
Second Wish Fulfilled

They walked for fifteen minutes from the manor towards the crypt in which Olgierd's brother was buried in as they descended some stairs arriving at the family crypt.

"Which of those graves belongs to your brother. I don't want to disturb every last member of your dead family," says Vincent as Olgierd walked toward one of the graves and points at it.

"This is the grave of my brother. Good luck in fulfilling that wish," says Olgierd with a smile thinking that Vincent wasn't able to this wish.

Vincent walked forward and touched the coffin made of stone as he performs a little ritual before walker back to Olgierd while shouting, "I summon you to appear in front of us, Vlodimir von Everec."

They waited for a bit but nothing happened and Olgierd says with a smile, "It seems you won't be able to fulfill my wish."

Then Vincent began to smile as he was feeling something approach them that couldn't be seen when Vincent commanded, "Show yourself to us!"

Then a ghost slowly took a human form and Olgierd saw his brother standing in front of him when Vincent suddenly used a spell against the ghost making the ghost fall into an illusion.

"What are you doing!?" asks Olgierd angrily as he didn't know what Vincent did.

"I put him under an illusion in which he will have the time of his life," says Vincent as the ghost didn't even realize that they are there.

The ghost was so absorbed in the illusion that he took his astral pant of making Vincent smile while saying, "I should have known that he wanted the pleasure of a woman. There are so many things that are better but all mortals fall into this trap of carnage lust."

"What would be the time of your life?" asks Olgierd hearing Vincent as he was curious about Vincent.

"Spend time with my full family. We all are separated for a long time now," says Vincent with a sad glint in his eyes when the ghost disappears and he continues while saying, "It seems that the second task is over."

"What do you mean?" asks Olgierd confused as Vincent smiles.

"Your brother returned to the world of the dead after having the time of his life. This completed your second wish and my second task. You can't blame me for your brother's carnage desire. I gave him what he wanted the most that fulfilled the wish. Now the last wish was a damn house," says Vincent as he turned to the stairs to go up.

"It seems I underestimate O'Dimm or better said you. Who are you really?" asks Olgierd looking at Vincent's back.

"I am a man that is at the border between becoming a god and staying a mortal. I am trying to stay as long as possible with my family before I ascend to divinity and become the tenth divine from the pantheon from the world I once ruled," says Vincent as Olgierd suddenly felt the pressure Vincent was sheltering.

Olgierd was on his knees as his hands were against the ground. He was trying to at least keep his upper body over the ground when Vincent put his hand on Olgierd's shoulder.

"You aren't the only person sheltering a burden. Everyone shelters his own burden. Some are big and some are small but don't think that you are the only one that has a miserable life," says Vincent before removing the pressure.

He left the family crypt giving Olgierd some time to think about what he said when O'Dimm appears beside him and says, "It seems you already finished two of your tasks without needing my help at all."

"The wishes are easy to fulfill because it is me fulfilling them. Any other person would have needed a miracle to solve those wishes. Where can I find the house by the way?" says Vincent as he only needed help with the simplest wish that Olgierd has.

"It is in Oxenfurt. Here is your invitation to an event that will get you near the said house. It is in a safe that you should be able to crack easily," says O'Dimm giving Vincent an invitation to an auction.

"I will just have to produce some gold and everything should be dealt with without having to spill blood," says Vincent as he took some Iron Bars out of his bag before turning them into Gold Bars.

"This should be enough to buy it don't you think so?" asks Vincent being sure that this much gold should be able to buy said house.

"Maybe but that depends on the vendors," says O'Dimm as Vincent listened carefully to the words O'Dimm used.

"There is more than one vendor?" asks Vincent as O'Dimm smiles.

"That's why I like you. Yes, there are two since it is a family business lead by two brothers. They have the house but it contains something they want," says O'Dimm informing Vincent as Vincent caught the hidden clue.

"And our friend wants what is inside it as well," says Vincent as O'Dimm nods in agreement.

"Most likely," says O'Dimm as Vincent sighs.

"So blood will be spilled after all," says Vincent when O'Dimm smiles.

"Not if you present them enough gold to forget about what is inside it or you just temper with their brains," says O'Dimm as Vincent sighs again.

He hated to temper with the brains of other people if it wasn't necessary like he did with Kirvena and the people that were prisoners of the bandits before.

"I won't tamper with their minds. I already broke a rule that I put in place myself in my world. I won't go against another one even if I have to find another way to find my student," says Vincent as he looked at O'Dimm seriously making him understand that there are limits he won't cross.

"I understand that. Anyway, I will wait for you to fulfill his last wish and we will talk again afterwards," says O'Dimm before disappearing as always.

Vincent could hear that Olgierd began to walk the stairs up. He waited for Olgierd when Olgierd was near him Vincent says, "Your next wish takes us to Oxenfurt but you most likely knew that right."

"Yes, but I can't enter the city," says Olgierd as he should be somewhere else at the moment.

"What do you mean?" asks Vincent as Olgierd scratches his head.

"I'm a mercenary that joined Redania in this war and need to follow orders. If I am seen in Oxenfurt they will see me as traitors and try to attack me and you," says Olgierd as Vincent nods in agreement after thinking for a while over it.

"Is a high-ranking person in Oxenfurt at the moment?" asks Vincent as Olgierd nods.

"None other than the King of Redania himself, Radovid V and his wife, Adda the White. They are on a ship in the haven of Oxenfurt," says Olgierd as he informed Vincent about it.

"The King and Queen of Redania in Oxenfurt. I might have stricken gold by accepting this offer of O'Dimm," says Vincent as he looked at his shadow with a smile while taking a piece of paper out.

"Vlad, can you kidnap the King and Queen of Redania without trouble?" asks Vincent as Olgierd looked confused at Vincent when suddenly a hand came out of his shadow surprising him.

"Of course, my Lord. Do I take them to Vengerberg?" asks Vlad as Vincent smiles.

"Of course," says Vincent as he sends a message to Briin telling him that VIPs were coming to Vengerberg.

"Can I kill the rest so no one knows that the King and Queen disappeared?" asks Vlad as Vincent nods.

"Yes, but make sure that no find the corpses. The best would be to store them in the ship while you take the King and Queen away," says Vincent when he suddenly cut into his hand and filled a jar with his blood before sealing it.

"Once in Vengerberg give this to Serana. She hasn't eaten for almost three days and I don't know when I will return to her," says Vincent as Vlad takes the jar full of blood and stores it away.

"Of course, my Lord," says Vlad when Vincent stretches his hand towards Vlad telling him to drink.

Vlad didn't asks twice as he drank the blood of Vincent until the wound closed then Vlad says grateful, "Thank you, my Lord."

He returned into Vincent's shadow when Olgierd who was shocked by everything that just happened asks, "Why do you have a Vampire in your shadow?"

"Long story short, he is my bodyguard for life and a close friend since we know each other for a pretty long time. He saw all my children grow while he was in my shadow. The only time he isn't in my shadow is when I am doing it with my wife," says Vincent since Olgierd didn't need to know that he has more than one wife.

"Anyway, you should go to the Crookback Bog and find an orphanage in the swamps. I will meet you there once I have dealt with everything in Oxenfurt," says Vincent as Olgierd looked at him confused.

"An orphanage in a swamp near the Black Dragon? You just want to kill me, don't you?" asks Olgierd as Vincent smiles.

"The Dragon is the one who opened the orphanage and he isn't near his mountain since you are standing in front of him," says Vincent as his real appearance appeared showed for a second before it changed back in an instance shocking Olgierd even more.

"Wait are you trying to become some sort of Dragon God?" asks Olgierd remembering that Vincent said that he was at the border of becoming a divine.

"No," says Vincent as he looked at the sky.

"If I become a God I want to represent something that I represented my whole life," says Vincent as he then looked at Olgierd before leaving for Oxenfurt while saying, "I will meet you in the orphanage."

Vincent arrived at Oxenfurt after walking for some hours following the path on the map when he sees guards protecting the bridge that leads to Oxenfurt making Vincent smiles as he used ice magic to freeze the river so he could enter the city.

Once inside he looked at the invitation and see that he needed to wait for five days until the auction day. He searched for an Inn while whispering, "Good Luck, Vlad."

His shadow separated from him as he entered the inn to take care of the King and Queen of Redania.

Hope you like it

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