly ran a bit to hug Chris


Male bartender: it's been such a long time sir

Chris : it's great to see you to men , so how's everything here

Male bartender : oh everything is even better we got even more people for work and sales up to one thousand gold

Male bartender : two thousand silvers and five thousand coppers

Chris : holy shit ..your even doing better without me man and you know what how about I give a promotion

Male bartender : you serious!!?

Chris : I am giving you my place as manager now !

Male bartender : oh dear it finally happened yes!!

The bartender was very excited to hear that he was promoted to manager of the tavern but chris asked him his name

Chris : by the way I never asked what your name ? I never asked when we met

Jimmy : yeah it's jimmy

Chris : ...…

Chris (thinking) : this dumb shit name is jimmy?

Jimmy asked what's wrong

Jimmy : ummm…what's wrong??

Chris : nothing jimmy I was thinking about something …but I gotta go adventuring

Jimmy : don't worry I'll get everything here for ya !

Chris : that's my guy !

Chris : anyways bye

Chris whispers something harsh

Chris (whisper) : dumb shit

Chris makes his way unto the guild disguised is some mage with another fake silver rank

Female knight 1 : a bandit quest huh ? Let's see

Male archer 1 : it says bandits are occupying the area at the mines around north east

Female priestess 1 : a mithral mine in the hands of bandits is dangerous

Chris goes outside around the alleyway to give out information to base as he used aTCA/PRC-152A MBITR Multiband Radio 5W UHF VHF Walkie Talkie Aluminum Shell



Chris : jules


Jules : hear ya boss

Chris : I need fifteen people to the north east their is a mithral mine on horse back immediately nothing else and make sure no one see you

Jules : understood rolling out now to the location

Chris hides the radio and goes back to the guild

Chris : hi ..um you guys need a mage ?

Female knight 1 : yes we do thank you

Chris : it'll be great working with you all !!

Though one happens to be a gold rank and had some suspicion on Chris

Female assassin : hold on I'll go with you to

Chris (thinkin) : fuck !! , this might be a problem for me !

As they set onto they're journey to mithral their was at least now ten adventures that he's traveling with

(Step , step , step , step)

Chris : .....

Chris (thinking) : we've been walking for a while she hasn't bothered to question me

Chris (thinking) : she's playing this smart well to bad I ain't just gonna die in a fucking mine

Chris asked the adventure with a gold rank name

Chris : hi umm my name Nat …what's your yours

Mercy : …..mercy

Chris (thinking) : why the fuck !-

Chris (thinking) : why is her name mercy!!?

Chris (thinking) : she is so much goddamn creepy!

Chris : ....um…..cool man um..I'm Chris

Chris : so what makes you wanna join this job with us surly you have a reason , right?

Mercy : well the reason why is I need money and I haven't eaten for two days

Chris :oh….

Chris (thinking) : why is it that theirs something about her that is not right?

Chris (thinking) : and again she's suspicious of me I have to keep my eye on her

as they finally reached to the mines some bandits were stationed outside of area

Mercy : theirs one , two , three , three bandits

Female knight : let's go in and charge!-

Mercy stopped her

Mercy : you can't just rush in like that remember they are still dangerous and we need to be quiet on this one if we are to succeed

Mercy : i will take care of the bandits

As she vanished in thin air

Chris (thinking) : I think we might have major problem with this one

Bandit 1 …

Bandit 2 : ….


Bandit 3 : huh?

(Mutiple slash)

Female priestess : amazing!

Male archer : with her on our team we'll get paid

Chris Squint his eye sight and saw her level cap

Mercy level 67

Chris (thinking) : fuck !….shit!

Chris (thinking) : how in the actual fuck I'm supposed to kill her?!

As Chris conflicted with himself with situation how is he gonna deal with somebody with high level

End next chapter