
The Dragon: Reborn

An Old Bruce Lee x DC fanfic I made a couple years back but never got to finish. I decided to post the old chapters for the hell of it, lol. The writing might be a little garbage, but if hey, if you like it, give a comment or something. I was a huge Bruce Lee fan, still am! Got posters of him hanging on my walls along with DC heroes. I decided to share this story when I saw it again today

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12 Chs

Caught up in a Battle

Bruce Lee entered into his room and locked the door. He flicked the lights on, took off his shoes and walked towards the bathroom to take a quick shower. As he walked in and looked at the mirror, he grew extremely baffled.

"What the hell happened to me?" Bruce came face-to-face with his younger self with shorter hair. He quickly reached out to his face, touching and pinching his skin with disbelief. He looked exactly like he was when he was around twenty years old. "How did I become so young again?"

Perhaps he was just seeing things; his mind is all messed up. He'll worry about that later. He needed to wash clean himself up. Maybe his mind will clear up once he takes a nice, hot shower.

Steam seeped through the room as Bruce opened the bathroom door. He had just gotten out of the shower and donned on a white bathrobe. He hung his wet clothes on a hanger to let them dry out overnight.

He thought his mind would be all cleared up with a nice, quick shower. But, when he looked at the mirror again, he still looked exactly like his younger self. As if he had accidently dipped himself in the fountain of youth. He needed to call up his wife and tell her what happened to him.

Everything felt so crazy for him. Bruce sat on the bedside and held the hotel phone by his ear. Then, he dialed up the number and waited.

"We're sorry, but the number that you have dialed has been disconnected or no longer in service. If you feel that this an error, check the number that you have dialed and try again."

"What?" Bruce Lee slowly dialed up the number again, making sure that he entered them correctly.

"We're sorry, but the number that you have dialed have been disconnected or no longer in service."

"How is this possible?" Bruce Lee grew more frustrated as he tried again. Three times. Four times. Yet, he kept hearing the same message over and over. Wait, maybe he could call up his closest friend who he trusted, Taky Kimura.

He had first met him 1959 and ever since then, they had been best of friends. He was his first student when he opened his JKD school, his first assistant instructor, his best man at the wedding and his life long friend. Bruce knew Taky would help him.

Yet, there was no luck. He tried again over and over with no result. McQueen, Coburn, Kareem. Nothing. Bruce slammed the phone down and ran his fingers through his black hair in frustration. What the hell was he supposed to do now?

Suddenly, loud gunshots and yelling muffled through the walls. It came from the halls. Bruce Lee quickly laid low as loud cracks echoed, and he made his way to the walls. He brought his ear up against the wall to listen closely on all of the commotion.

"Get that fuckin' bitch!" Bruce heard more yelling from the other side of the wall followed by another round of gunshots.

Bruce had to do something; it seemed like they were going after one person. Bruce silently crawled to the door and slowly opened it, allowing only a crack for him to see through. A black silhouette streaked by through the cracks. However, Bruce couldn't get a clear picture of what that person looked like.

Then, he saw four more men in thick jackets and camo pants. They suddenly stood right by his door with their backs faced towards him. Loud gunfire erupted again, solely aimed at their target. Bruce knew this would be a perfect time to strike since they are unaware of him.

Meanwhile, Catwoman slipped and rolled out of their line of fire. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself; these fools had such terrible aim. In her hand was a large suitcase filled to the brim with cash. She found information from various sources that Two-Face was planning to purchase some weapons from Penguin tonight.

Two-Face sent out some men to finalize the purchase and bring the weapons back to him in secret. Catwoman took this small opportunity to rob the cash from him. Oh, how she could imagine the look of Two-Face when he heard that all of his money were stolen by her. It made her strangely excited.


"Shit, who the fuck is this?!"

"Ah, get this fucker- URGH!"

Catwoman quickly turned around to find out what just happened. Her beautiful, emerald eyes widened with shock. Four armed men were lying on the ground, down for the count. Standing in the middle of it all was the handsome man that she had met before. Bruce.

'So, he wasn't just all talk,' Catwoman was surprised to say the least that he was able to take down four armed men in seconds. The only other people who she knew that could do that was The Batman and his sidekicks. Just where did this man learn how to fight like that?

"Hey, are you alright there?" Bruce Lee asked. "You didn't get hurt, did you?"

He found the woman in the black suit strange. Why was she being chased by armed men? And what's with that weird get-up? If he had to be honest, the suit looked quite alluring.

Bruce scratched his head. This day just kept getting weirder and weirder. Catwoman, on the other hand, just kept her silence. She glanced at him for a moment before she turned around and ran off towards the other direction.

"Wait!" Bruce Lee shouted. He quickly chased after her.

However, Catwoman was already at the window and quickly jumped out before Bruce had anytime to catch up to her. Bruce was incredibly shocked. This was the fifth floor! Any normal person who jumped out from this height could die!

Bruce quickly leaned his head out and looked down at the street. However, he couldn't find any traces of that mysterious woman at all. Where the hell did she go? Magic? Bruce couldn't explain how that woman could have disappeared like that.

Meanwhile, an armored truck raced through the streets of Gotham. Following behind it were several police units. The armored truck weaved through traffic in an attempt to evade the cops, but it remained futile.

"These pigs are startin' to get on my nerves!" One of Penguin's goons leaned out over the window and fired off multiple rounds at the cops. Few of the bullets managed to pierce through a tire, causing one officer to swerve out of control and crash right into a parked vehicle.

"I want these weapons secured immediately, you got that?" Penguin's voice spoke through the walkie talkie.

"Not a problem, boss."

The driver stepped on the gas pedal. Black smoke spurted out from iron pipes as the truck roared with ferocity. The truck smash through any car that happened to be in its way. Suddenly, a black motorcycle drove beside them, and the driver? He was simply smiling at them.

There was only one man who wore red, yellow and green.

"Shit, it's Robin!" One of them yelled out.

"I guess it's time for Robin 2.0 to get to work," Robin latched himself onto the armored truck with a grapple gun.

Dodging all incoming fire, he jumped onto the roof of the armored truck and dropped in the passenger side with devastating kick. He knocked one of penguin's goons to the ground. Then a fight ensued between him and the rest of penguin's goons. It took a while and bit of struggling, but he managed to take down most of the goons. It was only the driver left.

"Hey, Robin, I'm going to try to flip the truck over," Batgirl spoke through his earpiece.

"Woah! Wait for me to get out at least," he responded.

"No promises," Batgirl giggled.

Up in the night skies was Batgirl, gliding over the armored truck with her cape. She was soaked in the cold rain, but she didn't care. This job was more important than a little discomfort. Batgirl folded her wings and dived down to gain more speed onto the truck. She was ready to pop those tires like balloons.

She saw Robin fly out of the truck with his grappling gun. Now it was time to rock and roll. Batgirl swooped down like an eagle in front of the truck. She made sure that there were no cars in the vicinity before she dropped spikes onto the road. Soon, the tires exploded as the truck ran over them.

"Oh, fuck!" The driver lost all control of his driving, and the truck suddenly tipped over. The truck smashed into the ground with a loud boom. Sparks flew all around it as it slowly slid to a stop.

Batgirl smiled and made her way out of the area before the cops were here. Soon, Commissioner Gordon and the cops arrived on scene with guns drawn.

"Hmph," Gordon looks up at the sky as a black shadow disappears above the rooftops. Then he commanded his men, "Move slow; keep an eye out if you see any movement."

Up on the rooftops, Robin and Batgirl stood side-by-side as they looked below at the scene.

"Nice work, Barbs," Robin complimented.

"It's all in my repertoire," she smiled.

"Robin, Batgirl get back to the Batcave; we're going to apprehend Penguin," Batman's voice interrupted them.

Robin sighed, "C'mon, let's go back to Batman."