
Killing Ice Wraiths with Style

A week passed and Vincent made a perfect mask that resembled the schematic as he was giving it the last touch when Mina entered the smith and sees the final result.

"It's a beautiful steel mask, for who did you make it?" asks Mina as she passed her hand over the mask.

"It is for Flemeth and Mannimarco. If Marco has to look at Flemeth he should be looking at her real face," says Vincent as he was working on something else at the moment surprising Mina that he was working precisely not taking a glance away.

"Are those eyes?" asks Mina seeing them as she then looked at some schematics that were laying on Vincent's Designing Desk.

"This is a whole head that you are creating?" asks Mina as Vincent nods.

"That's right," says Vincent as he finished with the eyes two days ago and was giving them the final touch.

"Flemeth is living in a metal golem and I want her to meet Morrigan's grandchildren so I want to help her," says Vincent as he puts the eyes besides the mask.

"They always wanted to meet Flemeth even if she was too busy working," says Mina as she saw the schematic for the skull and says, "The skull is next it seems."

"Yes, it is quite easy that it became the hardest to make," says Vincent as he had an idea about how to make the skull for it, and with the eyes and mask on it would make Flemeth look like a normal person.

"It feels more like you pity her for what happened with Morrigan. You have told Morrigan a secret that was hers to tell making them have a shaky relationship that became weaker when they discussed about Morrigan marrying Garrett," says Mina as Vincent sighs.

"That could be one reason but another can be because Mannimarco served the Empire and made a path for the Empire in the field of Science and he should be rewarded for it even if he doesn't want to be compensated for it," says Vincent as Mina smiled at him.

"So you are doing it for your friend like when you gave Vlad a wine bottle of your blood as a gift," says Mina as Vincent smiles.

"You could see it like that," says Vincent as he hugged Mina and kissed her.

"Let's talk about Ciri then. She has been training hard under Orug. She is quite young but Avallac'h told me she has quite a powerful bloodline," says Mina as Vincent looked at his wife angry.

"No!" shouts Vincent as he knew in which direction this conversation was going.

"You haven't even finished hearing my proposal yet," says Mina with a sly smile.

"And I will say no again. She could be our Descendant for the Divines' sake," says Vincent as he looked at his wife.

"Just think about it a son that could bend space and time like your father," says Mina imaging it already.

"I won't marry her. She can marry Orug if she wants. The boy hasn't been married his entire life. He even has my blessing to do so. Maybe I should take him with me when we go to Ciri's World," says Vincent when Mina hits the back of his head.

"What was that for?" asks Vincent as Mina looked at him angrily.

"I didn't know that a Highwind is a coward that flees when the battle is too hard to win," says Mina as Vincent smiles now.

"You won't bait me into it so give up," says Vincent as Mina then smiled.

This surprised Vincent as she says, "Then I will have to ask someone for help. He will be accompanying you all on that journey."

"Nope," says Vincent as he looked at his wife.

"I know that you want to call him so don't do it. I won't marry anyone except it is a Mer," says Vincent firmly making Mina understand that it was final.

"Fine, but remember that she would have been a perfect candidate for your harem," says Mina as she was about to leaves the smith.

"And don't call for Sheogorath. He is too hard to deal with," shouts Vincent behind Mina that left.

"But she is right. I need to look after Ciri once I'm done here," says Vincent he began to smith the skull for Flemeth's head.

It took him one and a half weeks to complete it as he made a mechanism for the mouth so she could open it making it more natural before putting everything together.

The mouthpiece on the mask was modified from the earliest result so it could move as the eyes on the mask were made into the eyelids. Vincent was trying to create a masterpiece it seemed when Ciri entered the smith.

"When are you going to train me?" asks Ciri not seeing how hard Vincent was working.

"Once I'm done here. Isn't Orug teaching you?" says Vincent back at her as the head was almost complete.

"Why are you even creating something like that?" asks Ciri as Vincent looked at her.

"It's for a friend of mine. She lost her body and had to transfer her soul into a Golem. I want her to have at least a face so she and her lover can be together again. She must be quite embarrassed about her new form," says Vincent as he explained it to Ciri as he finished it.

It wasn't perfect but it was the best he could do with the technology he had near him as he sent it towards Mannimarco so he could surprise Flemeth when Vincent turned to Ciri and says, "Well, now that I am done we will resume your training again. I hope you won't regret it."

Vincent stood up as he seemed larger than before in Ciri's eyes when she asks nervously, "What are you going to do to me?"

"I'm going to train you seriously from now on. You will be trained as hard as everyone else in my family," says Vincent as a portal opened in front of Ciri, and Vincent entered it while saying, "We will meet each other on the other side."

The snow was coming out of the portal as Ciri entered it. She found herself on a snowy mountain and Vincent touched the snow and says, "This is the place I called home for a long time."

"Home?" asks Ciri as she was feeling cold because the temperature was quite low.

"That's right, we used to live here. It's the perfect place to train you," says Vincent looking at Ciri as she was holding both elbows with her hands showing that the mountain was quite cold.

"I was trained in the tongue here and I trained my children in it as well. All my Men's and Beastfolk's children needed to learn one Thu'um under me while my Mer's children learned three. You will learn one as well under my tutelage as I learned under the Greybeard," says Vincent as he was holding his sword and shield.

"But you must earn it as we all did before you," says Vincent as he rushed at Ciri.

Ciri reacted rapidly as she drew her sword and blocked Vincent's sword when the shield suddenly slammed into her face and torso sending her flying some meters backward before she landed into the snow.

"That was unfair," says Ciri thinking that the fight was over when suddenly Vincent's sword came for her head.

She closed her thinking everything was over when she hears the sword entering the snow beside her. She heard a scream and Vincent says, "We are not alone."

Ciri looked to the left finding an Ice Serpent beside her when more suddenly appear floating in mid-air making Ciri ask, "What are those Serpents?"

"Ice Wraiths, the only live in cold areas. They made their nest here, it seems. I should have come once a year to clean this place so they don't think it is abandoned," says Vincent as he takes a breath before shouting, "YOL TOOR SHUL!"

Flames leave Vincent's mouth as he burned them all down with his Fire Breath making Ciri open her eyes wide seeing Vincent do that.

Vincent then spins around himself with his sword before jumping and change to his ax and strike at the snow, making the snow leave the ground as the force behind the swing was so strong that the Ice Wraiths got crushed by the pressure.

Ciri was surprised as the ax disappeared and gauntlets surround Vincent's hands. He jumped over a bunch of Ice Wraiths and manifested a beam of energy that vaporized them.

Vincent continued as he broke the Ice Wraiths with fists, elbows, feet, knees, and thins. Then his gauntlets disappeared and a Black Two-hander appeared in his hand.

Vincent was surrounded by darkness as it began to spread over the ground scaring Ciri as a spiky ball of Darkness appears in Vincent's hand before he throws it at the remaining Ice Wraiths when the ball suddenly blew up making the spikes on it grow impaling the Ice Wraiths killing them all.

The Darkness returned to Vincent as he looked at Ciri and says, "I feel too much hesitation coming from you."

"What do you mean?" asks Ciri not understanding what Vincent wanted to say with that.

"What I mean is that you need to stop questioning if your enemy is a good or bad person. Once on the battlefield, he or she is your enemy. He or She won't hesitate to kill you that's why you never won a sparring against the others," says Vincent as he put the sword on his shoulder letting it rest there.

"With every move, you hesitate your enemy has a window to counter-attack you. The battlefield is no place for feelings. Everyone on both sides thinks that they are right," says Vincent as he looks into the sky.

"You are fighting in a war and still hesitate instead of fighting with confidence stepping against your enemy," says Vincent as he looked at her.

"My enemy is too strong," says Ciri as Vincent begins to laugh out loud.

"Have you ever fought against a horde of Dragons before and came out of it as a winner but your whole group was killed leaving only two people to tell the tale of that fight," says Vincent looking at Ciri as he could see that he was intimidating her too much.

"What do you desire Ciri?" asks Vincent as Ciri looked at him confused when Vincent says, "Close your eyes and imagine it in front of your eyes."

Ciri does so and she finds herself in Kaer Morhen surrounded by the four Witchers and Yennefer. Vincent could see her smile when he says, "Now think about what will happen to the thing that you desire if the Wild Hunt wins."

Ciri sees Kaer Morhen burning and falling apart. Lambert and Eskel were laying on the ground decapitated. Vesemir was hanging from a wall. Gerald was being tortured by the Wild Hunt while Yennefer was in a cage waiting for her turn.

Ciri was furious as her power manifested but Vincent didn't budge away staying by her side while the snow around them made a circle showing the ground.

"Good now try to control the power that awakened right now," says Vincent as he was trying to guide Ciri to master her powers.

But it seemed that she was losing control as she was having a nosebleed making Vincent knock her out. He puts her on his shoulder before carrying her down to High Hrothgar.

Hope you like it.

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