
The Dragon Queen and her mates.

Mature content: ‘You are not my craving my dear, you are my obsession.’ “ She was our light and we were her darkness—- and just like every opposites we were obsessed with the idea of having her.” The Evil Empress, the one whose life was filled with debauchery and betrayal to her mates was supposed to die tonight. Being the Empress of the Dragniere Empire and the mother to all dragons, she was supposed to live a life where she lived for her people and the country, her exquisite powers were alone enough to make her the ruler of the entire continent and with her face that was as beautiful as a shining pearl in the moonlight, with hair as fine as Pima, and her curves so luscious that any man would have died of desire with just one glimpse. With powers that were beyond humans, shrouded with the air of aristocracy and with a personality that was as cruel as Medusa, The Evil Empress continued to rule over the people of her Empire with her tyranny. Brianna Cage, nicknamed ‘ Bree, The hellion’ for the convenience of her acquaintances was a rowdy young woman. She had a fierce sense of justice, she was dependable and despite not being the most beautiful woman in her department, she was sought out by a lot of men because of her alluring nature, she rejected them all because in truth she was in love with —— all the Daddies in the comic books she has read. Behind her aloof and dependable persona resided a Weeb who was always cheering on the characters of her favourite books. One day she came upon the book ‘ The Maid’s route of survival of the fittest’ and decided to read it just for the heck of it since the Empress shared the same name as her. But soon Bree found out that the Empress was the Villainess, she even betrayed her mates one by one and what was even more gut-wrenching she was killed by her mates! All for the sake of the maid who reincarnated into the book with a system to help her. Bree though angry decided to throw the book at the back of her head but oddly enough the book vanished and Bree found herself waking up in the room of the Evil Empress just three weeks before she was executed by her mates! Startled but not having the time to freak out, Bree started to take care of everything that the Evil Empress has done wrong. She thought that she would be able to live a peaceful life away from her bloodthirsty mates who didn’t seem too fond of her. But unfortunately, things didn’t go as she planned as five sets of eyes fell on her despite all the precautions she has taken against them. And once those eyes locked on her, they refused to let go of their possessiveness. The Evil Empress was theirs, to begin with who dares take her away?

fairytail72 · Fantasie
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243 Chs

Dragon, witches and mages.

"Briana Cage! Briana Cage! Hello, I am talking to you!"

That was the last thing Bree heard before she tripped over the stairs of her company and fell unconscious—— now one would think that the direst situation that might arise from it would be a concussion period! And maybe if the odds were not in her favour, a fracture. That should have been the case, after all trying to get away from an obsessive stalker who has been coming at her rather strongly was not something that she was facing for the first time, Bree didn't know why but for some reason, men were charmed by her.

She wasn't beautiful, at most she had a cute face and her curves were not exactly what one might call ' sensual' but still, the number of proposals that she received was no less than Dani, the beautiful Queen of her office. This was why that woman often made trouble for her during office hours.

Anyway, what she was trying to say was that her face was average, her figure was average and her life that was below average.

So, can someone tell her why was she sleeping in a bed that was rimmed with gold? With bedsheets that seemed to have been woven from the softest silk? And what was up with her hands? Her hands might be rough but they weren't like this——

And if you are thinking that she was going to say all soft and fleecy. Boy, you are damn wrong, that wasn't what she was going to say, nuh-uh man. Her hands were hard as steel as if even a bullet won't be able to get past her skin, Bree raised her right hand and slowly scratched her skin with the left, just as she expected neither a scar was left behind nor did she feel the prick of her nail, it was as if the long nail that was carefully manicured was made out of fluffy cotton candy.

She stared at her skin for two seconds before she jumped out of her bed and looked around—— was the stalker so creepy that he dragged her unconscious body out of the company and ….

Bree shivered instinctively, she might not admit it ever in front of Dani who seemed to think that the number of men she slept with determined just how desirable she was but the truth was that Bree at the age of twenty nine was still a virgin. Shocking, yeah but that was the truth, and she would really hate it if she was to lose it to some creepy stalker.

Bree was still panicking when the door to her room was pushed open and in came a group of fancy looking maids. With their head bowed, carrying a bunch f things they greeted, "May the blessings be upon, the Dragon Queen."

" Huh, what?" Bree's mind that was panicking immediately went blank—— Dragon? Dragon Queen? Didn't she know this title from somewhere? At first, nothing came to find and then she stumbled like she has been knocked by an invisible wall.

Before turning around, and rushing to the only French window that was lighting up the entire room. She pushed open the window and ran to the grand balcony that was even bigger than her entire apartment and that was when she saw it—— Dragons, witches and mages.

The sky seemed to be dotted with various creatures as if this was nothing but normal. Bree's head swayed and she slid down on the pristine white marble floor, her mouth agape as she stared at the mythical creatures that were flying in the sky.

And while staring at them, only one thought came to her mind. She was doomed, completely doomed.


" Empress, should we help you bath?" asked the head maid, at least Bree thought that the woman was the head maid. She was dressed in a blouse and skirt that looked nicer and more elegant than the others, and her aged face had a stern expression on it.

Bree waved her hand. " I don't want it, leave me alone for now."

She was still reeling in the fact that she got transmigrated to a story and that too, in a villainess character. What was she supposed to do now ——-

' Ding: Stop the Empress from throwing you out. Reward: Ten love points from The master of the magic.'

Bree's head snapped up and her gaze immediately locked on the frail looking maid that was looking hesitant. Just as described in the book, the female lead had an alluring charm to her, she had a palm-size face that was so pale that it looked like she was permanently sick. Her long white hair was like a deep contrast against Bree's raven locks that were as dark as coal.

If she wasn't wrong then it was because the evil empress dragon form was a lava dragon. The dragon form of the Evil Empress was said to be so dark that in the dead of the night no one was able to spot her, this was why it was the author said that if the evil Empress wanted she could have taken over countless countries.

Unlike The Evil Empress's ugly dragon form —— the female lead shifted into a beautiful white canary that was loved by the Empress mates. Because the female lead was so cute no one was able to deny what she wanted, in fact, she was so beautiful in the eyes of the Evil Empress's mates who were betrayed by their Empress and mate, that for the sake of giving their secret moonlight a formal name they ruthlessly murdered their soulmate.

Bree clenched her fists though she understood what might have gone in the head of those mates of the Empress when they planned to kill her, she had no desire to play along with the female lead much less, humour her.

So, she tried to remember how Empress Brianna presented herself in the book. Before she coldly swept her gaze at Harley, otherwise known as the female lead and ordered imperiously, " did you not listen to me? I said leave me alone?"

Harley flinched, and the group of maids that was leaving immediately turned around. Surprise flashed in the head maid's eyes as she hurried over and pressed her hand on Harley's shoulder before bowing. " Forgive her imprudence, your majesty. She is still new——"

"That's the only reason she is still standing alive with you, or else" Bree didn't finish as both the head maid and Harley shivered. Then the head maid started to drag Harley out of the Empress room——

As Harley was dragged out Bree could hear the Ding Ding Ding of Harley's system.

Ding: We can't leave now, or we will lose the love points.

Ding: Stop the Empress!

Ding: The task ——

Only when the door of her room, shut close did Bree breathe a sigh of relief as the annoying sound stopped ringing in her head.